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A very special thank you to the people at Ross Memorial Hospital

Big Cliff

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Ahhh, thanks for all the kind and encouraging replies! It means a lot! :D


I don't know about Lacair, I see the surgeon on Monday afternoon and he will let me know then what I can or can't do. Right now just getting in and out of a car is quite uncomfortable, I have no idea what a 4+ hour drive would be like for me. I guess I'll just have to play that one by ear.


As for the fishing.... well, as long as I don't try to bend over to net anything I should be OK, I may give it a try tonight.

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I don't know about Lacair, I see the surgeon on Monday afternoon and he will let me know then what I can or can't do. Right now just getting in and out of a car is quite uncomfortable, I have no idea what a 4+ hour drive would be like for me. I guess I'll just have to play that one by ear.


Well Cliff it would really stink if you couldn't make it....you would would be missed greatly.....but I certainly would understand it. I hope you're feeling up to it, but if not, I'll try to find my way to your place at some point. I will have Sundays off for the summer.



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GEEZE...Thanks for waiting 'till all the gory stuff is done...


How did you know I hate visiting people in hospitals?


Not too fond of visiting them in funeral homes either...


If you need a net man...give me a call...got net...will travel !

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Good to hear all went well Cliff,smart move going to Emerg. Great places when ya need 'em.


After my Hernia fix, they said ,no heavy lifting also. Even told me to sit down for a pee :whistling::whistling:


Take it easy and get well soon.

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