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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Some ugly weather forecasted ,so got out this morning so I could get some bug orders done the next couple of days. Thursday is looking good. The thing about fishing the area I do,there is no beat,n down path,so dem drifts were a pita. No worries though. Slow and easy gets ya there. Lots of bait again LIKE. Whities stuck again to the bottom, LIKE. Well ,one did take the high hook blood,
    3 points
  2. The new MOD is taking time off to go fishing? 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
    3 points
  3. Walking conditions weren’t too bad, maybe 3” of snow. We had a decent day, lots of little ones with a few jumbos
    3 points
  4. Last pic has some neat colours. I wish I could buy Muskie lures like that.
    1 point
  5. I can’t help my addiction for hunting largemouth. Had one of my best seasons last year. Refining what I love to do which is flippin an skippin. Some green porn for y’all
    1 point
  6. We did the trip a few years back. We went mid-summer so most of the fish had left the river and were back out in the ocean. That being said the fishing was incredible ! Quantity and quality. We stayed in Shippagan and fished the waters around the Lemeque and Miscou Islands. This area is just to the north of the mouth of the Miramichi, and mostly protected from the open ocean. We would cruise along the shoreline looking for gulls diving on bait balls (herring) on the surface, and cast into them. Brought all kinds of lures, but the best bait was the local favorite...1oz white bucktail jig tipped with a chunk of mackerel (which you can easily catch by the bucketful). Best top water lures were 9" RoostaPops in silver/blue. In the ocean, using currents and tides to their advantage, these fish pull hard. You will not be over- gunned bringing Musky tackle. It was like catching 20lb Smallmouth. My arms hurt for weeks after this trip..lol We also surf fished from shore. The beaches of Miscou Island are absolutely beautiful and loaded with Stripers. We wet waded using 9ft rods that we would use for pier fishing salmon in Ontario. Stripers are great eating...firm mild white meat that holds up on the BBQ without falling apart. Between that and the local lobster, oysters, mussels and clams...we had a seafood smorgasbord every night. I know you're thinking of going in the spring...but the east coast during summer is beautiful....no rain or storms in the entire week we were there.
    1 point
  7. He held a contest once. I won a custom painted lure. It has caught fish. 😀
    1 point
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