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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in all areas

  1. We all know those days when we say to self,I need this,that and ya,more if this. Well today was the day I finally figured out,I really do not need more,well I do,but will have to get another station to store it. When I started fly tying I had a small box given to me by Fisherman, a plain vice and some supplies. Just wanted to have something to do on those non fishing days .Once I realized there was so much to tie, well, I need to buy more of this,more of that and ya,some more of everything. About a week ago,I was told I had to get my mess cleaned up. Was not sure what she meant,as I knew where everything was lying around. HA HA HA. Well she was right,I had stuffed stashed here and there,bags of stuff here,box or 2,3,4 over there. Ok I get it now, so I picked up a new storage cart to go with what I already had bought to store my stuff. I started off with a small 3 drawer thing,then bought the multy drawer thing. Figured that was good enough,but now my new station with the addition of the 12 drawer seems to have gotten 3/4 of my stuff out of bags,boxes and off the floor.I have I have more stuff then I thought,but I need it ALL. 😂 When she gets home,I am sure she will be pleased,but shhhhhhhhhhh, she can not know I just bought a bunch more supplies today, that I need,want.
    2 points
  2. I was going to visit my sister this morning; it was about 11:30 and decided to grab a burger at Micky D's before heading to St. Thomas. This Mc Donald's shares the lot in a small mall. As I pulled into the lot, I saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. He was holding a cardboard sign, that said "I'm hungry can you help?" I didn't think much of it and went on to the drive-through and ordered my burger and fries. As I was driving out I saw that this homeless man was now laying down, all curled up into a ball. I stopped and went over and asked him; if he was ok. He sat up and said that he was hungry. I went to my truck and gave him my burger. He gave me a very sincere thank you and a handshake. I have never even thought of doing this before, but it felt good that I may have helped someone. Dan...
    1 point
  3. Don't see 'em this big too often... not in Ontario anyways. Just 1.2 pounds shy of a record. A "HUGE" one through the ice captured on a short video. Link: One "HUGE"... LINK!!! Cool catch! Stoked. Bunk
    1 point
  4. Yours B, are “organic,” made locally with lots of TLC, and a cold one. Field tested by many satisfied fishers. Well worth the extra cost.
    1 point
  5. I guess I am guilty as well, I have way to many bits, parts, and pieces of assorted metal scraps for making brackets and such. I just can't seem to throw them away. They never fit into the bucket or stand in the corn right. Art
    1 point
  6. Do not be fooled. If I open those drawers,things will pop out. Yes,I learned to do tight sheet corners,but not in the Army.LOL
    1 point
  7. You could make it in the army, all well organized and you already have a Sergeant Major to keep you in line, lol.
    1 point
  8. I talked to Conner at Lynac, and you are right, he is a great guy and answered all my questions about batteries. What size battery were you running on your trolling motor? 60 or 100Ah? Trying to figure out what I need, I am not a tournament guy, but I spend a couple weeks up north every summer and sometimes can't charge for several days so I need capacity to go 2-3 days between charges. My old boat had two group 27 lead acid batteries, 24/80 Terrova, but it was an Alumacraft 165 tiller, the new boat is a 185 tiller, bigger, wider, heavier. Any input is appreciated!
    1 point
  9. Last summer, I ran Lynac Lithiums for the entire summer and cannot say enough about them! I never came remotely close to running out of juice even though we did run out of gas LOL eh ARKISONER? They charged up real quickly, I don't believe that it ever took more than about 4 hours to fully charge them each evening. If you do the math at $642 a battery and you'll probably get 10 years out of them.(They come with 7 year warranty) it makes sense to spend the extra money now and never have to worry about power. BTW I also noticed more power with my trolling motor. Anyway a great Canadian company out of Thunder Bay with great customer service! If you're looking for new batteries, check them out www.lynaclithium.com
    1 point
  10. I'd like to see more of a hybrid system for trucks. When I go north I need both pulling power and range.. going 1400 km in one day in an electric isn't feasible right now..
    1 point
  11. My son texted me a pic of my small (under 4' when opened) feeler gauge set? I thought what the hell is this about, and then he explained. He goes on to say, Dad did you ever think that when you bought these feeler gauges, they'd someday be used on a prototype Corvette? Not sure what the issue was (a vibration of some sort) with the Vet, but my son was called in to try and help find the answer? He knew where he had to measure was going to be very tight, that's why he grabbed my small feeler gauge set. After rectifying the issue with a few shims; Andy was offered a ride in the prototype, with the test driver for GM in this 2024 corvette. "Dad this is the fastest car I have ever been in" A nice feather in his hat at GM's Michigan proving grounds. Not to brag (Yes I am), but he's being noticed by the heads of engineering of Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC. When he was 10 or 12, he said to me that one day I want to work at a large company, building cars. His and my dream has come true!!! Andy was raised here in London Ont. He went to UOIT in Oshawa and has his BA in Automotive Engineering. He was offered a job as an engineer with GM in Warren Michigan. This was after he sold his design (working at Cooper Standard at the time) of the 2016 Camaro, Corvette, and Cadillac engine mount. He commutes from here in Ontario to Michigan most days. "Dad I'll take their US monies, but I am Canadian and not going to live south of the border". Proud!!! Hell Yeah!!! Dan...
    1 point
  12. For rent,air filled dingy for those that what to save gas money. Rental is $50 an hour per rider. Max is unsure,but if your sinking,to many riders. Environment friendly. Electric motor not gas. Cheap cheap.
    1 point
  13. YO SON,It,s Louisianan style happening in the condo today. Made some popeye chicken on a Brose bun. Fries and slaw. Pretty simple to make really and you know what your eating. A couple of chicken breast pounded. Wet 2 cups Butter milk, table spoon kosher salt,2 eggs and a bit of heat. I used sriracha. I did not go crazy , but after eating,I could of went a few degrees more. Put chicken in the brine and let sit in the fridge for 4 hours. Dry 1.5 cups of flour,1/2 cup corn meal ,garlic pepper and chilly powder to taste . Work the breast well in the dry. Cover every where you can. In the fryer for 8 min per side,reach 170 deg internal. Double fries Sauce is mayo.tangy dill relish and katsup. Top with dill pickle. Pretty darn good for my first try.
    1 point
  14. IMO the main purpose of a FF on ice is to keep the fisherman entertained. That way he stays longer and catches more fish.😁, It puzzles me when my buds put their FF Xducer in the hole before they put a line in. It doesn't matter to me if I am marking fish or not for the first little while.
    1 point
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