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Quickie Fly Report


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Hello OFC! As promised, here is a quick fly report from this morning.


I was a little weary of leaving the comfort and safety of the center pin at home and venturing out armed with only a fly rod. Luckily the fishing was great, and the choice payed off in the end. Unfortunately, I was by myself for the whole day, except for a brief visit by a good samaritan :D, so the pictures aren't the best.


The trib I fished was very low, as was expected for this time of year and given our lack of rainfall over the past week or so. Most of the fish were found in only a few deeper pools and under some log jams. A lot of my go-to pools were surprisingly empty, a good indication that the season is quickly coming to a close.


I arrived at first light, and it only took a few minutes before I had the first fish on.




For the next fish, buddy arrived just as I was fighting it and offered to take a pic. I realized shortly after that my cork was covered in fish slime. Not a pleasant sensation.




For these next two, I moved downstream and drifted under a tempting log jam. Somehow I left there with all of my flies.


Wish I cleaned my lens first!! :oops:







Here is a nice release video for my biggest catch of the day. It pretty much sums up how calm and peaceful the day was, except of course for when steelhead were jumping 3-4 feet clear out of the water!



The gear I used was a Sage VT2 8 Weight rod with a Sage 3880 CF reel with SA 8wt floating steelhead line. I can't stress how much I love Frog Hair as fluorocarbon tippet. I tied 3 lb since the water was so clear and didn't lose a single fish.


I took a pic of all of the flies that I used today and labeled it in case anyone is interested. Fly fishing has a steep learning curve, but once you dive it the feeling is like no other. The best baits were single egg patterns, but I got one on a san juan worm as well. I'll also admit to cheating and using roe bags to get at the deeper fish in one or two pools :whistling:




Here's a nice shot of the scenery to go out on, hope you enjoyed this report



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