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  1. exactly, I know you're not happy with your Dodge, but I think you easily could have had bad luck with a Silverado or F150, Tundra or Titan too, it's a crap shoot, but these guys buying stuff from GM dealerships in and around Oshawa should actually be throwing Molotov cocktails through the front windows of the dealership instead of buying vehicles, our gov't sucks and is useless, all we've got left is our buying power, the GM dealerships around Oshawa should be dusting off cobwebs, but they're not, it's busy and business as usual, it's mind boggling
    2 points
  2. Just started another pork belly for bacon . Do not mind paying primo for a piece of quality pork belly. This time I am going to salt cure first for 5 days,then brown sugar for 1. Think my salty taste came from the brown sugar trapping salt on the meat . Also have you seen the price of smoked pork hocks ? Stupid crazy. I picked up 2 chunks for $4 at Starskys in Mississauga . That is already a savings of $10. Have them in a brine mix same as I used for the turkey breast . Will leave for 3 days then throw in the smoker. Make soup mid week with them .
    1 point
  3. LOL so now you want it both ways. First you complain about all haters and now it's too quiet.
    1 point
  4. Can’t say I agree about it being a crap shoot, My immediate family and myself have been burned by each of the domestic manufacturers now. My father was a ford man through and through until the 90’s when he gave up on them. He even gave them another chance and bought a escape for my mom and it’s been stupid as well. Countless recalls and stupid stuff breaking. my truck is a lemon...just straight up...I could make a list of all of the problems I’ve had and the truck has less than 100,000k on it. It’s a joke. my favourite part is that in the winter I have to drive with my windows open because my truck dumps exhaust into the cab. I took it in three times under warranty and it was never fixed. I literally have to turn my heat off at stop lights to avoid being choked out Ford and GM my interactions with their head offices through my work seems to hint at the problems and attitude being systemic in both of them. Go figure the attitude is shared by both companies. ive talked about it at length, from outboards, snowmobiles, quads and cars now, the Japanese manufactures just do the job right. My family isnt even loyal to one particular one! at this moment we have 4 outboards ones a Honda two are Yamahas and ones a suzuki! it can’t just be coincidence that between 4 outboards , two quads, and 4 different vehicles from Honda, Nissan and Mazda we’ve never had an unexpected problem or stupid annoyance with any of them...good riddance to GM. I’m sure their quality is bound to improve even more when they hire more cheap Mexican labour. im sorry to anyone that’s worked for them, they have done you dirty and it’s not surprising. i already know I’m bound to catch flack from the GM or Ford guys on the forum saying “I love my Chevy, dodge, ford, Mercury, BRP” etc etc you bet, like clockwork my rotax 600 blew up with 500km on it. Thank god it was under warranty. brother owned a Chevy cobalt, and a loose bolt went through a cylinder and ended up in his oil pan at 13,000km maybe it’s just bad luck...but It just can’t be coincidence anymore when 10 times in a row the domestics break, and then 10 times in a row the japanese have 0 problems. Fool me once shame on you fool me 10 times shame on me!
    1 point
  5. That sounds scary if i meet one in the fog again 😲
    1 point
  6. I'm one of the penalty minute leaders in my workplace. Lots of arguments, many suspensions, I was fired once but my girlfriend at the time, her Dad was a big boss and pulled some strings and got me back, lol. I have a friend at GM, 3rd generation, divorced with a bunch of kids, he's one of the lucky ones who will be back in the spring but he was really stressed while everything was in limbo. The thing that really bothers me about the GM Oshawa thing is, GM took $11 billion from Canada as a bailout not too long ago, Canada meaning the tax payers like you and I, and they return the favour with moving to Mexico while the company is profitable and netting billions. I hope the guys that have always bought GM think twice on their next vehicle purchase.
    1 point
  7. Since October 31st I've been stepping away from another great employer and a little bit into the unknown. Have never been fired but have been forced a number of times to change the path. Nurses/physicians have high, if not the highest rates of burnout for any profession, especially in both the emergency and mental health sectors, so sometimes it becomes necessary to look deep within and change for the better. Other times, it's looking out there and finding some greener grass then making the move, even if that means taking less income in order to keep happy. Had my back-up against the wall a couple times over the years and walked away. Whether you're fired or stepping down, there's always some stress to go along with that.
    1 point
  8. An electric beaver that’s what we all need
    1 point
  9. Detroit's well rested so we will see if the leafs will show up. Not counting on it thou. Leafs are going to need to put a few in the net tonight like 10 cause hutch will be allowing 9.
    0 points
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