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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2020 in all areas

  1. I had been sick since about a week before Christmas, nothing serious just a cold that didn't want to let up so I wasn't feeling quite up to snuff. Being the stubborn old fool that I am and the fact that the weather report was calling for freezing rain starting on Dec. 29/30, we left Lindsay a couple of days ahead of schedule. The afternoon of Dec. 28 we loaded up the car and headed out, the plan was to get far enough South before the storm hit that we'd miss the freezing part of the storm, turned out to be a good idea! I had decided that I wanted to cross at Gananoque, I realize it isn't the shortest route but I find it to be the easiest, the border crossing is always quick and a I like traveling I 81, it's a nice highway and you don't seem to get as much snow as you would coming down through Buffalo. We spent our first night in Gananoque, it's only 2 1/2 hours from home but it meant we could be up early and cross the border and get a good day traveling in. Dec. 29th, up early and across the border by 6:30 am, beautiful morning, sun shining, no traffic, set the cruse control for 5mph over the limit....By 10:00 am the rain started, I don't think I have ever seen it rain so hard, it was like driving through a car wash but it wasn't freezing. I just slowed down and made sure I watched out for the other guy. We pulled into Winchester VA (I go that route rather than going through Washington) about 4:30 that afternoon and I was exhausted, fighting this bug and driving through hours of heavy rain; all I wanted to do at that point was crawl into bed and sleep. We found a room right at the exit, filled up with fuel, grabbed a light supper and I'm sure I was asleep by 6. Dec. 30, up had breakfast and on the road by 6:30 am. Cut over and picked up I 95 for the last leg of our journey. The weather had cleared considerably, a little fog, the odd shower here and there but pretty good driving for the most part, by 1:30 we were in Myrtle Beach. Our reservation wasn't until Jan 1 and our unit wasn't ready yet so they found us a unit two doors down for the night (that's just the way they are down here). Dec. 31, by noon they had everything done and we moved in, did our shopping and got settled. (to be continued it's time to get dressed and head to the pier 🙂
    3 points
  2. To all the people claiming rust ate the vehicle... did you rust proof? I hear people complaining about rust all the time.. but never thought to rust proof. Krown, fluid film ect.. the stuff works if applied correctly. My '12 ram is spotless.. I've seen '15s rusted out already.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. I've fished gull a fair bit, but I go on my own, and have my own machine to travel the lake. I can't say anything about the operator, but he is just in miners bay, within walking distance of the parking area. Theres some decent lakers in there, but most are small. You get the odd whitie, and herring cruise through fairly regularly. Also has ling.
    1 point
  5. For sure, although I still don't know how they didn't call that puck over glass that hit the TSN camera, it was out of play. Gotta love Canada Russia gold medal games, hard to beat for entertainment. Cheers
    1 point
  6. Spectacular comeback, and a few lucky bounces/calls...….. They never quit! Great win for a great group of kids. 😁
    1 point
  7. It was bound to happen once the byes came on.
    1 point
  8. I think no matter what the brand, there will always be melons and aces. Certainly the Toyota's have excellent ratings and a buddy of mine can't shut up about his, but he conveniently never mentions the manifold gasket he had to get replaced within a year of purchase. Plus the most work it ever does is tow a 19ft boat, so who cares about rated towing capacity. No doubt about quality and endurance for the most part, but you sure do pay for it. Meanwhile my 2001 1500 GMC 1500 Sierra 4x4 with the 5.3L that I bought for $5200 seven years ago is still running great at 330k. It was bought by a GM dealer mechanic for his wife to commute into Ottawa daily so I knew the maintenance was not an issue. Yea I've had to do body work, brake lines, front end and other expected maintenance over the years, but my yearly costs are nothing compared to buying a new truck. Happy New Year. Cheers
    1 point
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