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Just picked up one recently,It's a Jiffy,only 28lbs.How many holes a day would that machine run on one tank of gas?.Still want to keep my arm strong with me in case of a break down.With this now I am able to drill more holes and move.It's a 8" model.Is extra gas a necessity?I realistically can't see more than 20 holes a day.The ice is now 2' plus now.That's my worry.Trying to keep the sleigh as light as possible,it's all ready loaded up with my and other people's gear.Thanks.


I would think Fisherman is close..


Mine is a Strikemaster. I punched 12 holes through 3' of ice and it only burned about 1/4 tank.


You will be wore out yourself if you drill enough holes in one day to empty that tank.


I have never filled mine...I always bring a bit of gas as fire starter so i don't have to worry but still,

Posted (edited)

Great news guys,won't be able to get out till next Sat to try it.Two commitments this weekend.Should be a few weeks coming up that we'll be able to give it a good workout.

Edited by davey buoy

I had a 3 hp Jiffy with a ten inch auger blade, and a tank of gas would last for more holes than I would ever drill in a weekend, let alone a day.


(Like everybody already said but I am post whoring now that I am a net mender instead of a fingerling or whatever it is/was...............)




PS) It seems to me (and I had an older Jiffy) that the mix was a lot richer than usual, like maybe 24:1???? Not 40:1 like my chain saws etc.....

  On 2/27/2014 at 10:10 PM, akaShag said:

I had a 3 hp Jiffy with a ten inch auger blade, and a tank of gas would last for more holes than I would ever drill in a weekend, let alone a day.


(Like everybody already said but I am post whoring now that I am a net mender instead of a fingerling or whatever it is/was...............)




PS) It seems to me (and I had an older Jiffy) that the mix was a lot richer than usual, like maybe 24:1???? Not 40:1 like my chain saws etc.....

Thanks Doug,24:1 it is .


If you have never used a power auger before, beware the dance with one-armed Suzy! The blade gets stuck and lifts you right off your feet. Or that old 3 horse did anyways..............

  On 2/27/2014 at 10:35 PM, akaShag said:

If you have never used a power auger before, beware the dance with one-armed Suzy! The blade gets stuck and lifts you right off your feet. Or that old 3 horse did anyways..............

Thanks for the warning,this is a 8" 2hp.Hoping suzy won't get in the way lol.I will let you know if I meet her . :P

Posted (edited)

I was told by a mechanic that the best thing I could do to my new Jiffy 3 hp(yeah that one akashag) is to take the auger off put the head part on top of a plastic bucket, start it and put it a 3/4 throttle for 15 -20 minutes to do a good break-in. So i had about half a tank of gas in it and I let it go for 20 minutes. You can dig a lot of holes in 20 minutes of digging time and I only used a bit more than 1/4 tank. Now it works really good. But I still can't lie it on it's side without stalling it.


If it's a new one the gas oil mixture is 40:1. If you can get oyur hands on Jiffy brand smokeless oil (it has gas stabilizer in it already) it comes in a small plastic bottle that is made to be mixed with 1 gallon of gas.


Edited by wallyboss
  On 2/27/2014 at 11:32 PM, wallyboss said:

I was told by a mechanic that the best thing I could do to my new Jiffy 3 hp(yeah that one akashag) is to take the auger off put the head part on top of a plastic bucket, start it and put it a 3/4 throttle for 15 -20 minutes to do a good break-in. So i had about half a tank of gas in it and I let it go for 20 minutes. You can dig a lot of holes in 20 minutes of digging time and I only used a bit more than 1/4 tank. Now it works really good. But I still can't lie it on it's side without stalling it.

You recommend drilling a part hole and letting it stand,rather than on it's side?.


No I never do that it has iced it up. I just said that it stalls as soon as I tilt it. So I cannot walk from hole to hole holding it with one hand. I had a 2hp before that I started it 20 seconds later turn off the choke set it down on it's side and setup my Clam while the auger warmed up good. Now I have have to hold it upright to warm up (aka shag I should've never done that trade, I've regretted it since. I really miss my 2hp)


back to wallyboss............


Hi Dan!

And I gave that auger away to somebody or other when I bought a BRAND NEW Jiffy 2 hp 8" auger when Canadian Tire was selling them for less than half price a few springs ago.


The NEW JIffy had a PLASTIC keeper for the bolt that attaches the head to the drill. DUHHHHHHHHHH!!! I gave THAT ONE to a guy as down payment for a lease on a hunt camp.


And now I own a Nils Master, best power auger EVER!!!



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