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MMJ Connoisseurs? VS Scotch Connoisseurs?


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Trump administration’s dubious claims about pot and opioids are dead wrong



The Trump administration hinted yesterday of a forthcoming federal crackdown in the eight states that have elected to regulate their marijuana markets. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer alleges that such federal intrusion is necessary in order to try and stem the rising tide of prescription opioid abuse sweeping across various parts of the nation.

Spicer stated , “I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people (by regulating the adult use of marijuana).”

Yet even a cursory look at the available evidence finds Spicer’s concerns to be misplaced and his allegations to be dead wrong.

In reality, permitting legal access to cannabis is consistently associated with reduced rates of opioid use, abuse, and mortality.

For example, a widely publicized study in the esteemed Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine reported that the enactment of medical marijuana legalization laws is associated with year-over-year reductions in opioid analgesic overdose mortality. Overall, researchers determined, “States with medical cannabis laws had a 24.8 percent lower mean annual opioid overdose mortality rate compared with states without medical cannabis laws.”

The JAMA study is hardly unique. A 2015 examination by investigators at the RAND Corporation similarly determined, “tates permitting medical marijuana dispensaries experience a relative decrease in both opioid addictions and opioid overdose deaths compared to states that do not.”

A 2016 assessment by Castlight Health, an employee health benefits platform provider, reported that adults are more than twice as likely to engage in doctor shopping for opioids in states without cannabis access as compared to states that permit it.

Allowing adults legal access to marijuana is also associated with the reduced use of other, potentially more dangerous prescription drugs. For example, investigators at the University of Georgia assessed the relationship between medical marijuana legalization laws and physicians' prescribing patterns in 17 states over a three-year period. Specifically, researchers assessed patients' consumption of and spending on prescription drugs approved under Medicare Part D in nine domains: anxiety, depression, glaucoma, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders, and spasticity.

Authors reported that prescription drug use fell significantly in seven of the nine domains assessed. "Ultimately, we estimated that nationally the Medicare program and its enrollees spent around $165.2 million less in 2013 as a result of changed prescribing behaviors induced by ... jurisdictions that had legalized medical marijuana,” they concluded.

Similar results appeared earlier this month in a new study published in The International Journal of Drug Policy. Investigators reported that patients’ prescription use of opioids, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants fell significantly when they had legal access to marijuana.

Studies of chronic pain patients similarly find that cannabis’ analgesic properties are sufficiently effective to motivate patients to reduce their opioid intake or to give the drugs up all together. For instance, a recent assessment of chronic pain patients by University of Michigan researchers reports “a 64 percent decrease in opioid use, decreased number and side effects of medications, and an improved quality of life” following cannabis intervention. Another trial, conducted last year in conjunction with the Israeli government, similarly reported a 44 percent reduction in opioid use among pain patients who had access to legal pot.

Separate clinical trials also indicate that marijuana may play a role in assisting some subjects kick their opioid dependence. In fact, several studies now show that the moderate use of cannabis is associated with greater treatment attention among this struggling population.

Proponents of marijuana prohibition have long alleged that experimentation with pot acts as a ‘gateway’ to the use and eventual abuse of other illicit substances. But the evidence does not support this claim.

In reality, permitting marijuana sales to be regulated by licensed, state-authorized distributors rather than by criminal entrepreneurs and pushers of various other illicit drugs results in fewer, not more, Americans abusing other, potentially more dangerous substances.

Paul Armentano is the deputy director of NORML (the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and an adviser for Freedom Leaf. He is the co-author of the book "Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink?" (Cheslea Green, 2013) and author of the book "The Citizen's Guide to State-By-State Marijuana Laws" (Whitman Press, 2015).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST? here is a list of the people who are pushing for LP control....

If you knew who these people were you ccould easily see they work both sides of the fence.

This is completely wrong and its time for people to understand what this is all about..


I sent my list of former politicians and cops now in the LP scam to a bunch more outlets, including CP24 and the Canadian Taxpayer's federation. I cc'd Justin and Uncle Bill. This needs to blow up NOW or it'll be too late.
For those who haven't seen the list...read this and get angry.....


Chuck Rifici, is currently the CFO of the Liberal Party of Canada.

* founder and former CEO of Tweed

Mark Zekulin, CEO of Tweed

  • former senior adviser to former Ontario finance minister Dwight Duncan
Norman Inkster, Independent Director at Mettrum

  • former head of the RCMP
Dr. Joshua Tepper, Independent Director at Mettrum

  • formerly Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health , Senior Medical Officer for Health Canada,
Tom Shipley, Director of Quality Assurance, Tweed

  • formerly worked on toxicology research, while at Health Canada,
Mike Harcourt, Chairman of True Leaf Medicine Inc

  • former B.C. Premier
Kash Heed, strategic consultant with National Green BioMed

  • Former B.C. Solicitor General and former West Vancouver police chief
Herb Dhaliwal, Chairman, National Green BioMed

  • former Vancouver MP and federal cabinet minister.
John Turner, medicinal marijuana applicant in Ontario (With Kash Heed)

  • Former Prime Minister of Canada
Mr. Belot, Board of Directors for Aurora

  • was a public servant in several ministries within the Ontario government
Brian Wagner, Company founder and CEO NHP Consulting (consults for prospective LP's)
Tim Humberstone, ABcann Director / Senior Person in Charge

  • former twenty year member of the RCMP included roles in Municipal/Federal Drug Enforcement and with the Joint Forces Organized Crime Agency. Tim has also received extensive training by the RCMP in providing expert court opinion in the fields of cannabis trafficking and production techniques .
Ivan Vrana, founder of Aslan Ross Consulting / speaker mmpr summit

  • Previously Mr. Vrána worked for the Federal Government for over 15 years. He worked at the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Finance Canada and in various senior policy positions at Health Canada. At Health Canada he was in charge of the team that developed the policy rationale which led to the implementation of the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations.Mr. Vrána is also a regular Lecturer at both Carleton and Concordia universities and teaches a course that examines the internal communication tools governments use to development and implement public policy.
Sandy Pratt, Chief Financial Officer, Emerald Health

  • Worked at Deloitte ( auditing firm involved in the senate scandal), Vice President of Business Development and Executive Financial Officer of the Royal British Columbia Museum, a Crown corporation.
Shane Morris, VP, Scientific Affairs and Stakeholder Relations HydropothecaryCEO (now Canadian Cannabis Corp.)
  • Since 2000, Shane has been in a range of leadership roles within the Federal Government, from Treasury Board of Canada’s senior advisor (Cabinet Operations) on regulatory affairs to director of policy leadership and Reporting for Resources Canada’s major projects management office.
George Smitherman, THC BioMed

former Ontario Liberal deputy premier

  • more than 30 years to public policy fields at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal Level, where roles as Senior Advisor, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and Ontario’s Minister of Health were held
Jake Ryan, Director of Security: Tilray
* former RCMP Intelligence Officer and federal criminal investigator overseeing all aspects of Tilray's security protocols and operations.

Ernie Eves, Chairman, Timeless Herbal Care — a Jamaican medical marijuana company.

  • former Progressive Conservative premier of Ontario

Kim Derry, a promoter of marijuana facility THC Meds Ontario Inc.

  • deputy chief of the Toronto Police Service under Mr. Blair,

John Reynolds, advisor to Vodis Innovative Pharmaceuticals Inc

  • former MP with the Progressive Conservative, Reform and Canadian Alliance parties
Senator Larry Campbell, advisor to Vodis Innovative Pharmaceuticals Inc.

  • former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer and Vancouver mayor. And sitting Senator...
Barry Daniel, Wildflower’s head of security

  • Former Abbotsford police chief.
Cam Battley, Aurora Senior Vice President, Communications and Medical Affairs
  • Former Legislative Assistant to the Canadian Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, where he was responsible for developing legislation and steering it through the House of Commons, as well as negotiating with Opposition parties and stakeholder groups.
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'The current marijuana laws are unconstitutional given that they must be 'justified in a free and democratic society'. Given that Trudeau has announced plans for legalization and the majority of Canadians are opposed to enforcement of obsolete laws. they no longer have the justification to prosecute. This is nothing more than a witch hunt to destroy a threat to the LP monopoly. Once the taxpaying public becomes aware of the level of corruption and insider lobbying, it's all going to blow up in their faces.'

Edited by GbayGiant
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The current marijuana laws are unconstitutional given that they must be 'justified in a free and democratic society'. Given that Trudeau has announced plans for legalization and the majority of Canadians are opposed to enforcement of obsolete laws. they no longer have the justification to prosecute. This is nothing more than a witch hunt to destroy a threat to the LP monopoly. Once the taxpaying public becomes aware of the level of corruption and insider lobbying, it's all going to blow up in their faces.


It's not legal yet; so it makes sense to enforce the current laws until new ones are put in place. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that the majority of Canadians do not want them to enforce the current laws?


Based on Trudeau's comments on the marijuana, I would expect it to be highly regulated once in is legalized. I wouldn't expect a free for all, where anybody can can grow and sell marijuana once it becomes legal. I would expect that all growers and suppliers will need to be licenced. It makes sense that they charge any suppliers who are trying to get a head start before the new licensing laws are in place. There is no guarantee that all existing suppliers are going to receive licences once it becomes legal.

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LP = Government set up MJ producers

The ones in place that have poisoned sick people for the passed year.

This is a Medical industry THEY ARE USING to gain control for recreational mj sales.

If you read about who they are...it may will shock you beyond belief.

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It's not legal yet; so it makes sense to enforce the current laws until new ones are put in place. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that the majority of Canadians do not want them to enforce the current laws?


Based on Trudeau's comments on the marijuana, I would expect it to be highly regulated once in is legalized. I wouldn't expect a free for all, where anybody can can grow and sell marijuana once it becomes legal. I would expect that all growers and suppliers will need to be licenced. It makes sense that they charge any suppliers who are trying to get a head start before the new licensing laws are in place. There is no guarantee that all existing suppliers are going to receive licences once it becomes legal.

its not legal yet?? wow :clapping:


the evidence is clear and easy to find and soon all will know about this corruption of our government


by by little boy blue your time is over ;)

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Isn't there a class action lawsuit against LP right now as well for the poisonous product they were producing?


There is also a big lawsuit in my area right now against companies not allowing med. Marijuana to be used by employees. I hope this case sets a new precident



there are a couple being held responsible for making sick people sicker!!!


all for a profit and taxes,

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Also, I'd basically call it legal at this point. At least in my area, police will not press charges on unlicensed growers because they keep losing in court

It is 100% legal for Medical Patients

and why the LPs have used this idea(guise) to get to the recreational market they want only...

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there are a couple being held responsible for making sick people sicker!!!


all for a profit and taxes,

Yes, very disturbing. I wouldn't even doubt making people sicker was part of the plan to make it appear marijuana was causing people harm.

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honestly giant when you consider how the alcohol lobby is run in Ontario is it any surprise at all that the big medical producers will be the ones that also run the recreational market?


the last thing that the govermnent wants to do is create a free for all where the exact reality becomes the same one that the anti legalization sentiment has been preaching about for years. Aka, kids buying pot from anyone anywhere.


The more red tape they put up the safer they are from avoiding the problems they are facing in the states with no oversight of the suppliers.

Yes, we there is a major issue when companies like OGI are using banned pesticides on their products...but at least we are aware that this has happened, and they are going to be held accountable for it. I would prefere this scenario over one where we end up with the exact same problems that we have with criminalized pot...aka Organized Crime being the supplier and putting god knows what in your product.


Accountability is a good thing, especially with these companies being traded in the public market...its great to be a conspiracy theorist and talk about how these publicly traded companies are poisoning us etc etc...but real regulations exist to make sure that both customers and shareholders in these companies are obtaining all of the information that they require. When a CEO starts hiding information from his shareholders and gets caught...he goes to jail.


Its hard to convey my thoughts clearly by writing on here...but lets not start bringing conspiracy theories into the discussion surrounding legalization...that sounds exactly like something a bunch of stoners would say...surprise surprise.


The whole purpose of legalization is not to allow a bunch of pot heads buy weed everywhere. The purpose is to regulate a gigantic industry that is currently operating illegally while effectively cutting the financial burden of the massive amounts on enforcement required to regulate it, while also taking money out of organized crime's hands. At the same time still providing those that need it for medicinal purposes with consistent effective medicine.


I get it GBAY you wanna use weed every day and have it free to you all the time...dont get me wrong...i love weed too...but you arent convincing anyone that its a good idea for absolutely everyone to be using the stuff every day...its not...i wouldnt tell you to take a tylenol, or aspirin, or have a coffee every day either.


Lobbys are lobbys, if you want this industry to go legit...then its going to be subject to the same rules that every other industry in canada has, and be part of the capitalist system that Canada has. To me I would prefer it that way. Im excited to see some legitimate business men involved with the industry. They have turned Canada into a world economic power, hopefully this fledgling industry can become a massive exporter of Canadian products world wide in the near future. providing jobs, and massive economic benefits to everyone here at home. The right people to get it there are the exact people that you are somewhat demonizing for being venture capitalists...good for them hopefully they make their weed businesses the biggest best companies in this sector in the entire world.


TLDR...Keep weed companies publicly traded, regular regulation will keep everyone honest. If you dont believe capitalism is a good system, move to cuba.

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It was interesting to read Manitou's results of the topical usage. I might have to look into that for all my arthritic joints (no pun intended). Would you get this through the route you took? How long did the relief actually last? I have no luck with anything that is out on the market for topical application.

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Conspiracy theories???


Not sure where that comes in?


And there is no "laced" weed. That's a total farce. Any smoker will know immediately if there product is laced by taste smell of the product.


Also, if I'm a dealer, does it makes sense to put a more expensive drug into the cheaper drug and selling at the cheaper drugs cost????


Gbay is bang on, this is gonna get real ugly really quickly now that the info is out.

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also..yes OGI did some shady stuff...the market/lawsuits will handle that...have faith in regulation. I personally wouldnt be trading in that company if someone gave me free money to trade with. Thats how the free market economy works. You screw up, you get sued and fined into oblivion...Ask Volkswagen about that.


The conspiracy theory is that all of the medical producers are "poisoning us"


What a shame...i have no clue what the hell the hells angels have put in my weed the last 20 years either...and no one will ever know because it was being illegally grown.


These guys got caught and will now suffer the consequences...thats how the system is supposed to work.

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Large producers are recreation ones not medical and they ever say that

EVERY LAST LP IN CANNADA sprays poison on peoples meds. KNown fact

its been proven already ...


and your point is? its OK to poison sick people is it?


sick people do not spray their meds with anything as they dont have to as they are small and can control their crops unlike LARGE PRODUCERS WHO HAVE BEEN POISONING PEOPLE FOR OVER A YEAR NOW.

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It was interesting to read Manitou's results of the topical usage. I might have to look into that for all my arthritic joints (no pun intended). Would you get this through the route you took? How long did the relief actually last? I have no luck with anything that is out on the market for topical application.

Its been 5 weeks, and I cannot believe the results. Yes akri, I'm not advocating everyone use...


But, my pain is reduced from debilitating to barely noticeable. I'm sleeping the best I have since my injury. I quite smoking. My athsma has disappeared. My blood pressure improved withing days. My leg is finally responding to physio, prior to marijuana extracts I was being told my knee had an arthritic response and I could expect to never recover. I've gained 35% mobility back in my knee since starting. My blood clot didn't respond UNTIL is used marijuana extracts. I have zero need to have a beer now to relax, so that's bringing positives as well.


I am utterly amazed at my individual results after 5 weeks.


And guess how much its cost me? $370 dollars.

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I am utterly amazed at my individual results after 5 weeks.



why do you think this is going the way it is...they have known for many many years what this is capable of helping but you cant patent a plant or make money off something anyone can grow themselves.

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Large producers are recreation ones not medical and they ever say that

EVERY LAST LP IN CANNADA sprays poison on peoples meds. KNown fact

its been proven already ...


and your point is? its OK to poison sick people is it?


sick people do not spray their meds with anything as they dont have to as they are small and can control their crops unlike LARGE PRODUCERS WHO HAVE BEEN POISONING PEOPLE FOR OVER A YEAR NOW.


is this not the organic vs regular ass food debate as well? if thats what you are arguing then this will literally go nowhere.


you want true organic? grow it yourself...or buy product manufactured by aphria

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is this not the organic vs regular ass food debate as well? if thats what you are arguing then this will literally go nowhere.


you want true organic? grow it yourself...or buy product manufactured by aphria

nothing to do with organic

just shows they lied about it as they have with this whole industry


this is only one small fact about the corruption


do you have any more ideas or points that have no barring on medical people?


news for you..aphria sprays their crops!!! because they are allowed to which is the part you seem to miss


so I get to grow and have safe meds...why is it the government feels that the rest are different?


remember now this is a medical industry not recreational like they are striving for,

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