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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2019 in all areas

  1. It,s white fish and laker opener here on Simcoe. I love my whities. Deep fried ,smoked even pouched. It was a cold start to the morning 0 deg. Get to the toon launch and the wind is light,sun is coming up. Perfect. Launch the toon and I am on my way to my grounds where I knew they would be waiting for me. Here is where we fast forward a couple of hours when me bye Terry shows up. I have bad news bye. Not a single mark. It was disappointing. Terry goes a bit shallower and says he marked. Alrighty then ,good luck Terry is here. Then I mark. Well that was the only 2 marks. We move about for the next 2 hours and nada. Terry says see ya later,I say it,s to nice of a day to head in,so move here and there. I finally mark a couple of fish. Hook up and half way up it buttons. NOOOOOOOOO I stick it out and just chill enjoying the day dead sticking a meegs 3 ft off bottom. Fish comes in. Drop,tap a tap on the bottom and hooked up. This one gets to the net. On the board WHEW. Another hour goes by and not another mark, THEN, it happens. The screen lights up with bait and big fish through out them, bottom 10 FOW. This was at 11am. From then til I left at 11:45 am, I went 11-8. That was stupid crazy action. As soon as I would release one and drop,I had another one one. I was fishing a large flat and those fish could be anywhere.
    1 point
  2. Keeps the hours off the main, nice insurance policy if you have an issue with the main, sips fuel. What's even better is using the Terrova up front for steering and the kicker at the same time.
    1 point
  3. Great time of year for the back yard. The orioles move down to the river once the trees are in bloom. First time for a tanager. The rest just hang out with us all summer
    1 point
  4. Hi BB. No problem. I posted to stick my catch pic somewhere and since your joke to your friend seemed a bit odd so I wondered what you heard/read. You say you read it somewhere so would like to see this thing to find out more of what folks are saying. Good to find out public perceptions. Thanks for the link BB. The laker they both guess to be 7-8lbs which is sadly an older fish. Maybe smaller than their guess but not the young year class we hope to see proof of. Hope this clears it up. Oh and re the Nfld thing I consider our Simcoe fishery to also be 'commercial' with all the commercial stakeholders involved from tackle and bait suppliers to guides/outfitting services and associated lodging/huts. Also like in Nfld many regular 'anglers' here also work for the commercial industry as well. I just hope that 'fiddling while Rome burns' mindset doesn't take hold on Simcoe. We all need to speak up if there is a perceived problem. I disagree that rules can't be changed by us. That's why the perch poll was taken, right? I do see some 'commercial' interests keeping silent on the possible problem and wonder whether expressing concern may put heat on them/chase customers away. I remember some years back trying to get away from lakers hitting my jigging presentation so whitefish had a chance. Boy times have really changed. The whities I cleaned had a couple decomposed gobies but no shiners. Check what yours had in em? I agree 100% that MNR isn't keeping good enough tabs on the pulse of the Simcoe fishery. My understanding is stocking of both species is to encourage natural reproduction rather than to just have a put and delayed take fishery. To this end research is needed IMO to see what is the issue and what can be done about it with minimal impact to anglers. I just hope that draconian measures aren't taken if things get determined late. I recall a northern lake where fishing wasn't allowed due to a laker issue. Sanctuaries/boundary markers were established on shoals and bass/walleye and pike fishing opportunities got reduced due to the laker issue. Don't want that on Simcoe for sure!! I'm here to enjoy fishing also. I certainly will give free advice to anyone wanting to keep a natural though or wanting to chase lakers in my boat. Like you I'm no 'expert' on laker management on Simcoe but seems everyone here needs to understand the possible issue/what's maybe at stake. I have a great lake trout smoking recipe but still try and avoid them. I'd be releasing with trembling hands while drooling. Haha! Ya I saw Trappers post on that. A shame....
    1 point
  5. Winds were crap, got two until I got bounced off the Sound, lol. That's fishing for ya! Really hard to stay vertical with the Terrova out of the water 50% of the time
    1 point
  6. I always said if a fish couldn't catch up to a trolled bait he isn't worth catching anyways LOL
    1 point
  7. Ice is finally gone. Just messing around from shore for pike and bass. Bass still deep, coming shallow(er) to feed, pike in shallow and very active, good fun. Slip bobbers and LARGE minnows.
    1 point
  8. Dinner is served Made a sweet chille, housin and cucumber dressing. Drizzled on top of fish I am stuffed
    1 point
  9. Looks like they get a bit bigger than your typical sunfish. Probably lots of fun on light tackle. https://www.bigcatchflorida.com/eligible-species/mayan-cichlid.aspx
    1 point
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