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First i had nothing planed for this long weekend ,

Skipper D

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Last wedneday night while sitting on the board here reading an interesting topic put up by Roy about where he should fish this week end i jumped in , hoping that if i added to his post in such away that it might get me an invite to go his way for a little fishing plus finaly meet the guy ( our leader ) but this fish did'nt take the hook ..... lol . Funny as things will go some times , Musky Mike & Mercman saw what i was up to and offered in a pm that if i was in the area to drop by for breakfast if i could and possibly take in some fishing if i had time . With time after that flying by and with no anwser coming in from Roy ( this guy believe me is so good at playing possium ) i started packing to hit the road thursday night for what ever . Friday morning found me at 7am just in time walking in on Mike and Paul at Harv's diner which is just a stones thro from the Larry . Then BANG it hit me , i then was introduded to just what OFC is all about . Holy crap , i was muged by Mercman Montreal style and showered with gifts , Cattle boyz for me and a new combo to take back home for my grandson Skippy Jr , Mike was stand there as tall as he is with his welcoming smile and his out reached hand , then it was down to getting to know you and the fish talk of the day . Time just flew by after that then the Boys had to hit their date they had planed for musky that day , before parting ways Mike asked if i had time to fish before i left for home and that we could spend saturday on the Larry if i wanted , so i did what any one eles would and said Hell Yes . Mike said Ok , you meet me at my place tomorrow morning for 8 and i'll have breakfast ready . Next morning 8 oclock i pull up at Mikes , he had every thing ready t , beacons & eggs were cooking and then before you knew it we were off . Guys let me tell you , it was pb for me one after another that day , we started fishing at 9 am , bright blue skys , clear water , east wind blowing and it was non stop action , five bass all c&r then it was 11 walleye one right after another and man did i learn things from Mike i would have never on my own . Then it was 12 noon and we headed of the water for lunch . Here i'll let a the few pic's we took talk for a bit ............. you'll see by the looks of my face in the one , it wasa bright sunny day all right and in the second pic i could only hold up six of our eight keepers for the day

Edited by Skipper " D "
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Nice going Ronclapping.gif For those who don't know Ron very well, let me say this.He is one of the most down to earth, funny, and sincere people i have met.

He was a bit late, so Mike Called his cell to be sure everything was ok.


Hi Ron...Mike here, just checking what time you were getting here.


Oh hi Mike, i just stopped along the road to fish in a nice spot i saw, and my lure got hung up.So now i'm up to my waist trying to get it un snagged.


Really Ron ?????(Mike believed him w00t.gif )


No, i"m just up the road,be there in 2 minutes


We Chatted and had a great visit. Even got to meet Bebe LaLa, another great character.


Pleasure to meet you Buddy. Next time, we fish together for sure.Gonefishing.gif




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Had a blast Ron...


Breakfast friday was nice and Saturday on the water was a blast...


Ron is a fast learner... I was explaining how to read water.... Then Ron asked if we "could try over there"...


Of course I said....


Sure enough we got 1 or 2 walleye there.... So thanks for helping me find another spot Ron...


I got more at that spot last night with my dad....

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