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Quick afternoon fishing


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I had just over an hour of free time today and I could have done some really exciting thing like laundry or dishes but thought I would try fishing instead :thumbsup_anim:


First cast, line in the water about 10 minutes...hard tug, resist the urge to tug back...20 seconds...really hard tug....wait and...nothing....hmmm Figure I had better check my line....leader/hair rig broken off about half way....darn! I was bummed but figured I hadn't check it well enough before the cast....it happens. Attached new leader, cast and wait. I wasn't getting any action and with only about 5 minutes of fishing time left I decide to phone Cliff (I swear that when your phone rings while fishing or you make a call, you will get a hit lol) Anyway, chatting away and I feel a small tug, then nothing, hang up the phone and zwwiiinnnnggggggg !! Cool! I am not going home without at least one fish picture. Initial hard run for the fish, flipped at the surface a few times and then started comming along nicely. Based on the other carp that I have caught I was ready for another good run or two at least and this fish did not disappoint. Another run, flip at the surface, I gain a little line, (starting to think this might be a really good one based on the runs and flips) runs again, this time it is really going and then..SNAP! I was stunned. Had to get going, reeled in the line to find that yet again my leader/rig had snapped.......I was not a happy angler.....think I might have even said a few bad words.


We have been using 14lb Berkley Fireline for the hair rigs. This is now the third fish (this week) I have lost due to leader break.....is this line just not any good and/or should I really be using something else?? Is my drag maybe set to tight?? My main line is 30lb spiderwire.


Any help/opinions greatly appreaciated!


Going to go drown my frustration in caramel cheesecake


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I'm sure resident carp experts will chime in, but for what it's worth, I use a 30 lb PP for my hair rig on a 40 lb PP mainline. A bit of overkill, but I like the confidence that stronger lines give me. I know that many people use lighter lines without a problem, and so if you play the fish a bit more and loosen the drag, you probably won't lose too many fish.

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Not sure but your mainline is supose to be more then your lead/hair rig w.e. I use to have the same problem for steelhead. Or just try losening your drag a bit, and adjust it while playing with the carp.

Edited by xrap
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where did it break exactly bly? last weekend when i went out with my dad i had the same thing happen to me and ended up loosing 8-9 fish ... everytime we would fight the fish for about 4-5 seconds and reeling in realized that the line broke right above the eye of the hook.


i was using 10lb berkley vanish ... right at where i was fishing there shouldn't be too much problems with zebra mussles so i was blaming myself for not tying the hair rigs properly at first ... however after i've asked help from a guy nearby it still happened :S ... i'm planning on changing the line and see if it happens again ...

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where did it break exactly bly? last weekend when i went out with my dad i had the same thing happen to me and ended up loosing 8-9 fish ... everytime we would fight the fish for about 4-5 seconds and reeling in realized that the line broke right above the eye of the hook.


i was using 10lb berkley vanish ... right at where i was fishing there shouldn't be too much problems with zebra mussles so i was blaming myself for not tying the hair rigs properly at first ... however after i've asked help from a guy nearby it still happened :S ... i'm planning on changing the line and see if it happens again ...


Line breaks stink! Sorry to hear that you have had the same trouble. Not sure if the breaks were exactly at the hook eye, but definitely close to it. Also going to try a new line......just returned from my favorite tackle shop were I was given enough 20lb PP to make several rigs, going to try it next time I am out. Hoping that it helps and good luck to you also! Any idea what line you are going to try? Let me know how it does if you have the chance.



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A few bad words eh?... say 7 Hail Fishes and put $5 in the baitbox.


Your drag setting is too tight for your choice of leaders, I'd go with a flurocarbon leader... 20 or even 30 lb.


You'll be glad that you did when you outfish Cliff EVERY time y'all go out.


P.S. Don't tell him your secret or let him read this thread!!!

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Losing fish is part of carpfishing...like musky fishermen count the number of follows they had...carpers count the number of lost fish...


The jury is still out on wether to use mono or one of the superbraids...from what I have witnessed, you will lose more fish due to the hook pulling out using a superline due to the no-stretch factor (Photoz and Crappieperchhunter will attest to this)


I use 17lb test Berkly Trilene for my main line and 12 lb test Berkly Vanish for my hair rig and a loose drag...one carp I lost last weekend was from the hook pulling out(dang fish didn't hook himself well...LOL) and the other was from the hair rig breaking...on close inspection it looked like Mr. Carp took a run by some zebra mussel covered rocks on one of its many runs as there were some frayed marks on the piece remaining...(which reminds me, I need to tie up a half dozen new hair rigs...only one left on the short piece of swimming noodle I keep them on)


Enjoy both the ones landed and the fight you had from the ones you lose...

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where did it break exactly bly? last weekend when i went out with my dad i had the same thing happen to me and ended up loosing 8-9 fish ... everytime we would fight the fish for about 4-5 seconds and reeling in realized that the line broke right above the eye of the hook.


i was using 10lb berkley vanish ... right at where i was fishing there shouldn't be too much problems with zebra mussles so i was blaming myself for not tying the hair rigs properly at first ... however after i've asked help from a guy nearby it still happened :S ... i'm planning on changing the line and see if it happens again ...



Hey Vic that line is horrible. I used Berkley Vanish before and the stuff just kept poping of my spool and It was really easy to tangle. If you like to fish with thin fluro line you should try seaguar fluro fishing line, the stuff is awsome.

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Well carol,carp like to dig face first into the bottom when trying to shake a hook........hence RAZOR SHARP ZEBRA MUSCLES ON THE BOTTOM....they are rubbing sideways on the bottom and shearing the line on them i have seen them do this a the pickering nuke plant in the crystal clear outflow water....and fireline will shear even faster than mono which has some strech and can still function with a nick in the line....but with the pressure a big carp can exert on the line....,so maybe between the combination of a tight drag,and the zebra muscles that could be it.....oh well just an idea....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Always test pull your rig before cast out, especially for carp fishing. You could be waiting for a long time for a run, when it happens, you don't want to have to worry about line break. Also, before you cast out, feel the line from the hair to about 3 feet up to the main line to see if there's any nick. This is especially important when fishing zebra mussle infested water. Drag set is another thing, don't set it too hard. You are testing the line and carp lip strength if you set the drag too tight. Either one wins you lose the fish. But, yes, no matter how careful you are, it will still happen, just not as often.


Think on the bright side. I'd rather lose a fish then never even hook on one.


I use varnish for hair rig (not main line), I actually like it. I use 6lb, 8lb, and 14lb for hair rig and use them according to where I fish and how big/finicky the fish are. Never had a problem even landing 20+lb fish. I also use 20lb fireline for hair rig and love it too.


Have started to use coated braid for hair rig. Don't have much success yet but since it's highly praised by a lot of carpers, I think it's just me not knowing how yet.


BTW, my main line is either Berkley Big Game 15lb or 10lb, again, depending on where I fish. Will give braid a try, but honestly I don't know what advantage that has except that the no stretch factor makes bite indication better. But it's not like mono will lose fish because of that. And the stretching facor actually is to the advantage of mono when fighting the big fish.


I am not an expert, just sharing my opinion. Hope I am not misleading anyone with wrong info.

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First question that comes to mind . . . . . how old is the line you're using? It would be near impossible to have a fish break 14 pound braid, in a straight pull with the drag set so line will pull off the spool . . . if the fish can pull line out, he can't break it! Even zebra mussels have a tough time with braid . . . I've felt my Power Pro (30 pound) being dragged across rocks as a carp tires out, and upon checking, after landing the fish, found frayed areas where it was dragged over mussel-encrusted rocks! I would first suspect old line (did you buy it from a shop with a high volume of this typa line sold . . . coulda been sitting on a shelf in some shops for a long time?) then the drag being too tight . . . . or a combination of both. I doubt there are many zebra mussels, a distance from the lake, in the trib you fish, but they SHOULDN'T cut braid? I've had up to 20 pound mono instantly cut on the first mussel-encrusted rock it touched, just like I used a razor on it! I'm using 50 pound Power Pro on one rod, and 15 pound P-Line on another, and 14 pound Seaguar fluorocarbon leaders on both . . . . I 'snell' my hair rigs . . . which should be carefully checked once you've fought 3 or 4 fish on them . . . . not often, but occasionally they pull out, and run your fingers along the leader . . . see if it's been 'nicked' at all.

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Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the help :clapping: You have all given me a few things to think about.


Fish on vs No action.

Thanks for the reminder to keep things in perspective. Losing fish is part of the sport, I just hate it when I think it might be carelessness or whatever on my part :) Every fish can be a learning experience!


Line Age.

I have no idea how old the line is, it was given to us by a contact of Cliff's.... new line..check!


Zebra Mussels.

Naive of me I know, but hadn't even thought of them and what they can do to line. All of the fish lost due to line breaks have happened in the same hole where I am sure there are lots....use tough new line....check!



Definitely going to be more careful with this. Was using mono line before and I may have gotten a bit over confident when I switched to the braid.


Rig/Line Integrity.

Thought about this for a bit and have come to the conclusion that although I am usually good about checking there is always room for improvement :)


I tend to drive myself (and I am sure Cliff) crazy over thinking things and it is soooo nice to be able ask for help from a variety of knowledgeable anglers and receive that help!! Thank you again!



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You said the line was breaking near or maybe at the hook eye? I've never used fireline, but I use fluorocarbon for leaders and I know that you have to make sure the line is nice and wet before closing it, else the friction weakens the line and makes it more likely to break at the knot.



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