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Trying to find an article about why we hunt. Help Please.


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I am trying to find an article about why we hunt.



I think it may have been by a guy who was called Mahoney (?) perhaps not. It basically was outlineing our spiritual need to hunt, and explains that it is more than just killing.



Can anyone direct me to this?



I have tried google’n this but I have not the time to explore page after page of results. I was hoping someone here would know what I’m refering to (or something similar) and directing me to it quicker.



Thanks for you help.






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Is this it?.........







thanks for that link, that seems to be the article in question plus a bunch of other good material there....definitely the same Mahoney fellow, I've never read an article of his that I didn't enjoy and definitely makes you think a little harder about what hunting really means......and Dr. Randal Eaton is added to my list to look up reading material, I think I've seen a bit of his 'sacred hunt' documentary on tv before

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