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Of steel and stones.....


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Was a great weekend at the river. Love the colder temps this time of year which brings on my favorite of all stone fly bite . Last week the odd fish on stones but this weekend a complete change over to the little buggers. Others may have had some luck with various offerings but it was full bore for us and our stones.


The fish fought hard in the cold highly oxygenated waters many taking to the air and finding there freedom while others took to the depths only to find themselves looking straight into a camera before they made there escape back to the awaiting pools.

Devon did well landing yet another personal best on his own hand tied stone fly.



The old man even got into a couple




There was another first this weekend as well that made me feel all fuzzy but that could of been the JD at work ?? The kid finally learned how to whip finish his fly's :clapping: . Sorry for the blurry shot but I was feeling pretty blurry when I took it :lol:


Looking forward to next weekend !!!

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