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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Just got word Tim Hales has huts out. ( I am NOT SAYING IT'S SAFE) but I do trust Tim and his staff to get me out there and make sure I get back in. I was beginning to think I wouldn't get any perch fishing in before I head to Myrtle Beach this year.
    1 point
  2. Mine was my thoughts on going electric... LOL
    1 point
  3. My post was 100% in the name of humour
    1 point
  4. Warren Buffet bought Occidental Petroleum last year and took a significant stake in ExxonMobil.
    1 point
  5. About 55 years or so ago I had a black crappie in the freezer that was quite big that I caught at Stokes Bay I was going to have mounted. It was cold this one day so I though I'd defrost the freezer. I put everything outside in the baskets. Upon bringing every thing in the house and back into the freezer I noticed my black crappie was missing. It had to be my German Shepard, He never touched the beef or anything else just the crappie. I think he was ticked off at me because we hadn't been fishing for a spell as I seldom went without him. We never did see it again, not even the bag it was in Haha. I've never caught another that big. Happy Days.
    1 point
  6. I would love to Geoff but I will be on my way to Myrtle Beach to get my fill of whitings, clams, oysters.....
    1 point
  7. Yeah just a year ago they were saying don’t invest in anything to do with oil, bitcoin is the way to go
    1 point
  8. Nuclear power (despite the fear mongering in some media) has proven to be very safe. In the over 65 years that we've had 100's of nuclear power plants around the globe...there have only been three incidents. 1. Three Mile Island...failed due to human error. Basically the equivalent of the Koebel Brothers from Walkerton were running the plant at the time. 2. Chernobyl....constructed and operated by the Russians... see their track record with commercial aircraft...I think enough said.. 3. Fukushima...impacted by a tsunami. The likelihood of that kind of event in Ontario is nil.
    1 point
  9. Nice job Simon. Every time I see one of your videos/post I start planning a road trip.
    1 point
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