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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2023 in all areas

  1. With the climate changing as it is, snow machines are not going to be a viable business soon.
    2 points
  2. Thanks again for having me along. That was awesome. We fried up some walleyes on the Coleman stove. Not many eyes in the area we were camped but we had a tip from a board member about a spot nearby that had them. 40km round trip is considered nearby on Nipigon lol. Trip of a lifetime to be sure and grateful to experience it with some very capable boat captains and great guys.
    1 point
  3. Really kicking my own ass for not being able to go but there will always be other years!! Looks like a great time was had by all
    1 point
  4. I know this is a fishing board, but some of us are also hunters. FWIW, PayPal is anti-gun. I refuse to deal with them. Sorry for the hijack. Doug
    1 point
  5. We also had a what I would consider to be solid opener. most certainly could have gone better, the morning cloud cover seemed to have the smallies pretty negative. We broke down and had to finesse fish to entice bites until the sun came out, then a flurry of fish hit the boat. Our bag was 18+lbs, couldn’t complain about that.
    1 point
  6. It was a pretty good week on Loughborough. Some days the bite was pretty tough, other days it was magical. We caught good numbers, and generally good size, largemouths. The smallies were smaller and not that plentiful, where we were fishing in the east end north of the marina. By far, the most productive presentation was a wacky worm, on a weightless hook, in neutral colours. We had three LMB in the four pound class, but (without a scale) I do not believe we broke the magical five pound record. Doug
    1 point
  7. It's utterly disheartening to witness fishermen resorting to deceitful tactics in competitions such as these, tarnishing the reputation of our beloved sport.
    1 point
  8. Just looking at that Cominsky guy, he has that sleazebag look to him.
    1 point
  9. I’ve got an update to this one unfortunately. went to Los Angeles a couple of weeks back, hotel prices are ridiculous however I dug hard and found what I thought was a decent deal in east Hollywood. $280 us per night. get to the hotel, the front door is locked, we eventually get in, the place is essentially under permanent lock down. get to our room, it’s clean enough I guess but the glob of someone’s hair on the wall is whatever, the what looks to be blood stains on the towels, ok…then my wife notices some ants making their way across the ceiling following along the wall. I think whatever it’s a few ants passing through it’s not the end of the world we will manage, we get ready for bed and that’s when the “ghetto birds” start chirping, non stop LAPD helicopter pass overs at low altitude, hovering around directly by our hotel for a couple of hours, finally they buzz off, I can try to sleep on the rock hard double that they called a queen. 3:30am I wake up in a daze and I feel something crawling on me, I’m thinking I’m just delusional, I turn on my phone flashlight and there’s an ant crawling down my arm. I then notice the bites all over my hand, I stand up and ants have taken over our bed! I wake dawn up and say let’s get the absolute hell out of here, we pack up and go to the desk to explain that we are leaving and that we would like to cancel the rest of our stay and the guy at the desk tells me he’s not giving me any of my $1000 for the rest of our stay back. Had to go through my credit card, but still had to pay for my 4 hours of sleep with the ants.
    1 point
  10. My Dad joined the Navy in 1940 and his brother joined the army the same day. Both gave up 5 years of their lives to help beat Germany and both came home safely at the end of the war. My mom's brother flew bombers over Europe and sadly was killed in 1943 when his plane went down. My dad's father spent WW1 as a sniper in the British Army in the trenches of France and said he killed far too many people but it was something he had to do. He was hit by shrapnel and awarded the Military Medal but made it home in 1918. Thankfully he lived a long and wonderful life in Ontario and I was lucky enough to love him till I was 35 years old. 3 of my mother's uncles fought in WW1 with the Canadian Army and also all made it home. I'm always very proud of my family and the contributions and sacrifices they all made to help make the world a better place for the rest of us but especially on November 11. My Dad home on leave. And Mom's brother delivering Airmail in Ontario before he started flying bombers.
    1 point
  11. It was the 80's and I was playing in a "touring band". By touring, I mean playing some of the stickiest floored establishments from Windsor to New Liskeard. We were playing in Barrie, right downtown during their annual street party. The hotel provides the band with "accommodations" while playing there. We load our personal items into the room, only to discover the following... -light switch for the room is a coat hanger, hanging off of two bare wires in the switch box -there is graffiti covering every square inch of every wall in the place. we spent hours reading and laughing -there is no shower, only a massive bath tub. Written in black marker on the inside of the tub, a picture of a cockroach and a note saying "go ahead, get in"! -We quickly discovered that it was best to leave the lights on, all the time! We turned them off once, the walls and floor began to move! We also made sure that all of our bags we sealed shut as best they could because we didn't want to bring home any uninvited guests -we were required to play a Saturday afternoon matinee. up on stage, doing my thing and I look to my left, at the bar and the entire top of the bar is moving! La cooka racha are racing up and down the bar. -Barrie was celebrating some kind of street party as mentioned, down town street is completely closed off. Now remember, we are a rock band and as such, we didn't usually hit the hay until sunrise, too jacked up from playing. At 9:00am sharp, this massive pipe organ on a flat bed truck starts playing. It's right outside of our window and shaking the entire building. I have grown to hate pipe organs! -back the Saturday matinee... locals we encouraged to come up and play a tune with the band, we were happy to do it. A guy shows up with his guitar, we greet him enthusiastically asking him what song he wants to play... I kid you not, this is how the conversation went. Local - "do you guys know "slow moving Walter, that fire engine guy?" (DEAD serious) Band- looking at each other thoroughly confused... "no, we don't know that song" "Can you maybe sing some of it for us?" Local - starts humming the following "Bah bah bah, bah bah babha, bah ba ba, bah bah. (Smoke on the water) Dude thought that Smoke on the Water, Deep Purple was "Slow moving Walter, that fire engine guy". There are more, but this is the one that I'll never forget! HH
    1 point
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