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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2020 in all areas

  1. I’M NOT ADVERTISING COSTCO, just passing on information I have been a member for many, many years, My gas bill savings are great and pays for my membership year after year. Since this virus started in March I noticed when getting gas that consumers were coming out with carts full at 9 and website stated open at 10!!!! WTH. Went at 9 yesterday and same thing and asked when does this location open? 8 am for seniors! hey I’m one of those. Went back today at 8 and was done at 8:20. If you are a member take advantage of the hours. ONLY as a senior. They are now having limits of paper products but the rest of the items are open to all. you can go back twice if you want. BUT be RESPONSIBLE on hoarding items, we need to help our neighbours too. Share, please we are are all human. Keep well, we need to overcome this situation.
    2 points
  2. Had a chance to join a buddy and his son for a Muskie charter yesterday. We went out with Fish Lake St. Clair charters, Ian is a very good boater (never had a minute of worry in his boat) and the man worked his butt off, trying to get us on fish. He had the boards set up in less then ten minutes of being on the water. At day break the wind and water were calm; so we trolled out of the river on to the lake. Marking lots of bait fish along with what we were hoping to be Muskies in the middle of the mix. About an hour into the troll we had a hard hit on the one setup; but it was gone before even getting the rod out of it's holder. A couple of hours go by, the wind and the chop start to build and decided to go into the river. Not that it was to rough or cold, it was the weeds that were churned up. The plugs spent more time in the boat, being cleaned then they were in the water. Another hour or so goes by and then a good hit. Ian pulls the rod out of it's holder and passes the rod to by buddies son. He hasn't fished a whole lot; but Ian was there coaching him all the way to the net. It It was his fist Muskie and the largest fish he had ever caught. (42 inch) I'll let the pic tell you how the young guy felt. Next was my turn up and I was gifted this 44 in fish; had a blast landing her. You can see in the pic that something during the life of this Muskie; had taken a bite out of its dorsal fin? We ended up with three fish boated (No pic of #3) and had a great time out there. At first I thought why isn't he releasing that fish right away. Then he explained that this narrow tank stops the fish from thrashing around and holds the fish upright. The inlet water hose enters the tank to flow fresh water over the gills. He leaves the fish in there for 5 or so minutes to revive itself. The a quick pic and in the water it goes. This fish took off like a rock when it was released. Dan. Here Ian was showing the proper hold for these fish.
    1 point
  3. I don’t think there is no such thing as the perfect boat .. But I do think a tiller is as close as it gets.Yes full windshield all covered in would b nice but how do u fish properly? If it’s windy u have a sail and pushes the boat . If ur trolling and u gotta stick it tight a tiller is the only way to go .. drifting the same .. I guess if ur old and can’t keep warm in a tiller u r probably just trolling under the canopy ... long runs on a open lake ya dress like ur goin on the snowmobile...jiggin trolling casting drifting and staying vertical a tiller is downtown..But that’s just my opinion
    1 point
  4. Skunk out of HH today, but that's Gbay muskie fishing for ya. Weather was mint! Back at it tomorrow, going to try a different section of water.
    1 point
  5. Gas ? I paid 89 cents last week at ours. BONUS. Did you know 55 is a senior ? Yup,I was asked my age,told them and they said,have a nice day sir. Only time I never said,DO NOT CALL ME SIR. LOL
    1 point
  6. It's bin awhile , was off the whole summer due to layoff because of covid, been back since mid Aug working from home, but bringing this thread back to life, I've smoked a lot lately ( at least once a week ) here's a few I've done lately...I finish off the smoked burgers on the BBQ, this is a reverse sear, I do it for steaks and chops also....enjoy so in order Pinapple jalapeno marinated beer can chicken pizza attachement for my smoker Brisket smoker pizza Jalapeno dr pepper jerky pork shoulder smoked burgers ready for the BBQ
    1 point
  7. Bill's got it. Planner boards in close for Bows by Bronte or 16 Mile. Surprisingly I did best with Chinooks in close at Bronte this year with plastic Shad Rap RS lures. Better than my usual Japanese lures and I was also using light line. This time of year bows like small baits in my experience. Light line as well, like 6lb maybe 8lb. if you are using expensive lures. The water will be cold so it will also be very clear and bows have really good eyesight. Browns even more so.
    1 point
  8. You won't ever regret that decision
    1 point
  9. I always say if you can't fish with confidence, fish with determination. Just chuck n' wind lol.
    1 point
  10. Here's a fox in the chicken coop story. When I was a kid on the farm, Dad raised chickens for the eggs. One night he heard a bunch of squawking coming from the coop. He grabs the shotgun and out he goes. When he opens the coop's door there was it was a red fox in the corner; with a chicken in its mouth. Dad raises the gun and pulls the trigger; just as the fox made a dart to the hole he dug under the wall. Dad missed the fox; but shot the chicken that the fox dropped. LOL We teased Dad about that for the next 50 years of his life. Been fox or should I say chicken hunting lately Dad? OH man do I miss the old bugger. Dan
    1 point
  11. The neighbourhood cat came to our place last week with her babies. They do a good job taking care of our leftovers.
    1 point
  12. It’s the coy dogs I’d be taking aim at around here. Lately they’ve been milling about town right at peoples doorsteps at pre-dawn as people are heading out to dog walk before work
    0 points
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