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Jack and Dad's 'Uncut Angling'


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Hi all,


Went out for a half hour boat ride while we waited for it to get dark to do some fireworks. Got a few fish and just left the camera rolling for the ten minutes we were fishing, got quite the conversation going, toilet humour at its best. Jack totally lost it laughing when he realized I was recording the whole conversation...I LOVE the little guy....so funny.



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Sorry for the delay replying folks! 1st work, then other stuff, and then 4 days off the grid camping put a dent in my social media activity.




I smiled and laughed all the way through

Awesome father/son moment caught on GoPro hahaha


Thanks Rick, Jack is still laughing about it now, it is so great to spend some decent time with him again, loving that he is out of school for the summer and we get to hang out more. Before I left that evening he showed up at the boat on the shore in tears just before I launched, there was a misunderstanding that he was 'not allowed' to come out with me that evening, so there he running down the lawn to catch up to me before I left , tears streaming down his face saying "dad, i don't want to fish but I really, really want to come out and hang out with you before we do the fireworks", broke my heart to think he thought I was abandoning him, his face lit up when I said of course I wanted him to come, big smile and huge tears on his face...too cute.



Great times


Thanks Bruce, with school out I feel like I have my little man back, things get so hectic with the work schedule i'm on.


:clapping: great memories


Thanks Rick, I was serious about the teenage years textbook, get to work on it please



awesome stuff!




Thanks man!



I dont reply to your threads often enough - love the videos but family time in the boat is about as good as it can get!

Life up North looks appealing - in summer lol


LOL...I love the winter but by March i'm done with it....lol. Just did a three day camping trip with the family, 'real' camping, in tents, on an island....absolutely amazing, did not brush my teeth or bathe for 2 whole days! Finally took the plunge in the lake, it was bloody freezing, lake still only just about 60F...its been a cold spring.


Things i never get to say - Lets go out real quick and get a limit of eater eyes..........lol





LOL...it was not until after we caught 4 in 10 minutes that I realized how good the fishing was that evening, had to really dig deep to go back right away. needless to say I went back out the next evening and absolutely hammered them in the same spot, BEST fishing I've ever had on Wabigoon for walleye, nothing huge, but everything a respectable 16" -17" fat keeper walleye.

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