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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Headed out this morning for some shallow white fish. I was out on this spot last week for the first time. Ice this year on Simcoe is so sketchy near the big lake. Rolled into my parking spot with fog covering the lake. Decided to slow my roll and take my time loading up the smitty and get on my way. Boy, this is hard for a guy that is out there set up and ready an hour or more before day light. Age thing I guess. Game plan was to walk to a shallow starting point,then work my way to the drop. As I am loading the smitty, I am thinking,do I really need the heater and hub ? Sure glad I did load it on,as the damp fog with -5 temp,was a bit for my old paws. Got to my set up spot,drill , drop camera to see bottom. Looks good. Pop up the hub,turn the heater on and drop. Didn't take long and they were coming in. Thought wow,going to be a good morning. Hit right off the bat on the high hook blood worm tie. Reel up a 12" juvi whitie. Watching the screen that big yellow blob on the bottom was breaking apart. Turns out, it,s a pack of juvi whities. After the sun broke the fog away,I could see where I was walking. So packed the heater and hub for the rest of the morning and moved a bit deeper. Same thing. A bit deeper,same thing. Moved again for the 4th time. SAME THING. Nothing but juvi whites. Once I moved to the drop, there were no juvies,and,there were no other fish. I am not complaining at all about this morning. I know in 2-3 years,those little fellas,they going to be my dinner. Great to see. THEN, 10 AM it started. Boom,roll,bang,roll,boom,growl. That sun was making that ice very unhappy already. I actually felt that ice lift and drop. That was enough for me to say,I,ll come back another day. LOL It even had another guy say,you feel that ? Yup.
    4 points
  2. This morning was a 1 hour window. The bite was fast and furious for that time. They were chomping on the ice grubs. Orange and green. Then the sun was putting a beating on the ice already. It was non stop loud pings and groans. Pressure cracks were starting to open and even the small ones that were 8" were starting to sink and water pools were starting to form. Off by 10 am. Kept enough for a fresh feed. Got my perch fix for now.
    3 points
  3. If you notice with all those ads pushing EVs they never talk about any of the negative issues like replacing 25-$30K batteries after 7 years or the fire issues with electrical shorts that even firemen won't touch because its so dangerous, let alone dealing with a northern environment like Canada and having enough power to drive the car along with all other power demands like heating, lights at night and availability of charging infrastructure. It's all about alarmist climate change and making money. I believe China has the biggest supply of Lithium in the world too so that's another huge issue. Here's an actual study and it didn't have to get very cold before performance dropped big time.https://tnc.news/2023/02/10/rcmp-evs/
    2 points
  4. Very nice!! Great pics 👍
    1 point
  5. Gezz Bro, watch your self, don't do the dip like someone I know😱😀
    1 point
  6. All ads are a form of propaganda to sway the manufacturer’s ideals on the public. You say the mfgrs are following what the people want. I say they are working hard to convince people that EV’s are what they want. Hence all the expensive advertising. No offence taken with what you posted. When I used the word propaganda I’m not talking propaganda like what Hitler, Goebbles and the Nazis used in the 1930’s to change a countries mind set. I just hate when big businesses try and lead people down a path that they may not have ever gone. I don’t dislike the EV but it’s hard to find stats on what the estimated EV’s total environmental footprint is or will be. I’m talking right from the manufacturer of materials (batteries especially) required to build, to maintain and the disposal of the vehicle at the end of its useful life. I wonder if the EV is as green as “advertised”? I believe that battery powered cars are here for the interim; that's until the hydrogen fuel cell and or hydrogen internal combustion engines are perfected. Even Tesla is working on hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Elon Musk has stopped calling them fool cell vehicles now that he’s looking at throwing his batteries in the garbage. BMW and Toyota are in bed together trying to perfect a hydrogen combustion engine. BMW actually have one version of it’s engine in vehicles running around Europe. So lets keep the thread going and I will try not to use words that may offend. Dan…
    1 point
  7. "If you notice with all those ads pushing EVs they never talk about any of the negative issues" l don't disagree that EV's have some issues or that they make sense for everybody in every situation....but advertising your product is not "propaganda". Just like McDonald's doesn't talk about its French fries making you fat...or Toyota telling you need to change the oil four times a year in its commercials. It's a free marketplace...you absorb the information from advertising and your own independent research and you make a buying decision on what's best for you. I don't believe we're being fed "propaganda" in some nefarious plot by 99% of the world's scientists in some kind of "alarmist climate change" scam. If it's all about "making money", do you really think the auto mfgr's want to spend billions re-tooling for EV production ?
    1 point
  8. Doug well over 20 years ago a huge beaver dam between a lake at the north end of the watershed and Kipawa blew up and smallmouth were accidentally introduced into the lake. They have since migrated south at a rate of a mile or two each year and by now have reached well past Hunters Lake with the odd reports of them reaching down to the south end by Red Pine Chute. There is now an excellent fishery there with Smallies 3-5 lbs being common. If your buds want to have great Bass, Walleye and Laker fishing in a pristine environment then that's where you should be going, Loughborough won't even compare so far as a fishing adventure goes. I follow Alwaki and Kipawa lodges and as far as I know Alwaki is still taking bookings. Same offer goes for you, I can really help you out with maps etc. I guaranty you and your buds would never regret it. Check out some of the pics here. https://www.kipawalodge.com/ Cheers
    1 point
  9. There's great smallmouth fishing in Kipawa depending on where on the lake your at - maybe you can change their mind I know not everyone is thrilled with that but I love it - walleye morning/evening and bass in the afternoon. You can see some in this shared photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KAvuCnQGR64iXagX8
    1 point
  10. I'm confused. So...a TV commercial from an automobile manufacturer is "propaganda" ? Isn't that called "advertising" ? Like all businesses big and small have done for 100's of years ? The same "advertising" that is governed by laws that prevent "half-truths" and "lies" through false or misleading advertising, ie. fraud in the criminal code or state legislation. What are the "half-truths" or "lies" that Chrysler, Hyundai, GM, etc are promoting in these commercials ? My original statement was just an observation that the mfgr's currently can't keep up with demand for EV's. My wife waited a year for her EV...I'm sure BMW would have preferred to have her money much sooner. So my point was why do they need to bother to advertise EV's at great expense if there's already a waiting list. Well perhaps I should've elaborated...yes, in business there are other reasons to advertise than just getting the immediate sale...building the brand, protecting market share, customer awareness, etc. I just think using the term " propanda" implies something nefarious on the part of these mfgr's. They, like any business simply want to promote their products. There is obviously a big demand for EV's...for a lot of people (not everybody) they make sense. The mfgr's see that's where the market is headed. I'm sure the last thing the auto mfgr's want to do is to spend a bunch of cash re-tooling their plants and re-training their workers in switching over from ICE vehicles...which they were perfectly happy to produce for the last 100 years or so. Please take no offense...like I said, I'm just confused on why you would use the word "propaganda" to describe an ad for a pick-up truck.
    1 point
  11. Want to share with you guys something I found at a yard sale. I had no idea they made them this big. I'm used to using the little guys (not sure of the number) about 2 - 2 1/2 in. long for trout, perch, white fish etc. and have had nothing but good success with them. I told the guy having the sale, this for deep sea fishing, he say's yeah, real deep. Any way after our chuckle I got it and an arm full of other goodies for three bucks. I wish he'd had the rod and reel that was used to jig it. Not that I'll ever use it except in my dreams but a cool wall piece.
    1 point
  12. Gentlemen First I’ll apologize this went in the fishing place and not the other place Both of you had very valid post which caused me to do some serious investigating what I could out is that I will go with a hardwood top with a very tight cell structure. I will be prepping the poo out of the surface sanding and sealing and finishing. Spar varnish still stands above most multiple coats and sandings. Thank you both I will update on the results over the winter. I knew the answer was here!!! cheers Peter
    1 point
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