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I posted some of this earlier in response to Xraps post.


I find that people have a carefree/careless approach to Urban fishing spots.


Some people have boats and some are only shore anglers. It's the shore anglers that I feel are the most threatened here.


I've been critical of people not blurring there spots in pictures around TORONTO for the exact reasons that Xrap stated in his post.


My second post on OFC showed pics of garbage from anglers on the Toronto Islands at some of the best spots.

Some replies from OFNers believed that judging by the evidence, the perpetrator may have gleamed the location from this site.


I've been critisized and told that EVERYONE knows that Toronto Islands or Harbourfront areas are no secret.


True, but neither are other great fisheries and we protect their obvious landmarks from exploitation.


Yes, there are plenty of fish to catch but a shore accessed spot can be taken away if the City or Private owner decides that anglers are problematic.


In the past, I have shown backgrounds in my pics and had complaints from members to please be more sensitive.


I was a lurker who used YOUR PICTURES to find choice spots to fish.

Luckily, I'm a very conscientious angler and try to be as courteous as possible when out and about.


When you post a pic with the background which obviously identifyies the background,


Someone may come,


They may invite more friends/family, annoy the property owners, litter, or worse.


Is it really a big deal to take a photo without obvious backgrounds or just blur the background in high traffic areas? We do it for other spots like the Bog or Simcoe. More remote spots are safe.


Sadly, A marina I really enjoy fishing at has had it with anglers and is considering banning us.

I'll bet a couple harbourfront areas pull the plug on us in over the next few years too.




In conclusion,


Don't treat urban fishing like a has-been fishing resource.

Treat it like your own honey hole.


If your harbour fishing, island fishing, Simcoe, Bog, BOQ, etc. feel free to say that you are, just don't give out the EXACT spot.



Edited by snog
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Hey Snog, I see and agree with your points here, however, I believe that your are preaching to the converted. I suspect that most of the members here are respectful and are not the cause of the pain you describe. All the same though, it certainly can't hurt to remind everyone and perhaps have our members remind those who are screwing it up for everyone else!

It's a big city and many people fish. You can't reach them all, but I give you kudos for trying.


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Thanks HH,




Without pointing fingers.


It is members that I'm targeting. (and the occasional lurker!)


I've been critisized for my conservative views on the subject.


I don't know why they disagree with this idea.


Thanks for your support.

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I agree with ya HH, the people that are ruining these spots for others are always the bad apples. You won't find too many of them participating here...






Bad apples are everywhere.


Members however, There are some that still post real obvious spots and some that have recently given walking directions to get to a hot spot.


I still think that a PM or meeting up with a person to hit a hot-spot is better than simply posting it.

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I'm behind you on this one, Snog. Yes there is great pike fishing in the GTA, but people have to find the spots themselves.


I have been pike fishing the harbour for years, taking logs of temperature, weather, depth, lures, etc. I love to figure out patterns and spots myself, not looking at a photo and picking out the spot on the spot.


When I was younger and did shore fishing, I had a guy follow me right from the ferry to my spot where he ended up keeping 2 pike and an out of season bass. He told me he read on the internet that he could find food for his family down at the islands. That was just one guy. I suspect the next weekend his whole family was down there!


I play by all the rules and have been able to fish the harbour pretty much hassle free. I have my harbour license and I know were I can fish and were I can’t. I don’t want some yahoos coming down without a license not knowing the rules and making the police crack down.


Some people might fish the harbour once or twice and throw some pics up and move back to there cottage lake, but some of use fish it all year round. And for the shore guys this is an amazing area where a shore fisherman has miles of shoreline to fish and a chance at some monster pike. Let’s not forget we’re fishing on the doorstep of a city with a population of 2 million!


Lets respect what we have.



Edited by Mako
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I'm behind you on this one, Snog. Yes there is great pike fishing in the GTA, but people have to find the spots themselves.


I have been pike fishing the harbour for years, taking logs of temperature, weather, depth, lures, etc. I love to figure out patterns and spots myself, not looking at a photo and picking out the spot on the spot.


When I was younger and did shore fishing, I had a guy follow me right from the ferry to my spot where he ended up keeping 2 pike and an out of season bass. He told me he read on the internet that he could find food for his family down at the islands. That was just one guy. I suspect the next weekend his whole family was down there!


I play by all the rules and have been able to fish the harbour pretty much hassle free. I have my harbour license and I know were I can fish and were I can’t. I don’t want some yahoos coming down without a license not knowing the rules and making the police crack down.


Some people might fish the harbour once or twice and throw some pics up and move back to there cottage lake, but some of use fish it all year round. And for the shore guys this is an amazing area where a shore fisherman has miles of shoreline to fish and a chance at some monster pike. Let’s not forget we’re fishing on the doorstep of a city with a population of 2 million!


Lets respect what we have.




That's why I like fishing with you.


I've had the same thing happen and I know for a fact that other members have had it happen (one member had a guy get crazy that he couldn't buy a pike from him!)

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Couldnt agree with you more.

This is why i have stoped posting up reports in general.




Considered it myself.

Might still happen if my ego relaxes.


There are many members who have gone this route and quit or joined private sites.

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I posted some of this earlier in response to Xraps post.



I was a lurker who used YOUR PICTURES to find choice spots to fish.

Did you thank those whose spots you now fish?


Fished the T.O shoreline since early 90's and haven't seen a major increase in anglers.

Actually was surprised at the smaller fish i saw this weekend.

Some successsful spawning going on.


No need to be a martyr but the gentle reminder is a good intention.





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Hey snag man (still can't bring myself to call you snog!)


You're completely right that it is not wise to give out exact locations, walking directions to spots or show pictures of very obvious locations in reports, particularly for urban locations like T.O as there is a lot of pressure from both decent anglers and lurkers who want to eat everything they catch (why they would in T.O still defeats me) or guys that just don't care what condition they leave a spot in.


Xrap's post certainly makes you want to be absolutely clear of someone's character or intentions before you give info out or take someone fishing. But I do think if you know someone or trust them that PMing them info is ok (but you can never be 100% sure it will stay secret I guess). I certainly hope that OFNcers will still help other regular OFNcers out (as I for one have learnt a lot from this board).


I personally don't like photos with blanked out backgrounds BUT just from an aesthetic point of view - it really detracts from a nice photo, but if its a really sensitive or secret spot then I completely understand the reasoning why you and others do it. I choose not to photoshop my images but I do try to protect the locations as best i can by photographing against a non-descript background or shooting a pic of the fish on the ground or just not posting those photos with obvious backgrounds.


I really hope that what happened to Xrap and others does not start a trend towards people not posting reports on the board or stopping photos altogether - as I think we will all lose out.


Just my thoughts.


When's your next pike report coming our way Snag? Everyone seems to be catching the small pike - the large ones are obviously waiting for you at spot X - you know the one - the one with the fuzzy looking sky and background :lol:




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mixed feelings here


I had a kawartha lake buggered up because of photos I posted..it only took 3 weeks and the spot was dead....so I do know what you mean......

but the fish should only be part of the reason we fish..I enjoy the scenery behind the angler and not to know where they are fishing but because I like the scenery ....


and it kinda kills the idea of what the internet is for...


and I have seen people get upset just because someone posted the name of their favourite lake


I don't know, I guess we need to find a balance some where some how

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One technique instead of blurring is to shot from a different angle. The angler with the fish crouching and the camera guy standing shooting down ward.


Unless your those crazy trout float guys that screams "I know that pebble in the shot...how could you!" the shots should hide any land marks.

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I agree to a point, but I too am worried that posts like this deter people from posting at all. I am learning all the time from this board and suck up as my much info as my tiny little brain will hold. I guess that posting exact locations may be wrong I still don't see anything wrong with pics (within reason). For example I love hearing something like "I was looking for gators on the south west side of the island, throwing a flame tiger husky jerk in a #13 all morning (nice day by the way,water was like glass), but had more success with the silver/black HJ-10 ". To me that followed with a pic of the guy(oops, or girl) holding a gator with the HJ#10 hanging out of it's mouth and the Toronto skyline behind them would be perfect. If he happens to get a rock or tree in the picture, oh well. If someone can differentiate between rocks or trees on the island they know it well anyway. From a distance using the skyline (CN tower) as a guide you'd have a hard time telling precisely where they were standing or at least I would. You may get the general vicinity (within a half mile), but that's not exactly GPS coordinates is it? If that's not acceptable, what is? How close should we come in describing an area we're fishing in? Who gets to set the guidelines? I'm not trying to be an arse, just that so much of acceptability is in opinion and perception. I understand and agree with the general principle, I'm just not sure where the line should be drawn.

Edited by kennyman
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This is kind of funny because I am a member of a board that is for catfishing that is nationally known. It is broken down into type of catfish and states with even specific bodies of water. The site owners on their have a filter that to view attachments you must be a member which some hide their photos behind but in the long run just make the site have more members. The photos are not blurred and the members all openly say were they were fishing and when they are going to be back out their. It is like lining up a fishin party with a group of friends rather than a contest as to were you can catch the secret fish. Granted the catfishin population practice catch and release of the big fish and only keep the 3-5 lbers for food. I can start a thread to the board and have a fishing guide give me a list of spots that he has been getting the bite on lately and even invited me out for a free trip since I was having such a bad run in figuring out the patterns.Since he did that I gave him a long list of places to try when he comes up to my neck of the river and a free trip if he wants it.

I am not sure if the difference is the people or the amount of people that make the difference between fishin the North and fishin around here. I have always treated the people up North when I am fishing the same way I treat the catfishin community here giving spots or lures or trips to people who are not having much success. Most have given back a lasting friendship or a laugh or a beer for the opportunity to turn a fishin trip into a catchin trip. I am not sure their is an answer that will cover everyones zone of comfort however if you see me and you are fishless I will be happy to give you the lure off my line and a direction to fish it.




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Did you thank those whose spots you now fish?


Fished the T.O shoreline since early 90's and haven't seen a major increase in anglers.

Actually was surprised at the smaller fish i saw this weekend.

Some successsful spawning going on.


No need to be a martyr but the gentle reminder is a good intention.






Yes I did thank them.

We still fish together.

Lucid is marrying my sister.


I'm not being a martyr (don't you have to die first?)

I'm not worried about fish stocks being depleted either.


I'm more concerned about spots being shut down from us.

Which I think is reasonable.


I just went to O.P. and in 1/2 an hour saw more fishing tackle gabage and met an idiot who said he was trying to snag suspending pike. Obviously not an OFNer but if a moron like that used his computer to find a spot I posted, well maybe I would just die and then I'd be a martyr :rolleyes:


Thanks ehg

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Hey snag man (still can't bring myself to call you snog!)



I personally don't like photos with blanked out backgrounds BUT just from an aesthetic point of view - it really detracts from a nice photo, but if its a really sensitive or secret spot then I completely understand the reasoning why you and others do it. I choose not to photoshop my images but I do try to protect the locations as best i can by photographing against a non-descript background or shooting a pic of the fish on the ground or just not posting those photos with obvious backgrounds.



When's your next pike report coming our way Snag? Everyone seems to be catching the small pike - the large ones are obviously waiting for you at spot X - you know the one - the one with the fuzzy looking sky and background :lol:





Thanks OO7,


I had blurring/photoshopping.

I agree with you and Mako about better photographic practices. Sometimes the only place to set-up the camera is on a rock that shows your locale.


I haven't been out much and I'm kinda doing what my mentors have done and not really post anything under 30".


Thanks for the kind words

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I agree to a point, but I too am worried that posts like this deter people from posting at all. I am learning all the time from this board and suck up as my much info as my tiny little brain will hold. I guess that posting exact locations may be wrong I still don't see anything wrong with pics (within reason). For example I love hearing something like "I was looking for gators on the south west side of the island, throwing a flame tiger husky jerk in a #13 all morning (nice day by the way,water was like glass), but had more success with the silver/black HJ-10 ". To me that followed with a pic of the guy(oops, or girl) holding a gator with the HJ#10 hanging out of it's mouth and the Toronto skyline behind them would be perfect. If he happens to get a rock or tree in the picture, oh well. If someone can differentiate between rocks or trees on the island they know it well anyway. From a distance using the skyline (CN tower) as a guide you'd have a hard time telling precisely where they were standing or at least I would. You may get the general vicinity (within a half mile), but that's not exactly GPS coordinates is it? If that's not acceptable, what is? How close should we come in describing an area we're fishing in? Who gets to set the guidelines? I'm not trying to be an arse, just that so much of acceptability is in opinion and perception. I understand and agree with the general principle, I'm just not sure where the line should be drawn.


I agree.


It's the posts where you can tell EXACTLY where someone is that's the issue for me.


We are one, brother :thumbsup_anim:

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mixed feelings here


I had a kawartha lake buggered up because of photos I posted..it only took 3 weeks and the spot was dead....so I do know what you mean......

but the fish should only be part of the reason we fish..I enjoy the scenery behind the angler and not to know where they are fishing but because I like the scenery ....


and it kinda kills the idea of what the internet is for...


and I have seen people get upset just because someone posted the name of their favourite lake


I don't know, I guess we need to find a balance some where some how



a whole lake is kinda touchy, unless it's the musky guys territory...................

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This is kind of funny because I am a member of a board that is for catfishing that is nationally known. It is broken down into type of catfish and states with even specific bodies of water. The site owners on their have a filter that to view attachments you must be a member which some hide their photos behind but in the long run just make the site have more members. The photos are not blurred and the members all openly say were they were fishing and when they are going to be back out their. It is like lining up a fishin party with a group of friends rather than a contest as to were you can catch the secret fish. Granted the catfishin population practice catch and release of the big fish and only keep the 3-5 lbers for food. I can start a thread to the board and have a fishing guide give me a list of spots that he has been getting the bite on lately and even invited me out for a free trip since I was having such a bad run in figuring out the patterns.Since he did that I gave him a long list of places to try when he comes up to my neck of the river and a free trip if he wants it.

I am not sure if the difference is the people or the amount of people that make the difference between fishin the North and fishin around here. I have always treated the people up North when I am fishing the same way I treat the catfishin community here giving spots or lures or trips to people who are not having much success. Most have given back a lasting friendship or a laugh or a beer for the opportunity to turn a fishin trip into a catchin trip. I am not sure their is an answer that will cover everyones zone of comfort however if you see me and you are fishless I will be happy to give you the lure off my line and a direction to fish it.



I'm the same way.

The problem here is that in an urban center opportunities are reduced and access can be terminated.


Love to have seen T.O. 300 years ago.

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Personally I tend to ignore pictures that have been doctored I have no interest in them go buy a fish from the fish store and photo shop that to me it has the same effect.

Do you guys get upset when one of the local fishing shows do an episode from a local lake seems to me that would have a much more negative affect.


The way I look at this subject is simple these spots that people want to try and keep all to themselves have been around for years and no doubt the protectionist out there were probably introduced to the "spot" by a fellow angler,magazine,internet site etc. and now they want to try and keep the spot to themselves seems kind of selfish to me.


Who died and left you king of the "spot"

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Meh, try your best to take a picture with a neutral, but attractive backround, and if at the end of the day you're still worried about it, go ahead and blurr away! I'm not a fan of it myself, as it takes away from what could be a nice looking shot - but hey, if it makes "said" fisherman feel better about his/her fishin' spot then go for it.


We all know it's the few dummies out there that are ruining it for the rest of us. I have a limited time frame for fishing therefore I fish relatively well known spots and time and time again I see the same old thing. "part-timers" who don't have licences, keep everything they catch, and leave all their carbage behind. I fish 100% artificials (except for corn hah) and somehow I always end up leaving with a few worm containers?


I hate to say it Snag, and I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it's going to get much better anytime soon. How many "no fishing zones" have you seen switched back to "ok to fish" spots? I could be WAY wrong on this call though, because I am still newish to the GTA.


Weirdest thing to me is the amount of coconuts in the Credit!! I didn't know there were palm trees in Toronto? heh




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