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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Susan Dale Bignell Sept. 17, 1946 - Oct. 4, 2017 😥 She started each day with an “I love you!” and she meant it I could tell. Then her face would light up with a mischievous grin, It was a look I knew so well. She would look at me with her big blue eyes, you could see the laughter there. Then she’d shake her head and the sunlight danced, from the streaks in her golden hair. She always had time for a hug and a kiss, she always wore a smile. No matter how busy her day became, she’d listen to me for a while. She always made me feel like a king, or at least let me think that I am. But one thing in this world I’ll never doubt, and that is that I was her man. She ended each day as it began, with one more “I love you!” Then she’d cuddle up and I’d hold her tight, you see, I loved her too! Forever in my heart! Clifford S Bignell
    4 points
  2. The batteries for electric vehicles are improving. Let's face it, electric vehicles are in our near future. There maybe a delay in cold weather areas until it is proven they work ok there. Wonder if we will have all our boat motors replaced with electric ones.
    2 points
  3. Thought I’d write a fishing post. I don’t usually target Muskies alone. I’ve caught some big fish and it’s a 2 man job to do a good job landing and releasing. But yesterday I was bored and I gave it a go. A brisk south west wind blew. Started casting while drifting with the drift dock. As is my habit I cast till I’m tired then troll a while. I prefer the feel of a strike casting than one trolling. 1 minute into the troll a good fish hit. The classic head shake confirmed a fish. She was heavy. I love the feel of a heavy fish. Muskie or salmon. Now came the anxiety of the landing. She came in nicely. Thick string fish. How to do this the best way? To minimize the stress to the fish and avoid getting hurt myself. I had my big Muskie net but I could see she had my Stalker’s big front treble hook deeply hooked into the front of the upper and lower jaw. Two other treble hooks outside the mouth. These, I know, like to get tangled in the net. I decide to land her by hand. Then a quick measure cans pic. Everything went well until she thrashed with my hand in her gill plate. One hook stuck in my jeans mid thigh, but fortunately not in my leg. Out come the bolt cutters to take care of that. Then the other hooks in her yap. No problem. Then back in the water to revive. I was glad to see she swam off strongly. That was an adrenaline rush and a close call. Should have had a bud on board. Probably should invest in a large basket net to do the unhooking in the water. Was a treat but could have ended badly.
    1 point
  4. Matty's got some skillz with a B-Ball too. https://www.bardown.com/mike-babcock-creates-new-leafs-post-victory-tradition-inspired-by-the-raptors-championship-run-1.1376584?fbclid=IwAR1v4zbpKKVfrv1bNttIHW5b2XDUPwxWifdjVwRLzgRdI6Z63WjN_G5gkOw
    1 point
  5. Sorry Glen, that comment was not directed at you it was directed at me.
    1 point
  6. This is one of my favorite ones. "play stupid games win stupid prizes" notacajun.mp4
    1 point
  7. I want one of the new Ford F-150 Electrics coming out in 2021. I wonder if they have a front trunk like the Rivans do.
    1 point
  8. So you are saying that these 500 UN scientists are not paid by interest groups to report that climate change is a hoax?? As ordinary citizens, we have no clue what goes on behind closed doors with the corporations and the politicians. None of us have any idea. Its just our opinions is all. Some believe it some don't. For me as a conservationist and environmentalist, who believes in protecting our natural resources, I will support any action that helps with the reduction of any pollutants that impact our daily lives. No one on OFC is an expert at this. Its just peoples opinions. What we can do as a group is support any actions that will help with reducing all emissions that impact our life. Fishing, Hunting etc...
    1 point
  9. Greta sounded scripted ? , strangely similar, yes it is the the daughter of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJJGuIZVfLM
    1 point
  10. The entire population of Canada could suddenly disappear, all the plants and pollution would stop. And it would not make a lick of difference on a global scale. The CO2 that Canadians produce are sucked up by all of the trees in our country. In fact we have enough trees to counter 10 times the amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphere. Until countries like China, the US, India clean up their act it will not get any better. California has more people than the whole of Canada for crying out loud. It is also not up to us to pay for other countries sins.
    1 point
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