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  On 3/4/2012 at 12:04 AM, livinisfishin said:

Just curious when somebody is on this can they still be seen online? Can you send pm's while banned?


why ? are you planning on surfin the net in the Raw :jerry:


you might want to ask Mercman to publish his latest "how to get off Mod Q" book...i think he will give 50% off if its your first time...

  On 3/4/2012 at 12:21 AM, Twocoda said:

why ? are you planning on surfin the net in the Raw :jerry:


you might want to ask Mercman to publish his latest "how to get off Mod Q" book...i think he will give 50% off if its your first time...


no jabs at anyone justan honest question

  On 3/4/2012 at 12:21 AM, Twocoda said:

why ? are you planning on surfin the net in the Raw jerry.gif


you might want to ask Mercman to publish his latest "how to get off Mod Q" book...i think he will give 50% off if its your first time...



Be nice you. I"m not looking to get into trouble over here.wallbash.gif

  On 3/4/2012 at 12:21 AM, Twocoda said:

why ? are you planning on surfin the net in the Raw jerry.gif


you might want to ask Mercman to publish his latest "how to get off Mod Q" book...i think he will give 50% off if its your first time...



rofl2.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gif I'm glad I didnt have that sip of beer before I read that one

Mod-q for dummies by Mercman

Posted (edited)
  On 3/4/2012 at 12:38 AM, livinisfishin said:

yeah whats with these low blows.....no answers to my actual questions just a pile of horse shiat


John gave you the most intelligent answer available....you surely dont expect an intelligent one from me do you??? :whistling:

Edited by Twocoda
  On 3/4/2012 at 12:38 AM, livinisfishin said:

yeah whats with these low blows.....no answers to my actual questions just a pile of horse shiat



ModQ, means that anything you post, must be approved by a moderator before being sent to the public forum.

It can happen for may reasons,

Banned means you can no longer use the forum or any of its sections.You no longer are a member.

As far as i know, the member can plead his case and ask for reinstatement, but thats hard to do if you cant use the PM system


lol he did...it doesn't get much more to the point then that. Even with the sarcasm thrown in there.

Why does everything have to go through the mods..is there really no way of just talking things out on here?


Did you look in here?





The Rules

We'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.


Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL!


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Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly.Contact TJQ for ad rates.


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Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.


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Signatures must also conform to language and content guidelines.

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If your post contains hunting images that may offend some, please note Hunting Images in your post description.


We have a group of Administrators and Moderators all here to help you out.If you have any questions, ask us!


Troublemakers will be warned and then if that doesn't work, placed on a Mod Queue. This means every post you make will need to be approved before it is visible. If being in mod queue doesn't help, offenders will be banned.


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Before posting anything in the classifieds be certain to read the classified rules.


Get together threads may be requested to be pinned, but no longer than 30 days before the event.


AND JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR... these are the terms you agreed to when you registered...

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