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Lake X-actly what I needed!


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es·cape - to slip or get away, as from confinement or restraint; gain or regain liberty

This is what I needed to do.. lots of work, small quick outings... feeling trapped, rushed and just needed to ESCAPE the city. With a Monday night and all Tuesday off I talked my friend and newly obsessed fisherman Dave into taking a day off and joining me. Ended the work day Monday and got out of the city as soon as we could - the wilderness was in our sights, off the beaten path - a little adventure if you will.


This was Dave's first TRUE camping experience but far from civilization may have not been the best idea --- but to see the true off the grid experience through his eyes was quite fun - could have stared at those stars for days! The noises we were hearing around us even put a chill down my spike but hey good to get the heart pumping every now and then.


I will be honest I wasn't the first one up in the morning and I have to thank Dave and his excitement for this shot! He was rushing me way to much to even think of it! lol


This lake has been great to us in the past from shore and I was excited to hit it from the boat - started fishing shore lines and the bass just kept coming!




This smile I couldn't get off his face all day - Dave has been fishing a lot around the city but when I said this would be an amazing day I don't think he really knew what he was going to experience - fish after fish after fish ... unfortunately as the day got hotter those hook sets were sPikes instead of bass.


As I was reminded a fish is a fish :roll: BUT it really started to get to me a little ... cast, hit, hookset --- another sPike!!! Spinners, Wacky --- even went deep to avoid them on the Drop Shot BUT more and more sPikes!!! I NEVER would have guessed my highlight from this whole trip would have come with teeth but when they are this big even I won't complain!!!


We did however manage to find the odd bass through the pike as the day continued...



It was hard to get off the water, who would want this to end but it was time to get back to the real world... A trip I think we will both remember for different reasons but I will admit it was incredible to see this from the point of view of a first timer.


Need to find time for more of these - camping, fishing and a little drinking .... sounds like an adventure to me!!!

Until next time --- tight lines!

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Thanks guys! - it really was a blast and Dave is already texting for the next time we can go lol he is in trouble now... soon the dreams will start! lol



I have a fishing rod and can make myself free next Tuesday....


lol - Schedule is different next week but thanks for your enthusiasm lol

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