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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Yup motor drawing too much amps so fishfinder hits low voltage shutoff point
    4 points
  2. I guess it depends on what "anything" means to you. To me, it means wins and a cup, everything else is lip service after 50+years of frustration. Historically, players got paid for accomplishments and accomplishments in this world are defined by wins, playoff wins. Tying up money for players who you hope will win is a fools game. and that all said, I am a huge Mariner fan... HH
    2 points
  3. Just got the news about an hour ago. I won a spot to go fishing in British Columbia, at the Duncanby Lodge. Man am I ever pumped!!!!! Anyone that knows me; they'll tell you I don't get excited or I don't show it. When my sales rep from my main parts supplier, told me the news; I jumped up from my desk, ran over to her and gave her a big old hug. Don't know all the travel arrangements yet; other then we fly into Vancouver and then take a float plane to the lodge. We (other draw winners) leave mid June for four days. I've entered this draw for the last 6 years, (since it started) and never thought I'd actually win a spot. BUT I"M GOING TO FISH THE BC COAST!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! Here's a link to the lodge's website Duncanby Lodge Dan. NO HAPPY HAPPY DAN! LOL
    1 point
  4. I was offered a seat in a buddies 22 foot StarCraft all set up for longlining to go out of Port Maitland at the break of dawn for a few hours. His health is worse than mine. I don't need an alarm clock if it's for a Golfing or Fishing outing. Woke at 04:00 and heard the rain pelting the roof. Opened the patio door facing the lake and got a face full of wind and heard the waves crashing against the break wall. Called Ted and he said no way Jose, maybe tomorrow. Went back to bed.
    1 point
  5. Schedule is out. https://www.nhl.com/mapleleafs/schedule/2019-10-01/ET
    1 point
  6. Well I finally got the boat back yesterday. I decided that ,after weeks of searching for a way around going new or paying those USD price, new was the way to go. Actually cost under 2K to buy new and have them install it. Very happy to be back in business and will be hunting those toothy critters in short order. Thanks for all of the ideas on replacing the old one. Much appreciated.
    1 point
  7. Based on your description of symptoms I would suspect either the potentiometer or the variable speed controller. If I were you I would Google the model number and symptoms. I've repaired numerous home appliances, my hot tub, furnace and water heater by doing this. Even better call the manufacturers tech support.
    1 point
  8. Think this year walleye will be a little later showing up on the east side of Erie. Water is still cold. Now if this year the wind would just be a little bit less and we could get out more!!
    1 point
  9. I'm known to be a pessimist at times. Coming up to my 40th wedding anniversary. I'm told it doesn't count with 3 wives. Actually only 1 was legal. I actually talked to her just tonight for over an hour. I said we didn't talk that much in a week and we lived in the same house. I hadn't even seen her for over 30 years then she came to Mom's funeral service last August and Dad's just last month. She is 64 and looks 40,,,,,,,,,, maybe. I gave her enough bucks for a lifetime supply of Botox.
    1 point
  10. Yeah; whether we fly out of London or TO everything is included. A friend that went on this trip a couple years ago; said to only take tip money for the guides and any souvenirs you may want. Meals, beverages, rain suits, safety gear, tackle you name it it's covered. Not sure about booze; but I'm not going to fog any part of this trip (not to remember it) because of it. LOL I can't believe I'm going. My wife also did the happy dance when I told her. Not sure if it were for the same reasons though??? LOL On a side note Lew; what do you think is a decent tip for a guide (that you're pleased with) at this level of lodge? I have never and could never (with the wife's permission LOL) afford this kind of trip. I want to be fair and can afford a few hundred bucks per session; but want to be informed as to what is a "normal/usual' well earned tip? Dan.
    1 point
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