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I've seen several people fish for Crappie and keep them as if they feed an army. The worst I've seen was a guy with a Home Depot bucket filled with Crappie to the top, he stood beside the bucket and called his other friend from somewhere, wait till he arrived with yet another empty bucket then the 1st guy left. After an hour or so the 2nd guy got his full bucket of Crappie, called the 1st guy with the now empty bucket. The cycle continues until there's none for them to catch.


I can't download the link (dial-up) but, I believe the way the regulations stand, ONLY Division 8 has a limit on crappies, (30) but the rules MIGHT (and should) change if the ever get the new ones out.


Dad and his buddies used to do that here, even started us out that way, made little or no sense to us kids. Every weekend in April they brought home bucket loads, gave them to neighbors, buried ones they didn`t clean and freeze. Just to impress?


crappie are taking over our lakes anyways, thats why there is no limit. And with the amount of meat on them, you need a few dozen to feed a small family for one meal. I've kept upwards of 80 crappies in a day from Simcoe, and fed my house for two nights.

Posted (edited)
  lookinforwalleye said:
I would love to invite this person up to Scugog to help thin out the Crappie population.


Show me where and I'll help you! PM me your spot(s) and it's a done deal :) :). Crappie are yummy...

Edited by Puckhead

If they're encroaching on the other fish in the lake then by all means, keep fishing till the car is packed to the gills (ha-ha!). Crappie are nice but I prefer a couple of nice walleye fillets any day. Up on Rice Lake for the closer last year a bunch of guys showed up on the Bewdley pier and started laying in on the crappie like they were going out of style, they kept absolutely everything they caught. Between the 6 or so of them while I was there until about 6:00, they must have caught upwards of a couple of hundred and were still going strong. I was tossing everything back in and they were looking at me like I had one eye in the middle of my forehead, I dunno........some people can be really greedy and those are the ones that can mess up a good fishery.

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