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Any runners out there? Totally NF...


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Totally NF post.


But I've always wondered how many other OFC'ers are runners?


I've been running off and on my entire life. But I've been plagued with injuries all stemming from a few some nasty spills I took while snowboarding, and now my right knee is in bad shape. It makes it tough to run, at the best of time.


Aside from surgery, there is not much I can for my knee (other then stop running). One thing that really helped was purchasing a pair of Asics Gel-Kayano running shoes. These things are the cat's pajamas for people with joint pain. I put 600km on the first pair, and just rolled over 50km on my second pair.


Again, I know this thread it totally NF. But I was wondering if any other OFC'ers had some running related stories to share?


Cool things that have happened to you while you were running?

Goals you have set and achieved?

Cool races or runs you have been a part of?

New goals you are attempting to achieve?

Maybe some crazy way this thread could end up being fishing related?


I'll share my goals for this year:

· Run a sprint Triathlon

· Run a 1/2 Marathon

· Run a sub 25 minute 5k (this is tough with a bad knee)


This thread will likely go nowhere. But I thought I'd give it a go.


A good friend did a 100km wilderness race this month. Found a 8pt deer shed, and had a close encounter with a mother bear and her cubs. That's one wild race!

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I run too Nick, but not lately due to an inflamed plantar fascia :(. I used to run outdoors but started using a treadmill inside and enjoy that aswell Not too many stories other than a few swallowed bugs :)

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I've run several full marathons (42 km), a whole bunch of half-marathons (21 km) and done the Around The Bay 30k race in Hamilton a few times. I'm no threat to ever win any of these things (I'll never catch those little African dudes up front), but running lets me drink beer guilt-free and will hopefully keep me out of the hospital as I age. Apart from that, it's a wonderful, selfish indulgence that lets me escape email, cell phones, instant messages and every other bane of modern living, and let me just focus on putting one foot in front of the other for an hour or so every other morning. In that way it's a lot like fishing, but much less fuss and a whole lot less expensive.


Went to Germany a couple of years ago and ran the Berlin marathon, right after spending a week in Munich at Oktoberfest. Lets just say no world records were set that day. But it was a whole lot of fun!

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There now it's NNF.



I run too Nick, but not lately due to an inflamed plantar fascia :(. I used to run outdoors but started using a treadmill inside and enjoy that aswell Not too many stories other than a few swallowed bugs :)

I run with a patella band to stop my runners knee from getting any worse. They work great!


running lets me drink beer guilt-free and will hopefully keep me out of the hospital as I age. Apart from that, it's a wonderful, selfish indulgence that lets me escape email, cell phones, instant messages and every other bane of modern living, and let me just focus on putting one foot in front of the other for an hour or so every other morning.

That pretty much sums it up! It's like meditation, or yoga.. Very relaxing, when you not in pain!

Edited by N.A.W
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If I don't get an opportunity to go fishing, I enjoy running :D


Last year I did my first halfs and full. It seems wild when you think about it... running 42km.


I also have a knee problem on my left side. It does bother me when I run too often.


My goal this year was to run the Sporting Life 10k in under 50 minutes. I was fighting a bad cough at the time and my respiratory system wasn't cooperating. I ended up couging my lungs out at around 8k... that put me behind for sure. I ended up with a chip time of 50 min and 19 seconds. I will do it again next year hopefully and beat 50 minutes.


Big congrats to Victor (on this forum) who ended up doing the 10k in 39 minutes and change. WOW.

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No kidding FF. I don't think i will ever be able to run a full 42km ever with my knee in it's current condition.


When I really want to stretch out my distance, I'll hop on my road bike and throw down a 75km ride. It's nice to fell the wind in your face.


And WOW Victor, your a rocket!! There's no hope in hell of me ever holding a pace like that for more then a few KM.

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I used to be an avid runner, high school through college...I was a business students but all my roommates were police foundations or fire fighting and trained together...my best 10km was 38 10 seconds and 5km was 18 something, when i was 21, not now, likely never again LOL


I ran the vancouver sun last year in 46 mins comfortably without killing myself


I still run 2-3 times a week, 10km or better, but my beer belly is pushing me close to 240lbs, i'm in shape but with extra padding...past few years my right foot has developed a case of plantar fascitis...doctor says this is linked to the extra weight, grade 2 tear on my MCL from football, need orthotics in my cycling shoes and wearing bad flip flops religiously


one thing he recommended was orthaheel flip flops (aside from dropping lbs ha)...i used to wear birks but the orthaheels offer more support IMO and don't stink so bad during sweaty summer months




that's what i wear, they have a different model on sale right now for $52



could you share which wilderness race your buddy ran? I'd like to try one in the next couple years

Edited by bare foot wader
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could you share which wilderness race your buddy ran? I'd like to try one in the next couple years


I thought it was an official race. But when i texted him to ask what the race was called he said it was the "Annual (Insert your name here) Act of Stupidity Invitational"!!


100km trail in Killarny called the La Cloche Silhouette trail.


The trail is classed as "high risk". They made him sign a form saying that if he gets lost, the SAR bill will be sent in the mail...

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I ran a marathon last year, Ran Tough mudder, warrior dash and a bunch of 5 kms. I usually run with my wife so it makes things easy. Ran onn Wednesday evening fun run in Barrie and paced my wife to a 25.40 which she is happy with. I would be happier with a 20 but I have had ankle and sciatica issues lately. Will run 1/2 on June 15th. I actually don't like running at all.

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