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they stock atlantics above where the race starts, but they would be moving down through the race area at the time of the race. steelhead will be in there spawning at that time.


they start the crazy craft(homemade contraptions) that are held together by any means,at sylvan glen. and canoes and kayaks in Canton, which is on the other side of Sylvan Glen

  On 2/20/2017 at 1:41 PM, ecmilley said:

sounds like a lot of he said she said blah blah blah

is there any real proof there doing habitat damage ?


its not the canoes and kayaks they are worried about so much, because people actually take care of those and avoid scrapping bottom. its the home made crazy craft held together by whatever that barely float and roll over all the time. those scrape bottom, they damage shorelines when dragging their 'boats'in and out of the river. not to mention they go into the fish sanctuary


my problem is I heard pretty much the same stuff last year

is there any documentation that the "float your" people were well informed about the problem

or is everyone just whining, while no one is trying to stop it or educate them


Jason Whyte, one of the guys that run the fish ladder is involved every year right from the first meetings to get try and convince them to either cancel the event or push the date back into march like years before. the past several years this event has taken place the week before trout opener.


problem being, you can preach to the organizers all you want, but until they are able to relay that messege to the people participating, nothing happens.


groups take minutes at meeting

get past meeting minutes to prove anglers have been telling them from the get go

that would prove they are lying about no knowing and that this is the first they are hearing about it


or at very least take screen shots of their facebook page proving they know about it this year

so next year they cant lie again

make sure they are told this happens yearly not just this year


he is at every council meeting, or group meeting that has to do with the river. he is actually a member of this site, wondering when/if he'll comment with more


been busy with the towns new bylaws... the ganny race is to be held on the 8 with a rain date of the 15 the organizers say the race produces 10 000 spectators 3900 from more than 40 km away with spending of 214000 dollars just on the 3900 people in the area . the constant quote from barry is that it is a moral booster and a economic engine . when you see craft coming to the portage and they have the orange snow fencing and it has to be replaced on the bottom of the craft because it has been worn away, you know they are doing some sort of damage . I have dealt with them for 4 years now , last year his comments were barbaric in my opinion . i have tried to have them move the date to late march or early april with no progress . I have now contacted the Fish protection program for there input . this year instead of helping keep people out of sancturary i will be doing videos of before race and after race on spawning beds. and then i will send to the FPP and have them decide. instead of moving race to late march early april they may have forced the hand that the race can not continue .

  On 2/26/2017 at 3:24 PM, chessy said:

been busy with the towns new bylaws... the ganny race is to be held on the 8 with a rain date of the 15 the organizers say the race produces 10 000 spectators 3900 from more than 40 km away with spending of 214000 dollars just on the 3900 people in the area . the constant quote from barry is that it is a moral booster and a economic engine . when you see craft coming to the portage and they have the orange snow fencing and it has to be replaced on the bottom of the craft because it has been worn away, you know they are doing some sort of damage . I have dealt with them for 4 years now , last year his comments were barbaric in my opinion . i have tried to have them move the date to late march or early april with no progress . I have now contacted the Fish protection program for there input . this year instead of helping keep people out of sancturary i will be doing videos of before race and after race on spawning beds. and then i will send to the FPP and have them decide. instead of moving race to late march early april they may have forced the hand that the race can not continue .



that would be good to see. have them go back to March where they started out.

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