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Some recent, quiet, secret Canadian History


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Seems 57% of Canadians never heard of Vimy. I bet you that you would be astonished that our troops were in a Battle in the former Yugoslavia. I recall looking for the Russians (We had to Teach them Mine awareness) somewhere on the Serbian side when I asked a Serb Soldier if he knew where I could find te Russians. Because I was in the Russian Sector this Serb was surprised to see me. He looked at me and noticed that I was a Canadian soldier, and said. YOU KNOW! You Canadians are like sleeping Tigers, we hope that you dont wake up.


I knew he was right. Please read the story when we did wake up. This was afterwards.http://www.suc.org/news/world_articles/Toronto_Sun.html

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Hey Holdfast,interesting tks for sharing,my Grand Dad fought at Vimy(Albert Thorpe),He passed on at the age of 84 .

he was one of the lucky ones that survived,he went onto WW2 with my dad and uncle

My uncle passed away last week in B.C at 85 and my dad goes under the knife today at 83

You are right,not many know about it,seems those that served to liberate freedom are in their last years.Its trully nice to see some recognition to those that fought for what we have today

There are only 2 soldiers left,one in TO and the other in the U.S.A


A special message is written on my Nana's stone and its has great significance

" Gods greatest gift rememberance"

Could not be more true

Edited by marc thorpe
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Thanks for the read!! I was in the local Chapters a while ago and looked at a book that was likely about that... but I had no idea what it was about and never picked it up (bought it).


I had no idea Somalia happened either, until I saw a documentary on tv a few years ago. I was 11-12 when those things took place.

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Interesting read. I was struck by a couple of things in there.


The former Yugoslavian area is filled with cultured, educated peoples. Heck, Sarajevo hosted the '84 Olympics.

To see it fall into such disarray and horror so quickly and recently should've been a wake up call to us here.


We all sleep well and lead generally fearless lives thanks to the U.S. being a superpower and

Canadians having international respect. But things could turn quickly...


The Canadians in the article weren't supposed to fight but their backs were against the wall.

The result 30 deaths, 100 injured on the other side but no Canadians dead. Yes, sleeping tigers.


Thanks for post.



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Great Read, unfortuantly it happens all too often outside commanders doing what is politically right compared to what is just right.


I have read this story before, and the same has happend before. The movie Hotel Rowanda showed the same thing..


I have the greatest respect for our People in uniform at there control and professionism.

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If you read the article posted; which is heavily biased, please read this article which counter's many points. Unlike Mr. Taylor's article, the below, has references and is well put together. It' goal, unlike Scott Taylor's; was not to sell books or create sensationalism.




I in no way am intending to belittle the Canadian military as I am proud to be Canadian and have friends who are serving; but I am getting really sick of articles such as this.

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If you read the article posted; which is heavily biased, please read this article which counter's many points. Unlike Mr. Taylor's article, the below, has references and is well put together. It' goal, unlike Scott Taylor's; was not to sell books or create sensationalism.




I in no way am intending to belittle the Canadian military as I am proud to be Canadian and have friends who are serving; but I am getting really sick of articles such as this.



Nice first post there bud. My nephew just completed his basic training at Borden and is now on his way to gagetown.

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i know.. heavy first post ej! haha


I am always on this site, but usually just read the articles, but after reading the article posted, I had to post. I know the link i posted is a long read, but it is extremely interesting and actually includes copies of the letters between generals and official UN and UNPROFOR documents. War is a horrible thing, but it really pisses me off when an observer twists facts and writes opinion to be fact to gain notariety and a little bit of fame.

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Just got back from Mtl and started catching up on the board. Oliver, don't know who, or what side your on but I have a request for you. Also any other board members that send links. That link you sent is one great read of ccccrap propaganda. As I read it, it didn't take me long to realize that the author was a Croatian, She, He, they, have purposely twisted facts from fiction. Sure there is some truth, but I can tell you first hand after spending 18 months on three occasions there, that the Reservist statements, as well as the Engineers being from 1 CER are not factual. I really like how they try to say that the Canadians were pro Serb. What a pile of garbage. In most if not all cases our camps were on the Croatian or Bosnian side of things. As a matter of fact if we crossed over to the Serb side we, us soldiers would call it the Dark Side. The only Soldiers that were obvious Pro-Serb from the UN were the Russians. Russian dead had been found amongst the Serbs after a battle. As far as all those criminal Canadian incidents, believe what you want. But if you research the article you will find that it is written by a Croat and the source is Zagreb, the Capital. Oh by the way, I bet you they hand out these newspapers in front of the Street car entrances or at the bus stops and University. I spent 3 years recently with the PPCLI at their school in Wainwright. Although I was not there (Medak), my peers, Engineers were, as well as some of my instructors. I have first hand knowledge of what really happened. Major McKillop who was mentioned in Taylors Article was my OC during my posting. As far as Taylors article for once he had something good to say about the military as he usually doesn't. That was proven with the so called Somalian incident. That war was one of the most cruelest wars ever. Atrocities were committed by all sides. Just think, there are so called new Canadians( Former Yugoslavians) that are living here in Canada, that have taken life in the most horrible way. If you don't think so you are so naive

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