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Tarpon, Snook, Horse-Eye Trevally report.


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Hi all,


Final instalment of my holiday adventures.


I booked a half day in the float tubes with a local guide. I had watched his videos here https://www.youtube.com/user/captainantiguanick and figured he was into the same kind of fishing (albeit predominantly a flyfisherman) as me and his float tubing for Tarpon deals looked worth a shot. At $350US with the exchange rate as it was in early January it was a little painful to my wallet, even more so when we did not even get a bite all morning!!! Nick graciously offered to take me to some coral flats to cast for different species that same morning, but despite amazing surroundings the fishing was just that, fishing, no bites.


I was disappointed a bit, but can't fault the guide, the fish were rolling on the surface and we threw everything in our combined arsenals, lockjaw seems to sum it up. However, we did not have the same lockjaw affliction as the fishes, and with not much action, the exchange of fishing stories and banter was fun. He was of course interested in my stories of past and recent catches on the other side of the island, and after handing over my cash and a tip of a spool of hard to come by Seaguar Blue Label, we arranged to meet up at one of my spots the next morning. SHOULD HAVE CHARGED HIM $350US!!!!!!!! If you read this Nick…just teasing :)


Anyway, Nick got into a bunch of small Blue Runners and a nice baby Tarpon on his fly rod. I got into a nice Horse-Eye Trevally Jack and a giant…..well….we never saw it but it left both of us with jaws agape at the wake it left with the sweep of its tail that broke my 50lb swivel.


Nick was impressed with the venue and we vowed to hook up again next year, try some different spots and perhaps put in his small tinny into a lagoon somewhere, something to look forward to and always good to make connections and friends.


I went back the next morning to 'My Lagoon' and hooked into some Snook and Tarpon, just an idyllic spot to wade round in the morning, pelicans diving, warm ocean, big fish always around.


Pink and white, and pearl seemed to work good, the noisy baits attracting strikes from the Trevally, snook and barracuda with the quitter baits like thumper tail shad/swim baits and twister tails being more appealing for the Tarpon.


Its difficult to get the right balance between maintaining light gear for maximum sport and having heavy enough terminal tackle for monsters that does not interfere with presentation. The fly fishing route seems interesting but I out fished the fly on my gear so am not apt to change just yet. Just need to research some terminal tackle that suits what I learnt on this trip.


Next year's trip should be an interesting one for sure!



Here is the video footage, its 17 minutes long, and while I cannot claim slick editing to match the pros, there are no ads, there are some fish caught and I don't try to sell you anything, so grab a cold one and transport yourself to a warmer climate!



Edited by limeyangler
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Looks relaxing and warm there Simon. B):Gonefishing:


Is a float tube for you in the near future? That one you were in, looked to sit nice out of the water. Im sure there are many great small lake you could use it on up in your neck of the woods.



You read my mind re: the float tube.

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Damn SImon that look's like a great time!!!


It was amazing, loved all the different species of plant and animal you bump into out and about there.


Wow. You caught all the fish I wanted to catch (in Florida). We Canadians need to buy up all the real estate down south. T-shirt weather while it's -20's back home! I know. I just got back. I want a cottage down there. Thanks for sharing. $350US doesn't buy you a lot nowadays.


Yeah , I loved your report, if i'd had access to a kayak in Antigua, holy man, that would have been cool. Did you eat the snapper? They are one tasty fish!

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I'm loving all of these soft water reports. Each time i read one, see picture and even watch the videos it give me the itch and idea star flowing.


great report and video thanks for sharing


Thanks DB. I'm heading out the door for a quick morning fish on the ice….Antigua seems a million miles away!!!!

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