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School Aquarium program has just got a huge boost

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Lake Huron Fishing Club had 3 Salmon Aquarium Hatcheries in schools last year & the club has agreed to expand that up to 10 if we could get the funds to do so, with the help of a few members I gathered up the information to apply for a Grant for $7,500.00 & received approval for $6,000.00, which means we can expand by 6 schools this year, the one comment was that the Libro Credit Union would like to see some of them in there catchment area so we'll be working on that this summer & ordering the Aquarium & Automatic Chiller & Feeders to be ready to set them up this fallthumbsup_anim.gifthumbsup_anim.gifclapping.gif

A huge Thank You goes out to the Libro Community Credit Union Board & Members Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif

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So many cross-curricular learning opportunities can be accessed as a result of this initiative - I love it! The best part is that "spec ed" learners have been proven to be more engaged in their learning and retain more knowledge when animals (or other dependents, i.e. a plant) is present. It's nice to see science "in action", rather than just restricted to the texts. I'm sure the kiddies learn life lessons too, such as life and death and respecting nature.


If only we could get something like this in the TDSB, I would support a program like this in my classroom in a heartbeat.

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That's great news. Do you know what school's are getting the aquariums. I went to John Diefenbaker many moon's ago :unsure:



I have a few picked out but only 1 confirmed that they want it so far, the Principal of the new Super School being built has said they would like 1 but since it won't be ready until next fall I think she will take it to the Wingham Public School that will have Grade 5/6 from the whole area, need to have a meeting with LHFC to confirm school & we need to have the Schools on board, since they are on summer break it might be hard to finalize before September

Tight Lines SBKGonefishing.gif

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