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Three pounds of FURY


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Since Gizmo has come in to our lives,it,s been a great trip . Smart pup and listens,,,,,,Well to me anyways. :rofl2:


He now likes his morning and eveing walks. It like walking a rabbit.Hop hop hop,then scatter step.LOL





Then theres the attack mode.Ninja style. :lol:



<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1234.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fff417%2Fbrianb64%2F001-6.mp4">

Edited by Misfish
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Since Gizmo has come in to our life,it,s been a great trip so far. SMart pup and listens,,,,,,Well to me anyways. :rofl2:


He now likes his morning and eveing walks. It like walking a rabbit.Hop hop hop,then scatter step.LOL



Then theres the attack mood.Nija style. :lol:



<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1234.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fff417%2Fbrianb64%2F001-6.mp4">


Too cute Brian!!

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OMG what a sweetie B. Well Ralphie still does attack ninja style and he's 8 months old now :whistling::w00t:


Not sure when they become (not) puppies but he still acts like one that's for sure so I'm guessing when he's a year he'll be more like a doggie than a puppy?

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OMG what a sweetie B. Well Ralphie still does attack ninja style and he's 8 months old now :whistling::w00t:


Not sure when they become (not) puppies but he still acts like one that's for sure so I'm guessing when he's a year he'll be more like a doggie than a puppy?



Not sure if Gizmo will grow out of puppy,he will only reach 5 pounds.LOL


His bark is ear percing at times. :w00t:

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He's turning out to be a great little pup there Brian and you guys are gonna be buds for a long time to come.



Not sure when they become (not) puppies but he still acts like one that's for sure so I'm guessing when he's a year he'll be more like a doggie than a puppy?



They never grow up Joey.


Marvin's going on 16 and he wears me out every day just trying to keep up with him :lol:

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"The Beast" aka Rudy will be a year and a half tomorrow, and he still acts like a puppy....imagine, 200lbs chasing a moth in the flashlight beam....ok if you're ready for it, but if he catches you off guard....lol He also chases shadows, flies, pretty much anything that moves :)


Glad you're enjoying your pup Brian, sadly I am unable to watch the videos posted here....might have to try and access them on my phone....hmmmm....



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your becomming quite the video producer Mr Misfish... :thumbsup_anim:


1 How do you put videos on here so that they dont show up as a link? ( its eaisier to ask then to try to learn especially when the working half of my brain is sleeping)

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