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Well now that fishing season is into high gear, so is the end of the school year. :thumbsup_anim: Last Friday was Angelina's FIRST graduation into Grade 1! And what a busy day it was because after the end of the day we were headed up north for the weekend. We were so proud of her that day. She has come a long way in the last 2 years! It is unbelieveable to what they learn in 2 years. Dad (Fishindevil) took the pics and of course mom was in the audience shedding a few tears. :whistling: And today after she came home from school, she found a BRAND NEW bike in her bedroom! :clapping: She did not know anything about it and she was so surprised when she saw that shiny bike and we told her it was for graduating and doing so well in school! She is in her glory right now and has not come back in the house since.LOL. Here are some pics of her graduation and her new bike that we wanted to share with all of you!















Edited by fishergirl72

Cool looking bike and I like that she's wearing a bike helmet(safety first). Great photo's, next thing you know she'll be graduating to high school.


Congratulations to her.


Thanks guys! :thumbsup_anim: And Smokey, yes she ALWAYS wears her helmut, if not she DOES NOT EVER ride without it and if she does, she loses her bike for a couple of days, I am very strict about safety.


Remember the days when we moved up no big deal we just moved on.My kids Graduated from Daycare into Kindergarden then like your 's graduated into grade one.My oldest just graduated from grade six into highschool .Wow how things have changed.


thanks for sharing Julie.MTP

  Mike the Pike said:
Remember the days when we moved up no big deal we just moved on.My kids Graduated from Daycare into Kindergarden then like your 's graduated into grade one.My oldest just graduated from grade six into highschool .Wow how things have changed.


thanks for sharing Julie.MTP


I know what you mean Mike, I never remember "graduating" into grade 1 but things change over time.


Great post Julie. They do grow up too fast dont they? You mentioned being proud of her...and you should be...she's a GREAT little girl. The smile on her face really tells the story though. Congrats on a wonderful milestone!

  ccmtcanada said:
Great post Julie. They do grow up too fast dont they? You mentioned being proud of her...and you should be...she's a GREAT little girl. The smile on her face really tells the story though. Congrats on a wonderful milestone!


You got that right Cliff, she is a GREAT girl! And now matter what I will always support her in what she does or chooses! :thumbsup_anim: Thanks Cliff!

  tonyb said:
Proud moments indeed!


Sorry dad, but holy, does she ever look like mom! She'll be outfishing you guys in no time.

We have been told that she does look like a "mini" mom,LOL. And for her outfishing us, I wouldn't doubt it, all weekend she would NOT come off the dock, she wanted to fish, she wore us out.LOL :thumbsup_anim:

  Jamie said:
thats is a very nice shiny bike she's got there...not gonna lie thoutgh the car in the background kind of caught my eye a little more..lol


Yeah I knew that car would catch some attention,LOL I wish it was mine but it is the guy next door that owns it. :D he really takes care of it but hardly drives it, and it does not have one scratch on it.

  fishergirl72 said:
Thanks Nauti! I checked my pm's and I don't have one from you yet :blink::w00t::lol:



Humm!! <_<


This is not the 1st time i have pmed you and you have not recieved it. Not sure what the heck is going on with the email function in here.


I will try again okay hon! ;)

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