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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I didn't watch this myself but just from the title thought some here may find it interesting. If not, don't shoot the messenger
    1 point
  2. Well you can but it's a trip lol. Couldn't do it without my son for a guide, he does all the heavy stuff (I use to take him fishing, now he takes me )?. Left my son's place early Sunday morning on our ATVs with all our gear for a 15 km trip, beautiful day light wind, it had rained the night before so trails were nice for riding (not too much dust) . This is one of countless little back lakes we like to fish, because it's kind of out of the way not many people bother with it.. We usually do quite well in these back woods lakes, today the fishing was great but the catching was slow. I'm not sure if it was the cold front that came in the night before but we struggled to get fish, the big ones just weren't active. Anyway it was still a wonderful day out with my best fishing buddy!
    1 point
  3. Same here Cliff without my son doing most of the work I wouldn't be doing much Muskie fishing . He said Dad don't worry I'll get you there and unhook all those Muskies LOL . Sounds kike you had a nice day on the water thanks for the report.
    1 point
  4. So as I mentioned, I had signed up for my M2 course since I wrote my M1 not to long ago and I was excited about it. This past weekend was my course a Fleming in Lindsay. Bikes are provided and in good working order. 1st night is Friday from 7pm to 10pm in class. Sat is all day from 8:45am to 4pm on bikes and Sun is 8:45am to 3:30PM including your actual riding test. Oh on Sat 1st thing in the morning if you ever do this be prepared to push the bike around for the 1st 2 hours... Let me say this loud and clear; I with out a shadow of a doubt 100% urge anyone ever planning on getting a M license to take this course!! My 2 instructors were amazing! Trevor (in red in the pic) has been riding his whole life and has it down to a science with the way he talks to you on how to do things like "push turning". This course was worth every penny to me. My only 2 point on my test were going to slow. In the 1st pic I am on the far right of the group shot and the rest of them i you cannot guess, the green and black helmet... Thanks all. G
    1 point
  5. Lots of salmon in Gbay eating cisco
    1 point
  6. Very cool , I am into the antique Yamahas from the 70's mainly. I have a 1972 RD 350, 1972 75/5 BMW, 1976 SX650, 1978 SR650 and a 1984 RZ350 . They are all restored and live in the garage unless it is a nice sunny day and they get to go out and play. Enjoy your bike and be safe everyone is out to kill you. Art
    1 point
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