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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Don't see 'em this big too often... not in Ontario anyways. Just 1.2 pounds shy of a record. A "HUGE" one through the ice captured on a short video. Link: One "HUGE"... LINK!!! Cool catch! Stoked. Bunk
    7 points
  2. A few weeks back I was lucky enough to head south to Costa Rica for a week of R and R It was mainly spending time with the family, chilling at the pool and learning the phrase - Cerveza por favor! We did do some excursions, wet a line and I think I now want to buy an ATV lol This was my second time to CR and I loved it - the wildlife, topography and people are second to non IMO Here is a full write up and below a few of my favorite pictures https://www.northernjacks.com/post/pura-vida Andrew
    1 point
  3. Headed to Wawa for the weekend Through LSSP. Beauty day to travel. Sunny and cool Lotsa snow Like, lotsa snow. Got the Vector stuck 10 times, the Voyager almost the same 4 hours to get a couple km into camp 2 wore out dudes at the end of that day. We took the easy way out the next day. 30km to our second choice lake. It panned out ok Pretty good weekend all in all. Couple shots at camp
    1 point
  4. Good thing you had your Zebco with you....
    1 point
  5. MONSTER!!! Right on, stoked for sure.
    1 point
  6. Looks like the next few days will be primo for walking about. Last day tomorrow for lakers and whities on the Lady. Going to be so nice when the season opens again during soft water. I can cruise around with the electric on the float boat.
    1 point
  7. I'm thinking that a lot of people are overlooking Hydrogen cell fueled vehicles. Yes, it'll mean stopping at a fuel station, and eventually, we might get gouged again price-wise? But we can produce our own hydrogen at home right now. At this time I do not know of a system that can produce enough (homemade) hydrogen to supply a vehicle, but the way technology is going it won't be long before there are systems; as long as there is consumer demand for it? With hydrogen, there is no high voltage battery pack to power the electric motor(s). There's no gasoline or diesel-fueled engine to charge batteries or power the vehicle. Safety-wise, if there's an accident that ruptures a fuel tank (cell), all hydrogen wants to do is head for the shy and as fast as it can! Where does gasoline and diesel go, possibly feeding a fire? Some Reading And a bit more reading Sorry but duel fuel (Electric/fossil) is a double jab up the ass. One last thought, what is the environmental impact of building all these batteries? Let alone what do we do with them when they are burnt out? Dig a deeper hole to bury them? Dan.
    1 point
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