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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2020 in all areas

    2 points
  2. My bill was $19.26 last month 😊 I do hang my laundry out to dry whenever I can all my lights are led all my appliances are energy efficient and I am very careful .
    1 point
  3. You have to apply on line. Here is the link for Alectra https://webforms.alectrautilities.com/AlectraForms/fnform.aspx?ROSRC
    1 point
  4. Heard Walmart is not Price Matching no more Take it or Leave It Attitude
    1 point
  5. We have to do what we have to do Wayne... we've had my MIL locked up in her Toronto apartment since March 9th. At 85, we don't want to lose her as we lost my wife's Aunt. And, as Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid"! You just have to try and not let them drag you down to their level. HH
    1 point
  6. I am doing price matching using this app. Do not have to drive around chasing deals.
    1 point
  7. Oh but Joe.. "it's not happening to anyone I know". Locked down here since March.. protecting my honey. Even our own kids don't come in the house, as they are both essential workers. One is running a township and the other designing all the new long term homes. Can't imagine what we'd be going though if #3 was still with us..
    1 point
  8. The wife makes this,I refuse to eat it. I tell here cabbage rolls are cabbage rolls, and I am not lazy. I make them traditional with added meat balls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PERIOD.
    1 point
  9. I've been lucky with buying from US retailers. A lot of them offer free shipping within the states. So I have things shipped to a place called SCC Parcel Pickup in Port Huron. SCC Here's the lucky part for me. My son works for GM as an engineer in Warren Michigan; he is considered an essential worker and can cross the boarder. He lives here (Ontario) in Warick and commutes. SCC is a ten minute detour for him to pickup any package I've ordered. Costs you 5 bucks for them to hold it for you. Having some things shipped direct to you from the states, can most times cost more then what the item's value is. Duty is one thing; but the brokerage fees are crazy. Dan.
    1 point
  10. Well, this crap is getting real, real fast! My wife is a Principal, K-6 with a "DD" wing as well. A full 50% of students are doing remote learning, leaving approx 250 kids still attending in person. As of this morning, there are SEVEN confirmed cases of teachers testing positive. One has been hospitalized. One student is positive. One of the teachers who is positive updated my wife yesterday on her status and compared the symptoms she is enduring, shake shivers etc, as being worse than when she contracted Malaria! Folks, this is NOT the time to be complacent. I can't understand why this school and the others who are likely in the same situation aren't closing!!!! If you can. please consider bringing yourself and those you care about back to a self imposed Stage One. And wear the freaking mask!!!! HH
    1 point
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