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Non political thread re: US Federal Gov. cutting funding for Great Lake protection of Asian Carp

Old Ironmaker

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I just caught the end of a news program that the Prez. signed a Executive Order cutting federal spending in the many millions to protect the Great Lakes from Asian Carp as well as other funding for the joint Great Lakes agreement between Canada and the USA. I know the Carp that can procreate are at the gate in Chicago. Please keep any political aspect out of the conversation.


I found this



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When I read this in the National post there was up-roar about the loss of investment " USA politics bla bla bla"

If Government on "BOTH" sides of the great lakes thought it was that important they would do what they could to stop it.



Funny you then see new articles like this https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2011/03/04/man_fined_50000_for_importing_asian_carp.html... Second time caught. Where was the uproar on that.


kill the carp ~ P3TA complains

Put in expensive barrier.. Voters complain

Do nothing.. Easy

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I wonder if Mr. Yangs fine is one of the 3 million in fines relating to fish and game that are so far unpaid.


It has to be remember not all Asian Carp are the ones that are predicted to wipe out all the organics in our freshwater shed. They exist today in he Great Lakes watershed. The difference is those that are already here can not reproduce such as those waiting to breach the control systems in place. That's not to say the infertile Carp don't threaten our waters. If left unchecked even the sterile fish can wipe out all the vegetation if more are eventually allowed in. They predict if they breach the Great Lakes barriers in place in Chicago within 5 to 10 years they will be up as far as the NWT and north eastern Quebec. These fish are highly adaptable and basically produce more offspring by 100's of times more than our average sports fish, they just won't die, warm water or cold and can live with very little oxygen, hell they won't die out of water and can basically walk to where there is water when a body of water goes dry.


There is a concerted effort to make Asian Carp marketable beyond the Asian community. They net them by the truck load in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers as well as others. Apparently they taste very good but for some reason we as North Americans have an aversion to eating Carp. I watched a documentary on them and they were fried up along with Cat Fish and another fish I can't recall and the average Joe chose the Asian Carp as the best. The Pain In The Ass people can kiss my rod, they are fighting the marketing of these fish, fish have feelings too ya know. I need to find that documentary, it was a wake up call for me and will be to anyone else that enjoys fishing our waters in Canada, actually scary stuff if it's 1/2 true.


I need to know what our Feds contribute towards this project annually. If it isn't equitable I can see the US's point of view. We should be responsible for 1/2 the costs. Does anyone here know what are contribution is.


I found it, The talking head PHD Doctor Suzuki narrated, fortunately he didn't author the piece. Please look beyond his rhetoric.



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They predict if they breach the Great Lakes barriers in place in Chicago within 5 to 10 years they will be up as far as the NWT and north eastern Quebec.


hell they won't die out of water and can basically walk to where there is water when a body of water goes dry.



It's definitely a problem, but some of these claims seem a little far fetched. NWT and north eastern Quebec are completely differerent water sheds than the Great Lakes.


The second statement seems to describe a snakehead or walking catfish rather than any of the asian carp species.

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Kiss boating goodbye with those jumping carp

Fishing for native species will deteriorate as they are displaced as they have been in the Mississippi watersheds.

I'll be selling our cottage on Pigeon before values tank.

Maybe a deep isolated shield lake.

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