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I've found the TOR/OTT rivalry to be lacking, because the Sens really don't have an identity anymore.


It's too bad Alfie's been out, I love hearing him get booed in his own building.


Sens have about the same identity as the Leafs right now, young hard working team, both surprisingly higher in the standing than people thought they would be.


Sens much younger on D but much deeper in prospects there. Kessel and Spezza largely interchangeable although Spezza is better in his own end (now, not always and certainly not when he was Kessel's age) Spezza more consistent in putting up points historically.


Both teams have decent goaltending.


There really is very little difference in the two teams although the Sens have better prospects coming along. The biggest difference being the Sens are in the first year of a big rebuild and the Leafs are in the 6-7th year of a big rebuild.

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hahaha Toronto fans are boooing the team,you call yourselves fans? Stands are empty...and tml are in first overall in years......lolololol....losing 7-0 to the Bruins.......it was only a matter of time for the bubble to burst and they go back to haw they always play...


:jerry: :jerry: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim::clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Welcome back Muskymatt. Your timing matches your class. Lol (joking).


To the guy that said the Sens have more prospects than the Leafs right now. ------ Open your eyes. The problem with the Sens right now is that they have no prospects. None. Zip, zilch, nada.


The Leafs will not finish first this year of course, but it is looking more and more like they are going to go into the playoffs. Wouldn't that be nice, eh lads?


I predicted last year that they would finish 10th in the East. I predict a 5th place finish this year (lofty, I know).

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...could mid season have started last night?





I have to agree with this comment




the leafs peel off a couple wins (like every start to the season) and all the so called fans (who even boo them when they are in first place) think it's cup time again (like usual), then they crash (since1967) and play brutal hockey (and the so called fans leave early)until they (at seasons end)put together a couple panic games, and get enough wins to miss out on the draft.


Then the rebuild talk starts.....(Groundhog day)



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Rizzo - don't give that muskymatt guy any more fuel than he needs. One game isn't exactly a trend, now is it? Muskymatt must have missed that 6th grade math lesson ....



lol....actually, I'm quite proficient in math.....it's understanding leaf fans that has me stumped!!!





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I have to agree with this comment




the leafs peel off a couple wins (like every start to the season) and all the so called fans (who even boo them when they are in first place) think it's cup time again (like usual), then they crash (since1967) and play brutal hockey (and the so called fans leave early)until they (at seasons end)put together a couple panic games, and get enough wins to miss out on the draft.


Then the rebuild talk starts.....(Groundhog day)




Please provide an example of these "so called fans" overt enthusiasm.


BTW the centurions are not only headed for a ruff few season on the ice, but off it as well. Their so call fans have stopped showing up at the arena, so enjoy them while you got 'em. :good:

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Please provide an example of these "so called fans" overt enthusiasm.


BTW the centurions are not only headed for a ruff few season on the ice, but off it as well. Their so call fans have stopped showing up at the arena, so enjoy them while you got 'em. :good:




"This is how they thank a first place team in Toronto" while playing the game tape showing the empty seats and booing loudly....


It was watched by all viewers, not just me,, :clapping:


Jer....in Ottawa we always cheer a 7-0 laff loss...



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"This is how they thank a first place team in Toronto" while playing the game tape showing the empty seats and booing loudly....


It was watched by all viewers, not just me,, :clapping:


Jer....in Ottawa we always cheer a 7-0 laff loss...




Isn't that the opposite of overt enthusiasm? :dunno:

Edited by JohnBacon
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Yeah, your going to have to make up your mind Matt. Are we overly enthusiastic or a bunch of deadbeat, ungrateful fans. Your petty vitriol for the Leaf's speaks volumes about yourself. I would be willing to wager that you are a former Leaf fan that now hates the organization for not giving you a winning team and hates the current fans because you see a weak and heartbroken version of yourself in them. When the Leaf's finally start to succeed you will probably really start to crank up the vitriol for them as you will be devastated at that point, that you did not stick with them and have placed your hopes in a very lousy Senator team.


The next time you go to Local Heroes up there in Ottawa to take in the game, remember it is ok to break down. You can cry, it feels good to cry. Let it out Matt, just let it out man.



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Just wait until February when they are trying to get the 8th spot... seen it happen like this to many times before


Houston we have a winner...good start, tank till they're last place or close to it, make a run in the last month or so to make it interesting, don't make the playoffs but get a worse draft position due to late season rally. This has been a common trend the last decade (except when they didn't own a draft pick they did not make the run to ruin said draft position). HOWEVER, I think this depressing cycle may be over. They will definitely hit the skids at some point, but they might just make the play-offs this time

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They deleted my additional comments in which I gave example :dunno: , I have to assume they will delete them if I post them again. :rolleyes::wallbash:


Nuff said, leafs suck, the bubble has burst, I can't wait to post on the next thread a leaf fan posts with a title like




Even leaf fans have made reference to "can Kessel keep up this pace?" and many other questionables.....

McArthur lol.....please....lol...you think this guy is going to be a consistent go getter.

Penalty killing? :w00t:


Just watching the results and fallout from the loss was entertainment at its best.. :jerry:


Spoken like a true pro eh Grimace :sarcasm: ,,,,40 yrs of breaking down and crying(as a leaf fan) can certainly qualify you to offer advice on just that! :whistling:


:clapping: :clapping:

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Spoken like a true pro eh Grimace :sarcasm: ,,,,40 yrs of breaking down and crying(as a leaf fan) can certainly qualify you to offer advice on just that! :whistling:




Lol. Yep. I saw a cartoon a while back in one of the papers the had a Leaf's fan handing his psychologist's business card to a Senator's fan.

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So did anybody catch the score of the TML game tonight?





Just checked the standings...still in second place in the conference. :thumbsup_anim:


...had trouble finding the Sens, had to scroll down underneath that bold line at the 8th spot. :whistling:

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