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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2023 in all areas

  1. The Queen did it again! Left the pickeral alone and drove around looking for pike.. lol.. took us an hour to get 300m from camp... even had a double header at one point. Then back for wings and a nice warm fire and movie!! I even let her beat me at cribbage. Also had , at one point, 6 golden eagles hunting over camp, we usually see them in pairs, so that was something I've never seen before. Probably about a 5 foot wingspan. Rainy day today so a good day to sit by the fire and read.. get some quiet time in. Oh.. and no more wondering whats going on at camp when were not there. Got this handy camera to keep an eye on things while were gone. One tiny bar but it works like a charm! Even managed a couple small pickeral the evening before to have for breakfast. Place is full of smaller pickeral... even after 15 years here I cant for the life of me find the bigger ones...
    2 points
  2. Im well over 65 myself, but still consider myself a young gun lol
    2 points
  3. Yes, you did not need the updates if you don’t want them and you can still use the card for all functions you already have however you may want to see if there are any free updates that are av today and update it if there are
    2 points
  4. That explains a lot...even though you were sitting on the bow casting platform, you didn't want to turn on the Helix I have mounted up front...but if you're catching fish...who cares...lol
    1 point
  5. SOLD!!! I got to thinking (which is a dangerous activity for a man like me), and I realize that I spend very little of my time at the stern of the boat where I have the graph, and rather spend most time on the bow casting platform with the bow-mount electric. I already knew why guys have two (or more) graphs, but did not really want to have something else up front in the way. So I do not actually spend much time looking at the graph and learning how it works. The last time I REALLY understand my graphs, it was a Lowrance X-16 (paper) in the boat, and a Lowrance Z-6000P portable everywhere else. I really did understand them. But I also wore a younger man's clothes.............and my head wasn't full of all the KNOWLEDGE from the last 30 or 40 years. πŸ™„ Doug
    1 point
  6. I think I need to hire one of you folks for a morning to teach me how to use my Helix..........πŸ™„ Hey Doug....next time we're out, I'll do a little more show & tell. We were probably too busy with the Crappies and yakking about everything else to spend any time in class.. Just remember, keep pressing "VIEW" until you see the screen the way you like it...πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  7. OK, we have success! With the aid of a set of "cheaters" (I don't wear glasses), and a bright flashlight and a set of needle nose pliers I was able to get the micro mini teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini SD card out of the clever hiding place and got it updated. Hallelujah! Hopefully I can also put it back. Thanks for all the helpful advice! I think I need to hire one of you folks for a morning to teach me how to use my Helix..........πŸ™„ Doug
    1 point
  8. Many thanks! IIRC it was you who showed me (with a photo on here) how to find the teeny little slot where the card fits. I am going to look for that right soon! Doug
    1 point
  9. No, you'd plug your card into your laptop, the Navionics app would pop up and it would tell you to update them. Do that before your subscription is over.
    1 point
  10. Hydrocharts don't change all that much. If you've got current updates you're good.
    1 point
  11. Agree with the above...but just learned something...Navionics is based in Italy. Who knew.
    1 point
  12. I like my tail both ways... 😎
    1 point
  13. Not a "Young gun" but Terry is correct. Your card will still work as it always has, you'll miss out on any updates going forward. I usually renew every 3-4 years but lets face it, the bathymetry really doesn't change that much
    1 point
  14. Same on my lake in FMZ18. A few days ago some clowns were bouncing baits off my dock and shoreline, as I'm sitting there. When they caught a Bass they even posed and took photos of it. When I called them out on it, their response was "don't worry, it's cool dude, we're all catch and release". I tried to explain to them that the males are guarding the nest, and pulling them off even for a few seconds allows other fish to gobble up the fry. They argued with me, then eventually gave me the finger, and took off.. There should be some kind of written test before they issue fishing licenses.. https://www.outdoorcanada.ca/fishing-for-nesting-bass/
    0 points
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