Hi all,
Boat is put away 😭. Snowmachines ready to GO! 😃.
No +℃ forecast for daytime now so the wait begins.
This year was one of my best years of fishing. I did not necessarily catch more or bigger fish, its just because I spent more time on my home lake and learnt lots, i'd say I average 3-4 days a week out there. I caught more walleye on my home Lake Wabigoon than ever before and have a pretty good idea of the fishes seasonal hang outs and patterns which I can now build on. I also fished it later and more regularly than I ever did in the last 12 years.
I spent a few hours every time I went out on the reefs and found some crappy spots for September/October that will need further investigation and tweaking, and narrowed down a few reefs that produce decent walleye right through those months too. I have to say though that I was mostly casting for pike and musky for the last 6 weeks of the season. Being new to this I'm pretty pleased with the results, I did not catch that many big fish, but I certainly am more confident as to where they hang out and a few baits that get their interest, interestingly smaller baits than the collective literature and wisdom suggests to use were the most productive. All in all I would have to say on this lake at this time shallow was best for me and if you can find weed thats still green BINGO! I did catch a few nice Pike jigging for walleye on the reefs and also had some success with pike casting spoons across reefs that have a nice shallow plateau, only a few follows from musky doing this, but one was HUGE!
This fall was the wettest on record, since records began and this spring was the 4th coldest on record so fishing was kind of screwy out there, not even sure the crappy spawned this year as they were not in there usual spring beds, but stayed in the weed and rock piles in 10' to 14' FOW until the water warmed to 63℉ which did not happen until 2nd week of July. The water temps barely hit 70℉ all summer and only registered at that level for 2 weeks max before temps started to drop again, the torrential rains keeping it cool too. Did not hurt fishing other than we seemed a couple of weeks behind 'normal' all year and you had to try different stuff and locations.
As usual with the arrival of fall I start to shoot grouse too, and with the wet weather we had a really good late Chanterelle mushroom harvest. The Grouse hunting was tough compared to usual, might have something to do with the cold, wet conditions, and when you did find birds they were jittery as heck and would be airborne into the thick brush before you could set your sight on 'em. We did get some though and my son Jack is loving hunting and foraging more than he ever did fishing, so we got to spend some quality time out in the bush together.
Looking forward to ice season now, which won't be more than 4 weeks away at this rate, we already have 4" of snow on the ground and I think it's here to stay. Here are some pics from the last 6 weeks of shenanigans...................