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question for those who have had knee surgery


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I had my right knee done yesterday, scoped and cleaned with a meniscus trim and removal.

My question is about pain levels and recovery times.


I'm in agony, even with the pain killers. Is that to be expected? And what can i expect until the pain subsides and I' m able to get up and around?

Dr. said 24-30hrs, but that seems a bit optimistic at this time.


I'm sure enough OFC' ers have probably had this procedure done to get some good feedback.



Edited by muskymatt
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It will be rough for the first few days but it will get better. Everybody is different and very body is different. Just keep an eye out for fevers. I've had a few buddies that got an infection after surgery and that is no pretty picture.


Lots of stretching and exercise and you should be fine. However your knee will never be the same for the rest of your life. Just one of those things.

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"My question is about pain levels and recovery times."


The pain will subside and you will recover. :)


Are you sure you did not take to many pain killers already?

Hahaha. Good pain killers but they make me just wanting to sleep. I can't imagine the pain without them.

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Make sure you do the prescribed exercises. I know a few people that had knee replacements, some did the work, some did not... Everybody who didn't is very stiff and still sore. Those who did the work including my 80 yr old mother in law who had both knees replaced with in 2 years. She gets around really well! much better than before and no pain.


Hope you have a speedy recovery :)

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Tore my knee up way back in 78', no not 1878. Back then it was a week in the hospital for a torn MCL and lateral meniscus. The pain is going to be bad the first 2 days for a scope, you should have no major pain and be walking on it with no pain a few days after that. It was a cast for 8 weeks back in ancient times for a mcl and meniscus. In pro sports you are back in a week at 80 to 90%. This is a very minor nip and tuck today, you're lucky.


Pain is good, because as it subsides we know the thing is healing.


Yes it is very important to do all the prescribed exercises as soon as the surgeon gives you the green light. Getting back the range of motion is just as important. The first rebuild I had I didn't do as told and had to be put under and have the knee manipulated which is nice way of saying bending the crap out of it and breaking all the scar tissue, now that hurts. Riding a stationary bike with seat very high is the way to start, then lowering it as the pain will allow until you are in full range, more than 90°, start slow. Another good thing is to exercise with a length of dental dam while you're sitting around watching TV, exercise during the commercials, lay on your belly and using the dental dam wrapped around your ankle pull towards your head with both hands gently. Do leg extensions, leg curls once the range is back. Do not wait until your therapy appointments to exercise.


If you have little toddlers around watch them like hawks, they love to tackle you right at the knee joint.


Check with your surgeon or therapist before you do anything I suggest, for certain. Also after you get through the first 2 days chuck the pain meds. Another story for another day.


I've only had to go through it 8 or 9 times, I've lost track. It hurts, really bad for sure.


Experience is a lifetime of mistakes, wisdom is knowing how to not make them again.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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