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The Great Global Warming Swindle


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Hi, this link was buried in another thread about light bulbs. I just thought I'd put it under it's own topic as there was a lot of debate on this site about global warming. Anyone who wants to see the opposite side of the Al Gore/activist coin should watch this video. Anyone who truly believes humans are the cause of global warming should watch this.



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Very interesting video. I have just finished reading Michael Crichton's novel "State of Fear" and found it entertaining. It's fiction; however, the scientific references throughout the novel are factual. The novel points out a number of facts which seem to run contrary to what is becoming accepted as gospel in regard to global warming, similar to the video.

I'm all for conservation and the efficient use of all resources. It just concerns me that if a person now questions the theory of global warming, you run the risk of being deemed anti-environment, anti-conservation, pro-capitalist, and a pawn of big business. The ongoing study of the impact of CO2 on climate and the theory of global warming has in itself become big business. I find it impossible to discern what's fact and what's just a good news headline. Andy

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Deem me what ever you like Im getting a bigger truck,a bigger motor for my boat, a faster sled, a more more powerful ATV, burning a camp fire every night when we camp, never buying a CFL bulb, running my airconditioner 24/7 when the weather gets hot, so for those of you who by into the crap the fear mongers are selling you THANK YOU VERY MUCH, save as much power as you can so there is lots for me when I need it to live my life, what a great concept this is, its called LIVING WITHOUT FEAR


p.s. have the great David S. show you a picture of the home he lives in and have him make his earnings public

Edited by fliptheslop
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Yea, I have always been skeptical of this great horror called "human driven global climate change". Why are we as a nation (and globally) placing so much emphasis and spending so much money on something that is only a theory while people still starve, waterways are still used as dumping grounds, stupid wars are being fought for the benefit of a select few. I guess its a good distraction to keep our minds off the immediate problems facing us, and as a bonus, it provides liberal media darlings like Al Gore and David Suzuki with outlets for their psuedo science. Thanks for the link Chris.


Indisputable indeed. :blahblah1:

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fliptheslop, where do you live? Just the address will be fine. I find it really hard to believe that you live in Canada. Living without fear? Sounds like you are living with a lot less than that.


Dano, work one problem at a time. See above.

Edited by douG
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fliptheslop, where do you live? Just the address will be fine. I find it really hard to believe that you live in Canada. Living without fear? Sounds like you are living with a lot less than that.


Dano, work one problem at a time. See above.


Yea, we just happened to skip over all the problems that have plagued us for years to focus on one that perhaps isnt even a problem. Makes no sense to me douG. What do you honestly think is going to kill more people in the next hundred years (not that thats all bad) global warming, or starvation? Global warming or wars run by greedy sociopaths and/or fundamentalist religious zealots? I think we have more immediate concerns.

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Personally, I think that there is NO WAY you could argue that the planet isnt getting warmer, BUT I also think that alot (if not all) of it is caused by natural changes in climate. Everyone gets all uptight about what is going to happen in 50 years or 100 years, but geuss what folks, weve only been around for a tiny percantage of the time the earth has been, and well be gone LONG before the earth is. To think that we can stop something that the earth is doing (in my opinion naturally) is just plain stupid. I know were not helping the planet at all, but I dont think that were causing it to get warmer 100%.


Of course, we could argue about this till the cows come home...or the ice caps melt... or whatever.

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As a guy who studied science (Marine Biology) at a time when all of this stuff was being 'formulated' back in the 70's ... when David Suzuki was still somewhat of a 'prophet' .... and Jacques Cousteau was a household name .... I can honestly say I was ALWAYS very sceptical about the science behind the hype about man-made global warming... on the other hand .. while the assumption about warming may be wrong .. I think we (the scientific community) have no problem at all agreeing that our (human) activities are doing bad things to our planet .... losing forests, losing reefs, losing clean water, losing clean air ... so while I have to agree that climate change is probably affected much more by traumatic 'events' historically at least ... we are at a point (over the last century) where we are running out of places to make a mess on our planet and we better find a way to stop it ...


I happen to be a little further to the right than most 'eco-politicians' but we must be careful not to confuse the politics and the facts ...

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OH NO NOT ANOTHER GLOBAL WARMING THREAD>>>> GAWD>>> LOL ............OK I promise to keep this short....lol


We as a species are not the main reason for GW but we are taking away the ability for the earth to process the C02 at an efficient enough rate to keep things stable. We are depleteting the natural filter's that the earth hs used for years. We might not be the reason for the mass amounts of C02 in the air but we are the reason that the C02 is not being removed by the earths forests and fauna. How can the earth keep up cleaning the air if we keep destroying the forests that have been responsible for the job of filtering the air. Yes they ( unbeliever's) lol I sound like a cult leader... Are right in the fact its not just the industrial revolution creating the high amounts of C02 in the atmoshpere its a variety of things. But what they do not focus on is the fact that C02 is filter by all the forestes and fauna on the earth. And we are destroying the forests and fauna that process this gas hence the excess amounts creating rising temps and weird weather. We as a species need to stop scewing with mother nature and let her do her job. We need those forests to process this gas. I said I would keep it short ... so with that said I hope that everyone will see the diversion tatics being used to divert us from the real reason why we are ending up with the excess amounts of C02 gas in the atmoshpere. They (skeptics and politicians) are doing a very old thing called "bait and switch" Open your eyes please and see that if we destroy the forests we destroy the earths ability to filter the C02 into O2.


And to you fliptheslop..........grow up. no one one here has a chip on their shoulder don't be the first.

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You want fear? If you nay sayers care to pull your heads out of your...Oh yeah, Rick said i can't say that here...Anyway, consider the current population of humans on earth, nearly 7 billion. Take a look at the population predictions for the next 50 years...Now ask yourself what happens in nature when a species becomes overpopulated? The Earth has been here a long time, and she'll be around for a long time...We might not be though...

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wow how is it that I have a chip on my shoulder just because I dont believe the crap their throwing around, its amazing how all the folks that are buying into their propaganda, are the first ones to resort to threats, and name calling, maybe you should do a little growing and realize that not all people on this earth feel we have to follow like a bunch of sheep and live in fear,I am pretty sure my education, gives me the right to know and believe the way I do, as a matter of fact I have more degrees than the so called GREAT FRIEND OF THE EARTH, and yes mine were earned his are honerary, but go ahead buy into his theorys, and dont forget to send him a little more of your hard earn money, that bus of his burns a lot of gas, and he needs to pay the good folks at home to mow the lawn and tend to his yard when he is out spreading his fear.


And heres another fable you can be afraid of as well ( WE ARE GOING TO RUN OUT OF OIL) anyone have any idea where oil comes from, (ANIMAL FATS, AND PLANT MATERIALS) until life no longer exists we have the means to produce oil, ever heard of synthetic oil, same product, different prossess, but go ahead and be afraid.


The nail was hit on the head when the world population was brought into the fray, Canadians have one of the slowest growth rates in the world, at the rate it is going WASPS will be long gone before any of the things the fear mongers have you worried about now, but lets all do our part as Canadians and give up the things we love and let the rest of the world carry on. (and before you all jump on your high horses and make my remarks racist check the figures)


Also if anyone thinks that we as Canadians did right by getting involved with the Koto deal give this some thought, We Canada produce less than 2% of the green house gases in the world, so what should we do stop everything, this still would make an impact at all, the figures the gov. has set aside are not obtainable, so we will send coutrys like China billions of dollaers so they can build more and bigger coal burning generators and throw more polutents in the air than we could ever dream of doing.(SO AGAIN THE ANSWER IS YOU AS A CANADIAN GIVE UP MORE SO WE CAN FUND OTHER COUNTRIES TO DESTROY THE EARTH)


So my first post stands I will not give up the right to live my life in this country to live in FEAR

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Ok nobody called you names fliptheslop and if you think that pollution isn't a issue, it's just fear being fed to us then so be it. But try doing this first before you jump in with your degree's, start your car in the garage with the door down and let me know in an hour or two how there is nothing to fear. Don't be silly it's only a matter of time before we have done the same thing to our atmosphere especially when we speed up the process by removing the forests the natural C02 filter. It's not fear being dished out, it's information for people to be educated so that we as whole can do our part to help stop the continuing issue of pollution from happening. If you really believe being aware is to be afraid then don't leave the house. People have lived too long with the idea that ignorance is bliss. Oh by the way "flip" I hope none of your "degrees" were in english or paid in any way by the government. Also note that someone with "degree's" that wants to be taken seriously when they try to give an intellectual answer should be able to spell and use proper grammer. Again ignorance must be bliss.

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Again with the only comeback some can muster, no the arnt in spelling, but I guess that makes a person dummy because they dont spell so great, and where is it that I ever said that cutting down trees was a good idea, as always the right believes their way of thinking is the only way. So carry on and insult, and if you really think that Al and David are just trying to educate you than good for you, but this will change nothing for me to carry on with this. Its funny how the so called do gooders that care so much for life will spike a tree in B.C. to save a tree, even at the risk of killing the guy trying to feed his family, I for one will not be drinking the koolaid, but because I dont believe what you believe I must be wrong, and you know what I can live with that. And by they way everyone learns in grade 1 that trees take in carbon and give off OXY. so are you smarter than a fifth grader.

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Global warming is irrelevant in the fact that all programs that would reduce geenhouse gas emmisions benefit humanity by reducing air and water pollution. Something that with 6.5 billion humans cannot be argued against.


One of the problems with the Global Warming scare is that it has focussed all of the attention about polution on carbon output. There are many other emissions that contribute to smog and other forms of polution but may not contribute significantly to global warming. If we focus all of our attention on carbon emissions we may end up with more smog and acid rain, etc. simply because these are not the flavour of the day.


Some efforts to reduce global warming may have undisired effects on the environment: desiel fuel causes fewer greenhouse gasses than gasoline, but more smog creating emissions; scrubbers that prevent acid rain increase CO2 output; batteries that are necessary for low emission vehicles and for solar and wind generaters are themselves hazzardess waste; solar generators use heavy metals which may contimate the environment.


I single minded focus on reducing carbon output may lead to an increase in other types of polution. The carbon may be causing global warming; there is no question that smog is a problem.

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The collective thinking generally gets it right. Fringe ideas tend to remain fringe.


Selfishness is the root of the whole thing. Politicians selfishly build empires, no regard for well being. Industrialist do the same. Enviromentalists aren't innocent here either.


The fact that most are confused and caught up in useless argueing about wether it's carbon emmissions or cow farts causing global warming is the real issue.


I'm wrong your right, your wrong I'm right, whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!


Selfish, gluttonous abuse at almost every level of western society is not sustainable, that you can count on. I'm in favour of a good solid long term plague. Thin the herd a bit, separate and remove the weak of mind and weak of body. That ought to nicely take care of the leather seated, gas guzzling, air conditioned beyond good health, obese, lawn spraying, burden on the health system, ignorant, lousy spelling, arguementative parasites eating us out of HOUSE and HOME.


Did I sound bitter there, you bet, I'm so fed up with the me me me mentality of our current society. The, it's my right to pollute, disturb, abuse and otherwise bully the planet and it's inhabitants gang are gonna be the end of us one way or another. They reside in every camp, in every wing of politics, every school and on every message board. It is this blind selfishness that will be our end, period. Everything that looks to be on the horizon for us is driven by selfishness wether it's diminshing fresh water supply, religous zealots, global warming, energy crunches, all these things, real or imagined are based on personal greed and abuse.


I'm no vegetarian but did you know that the land used to grow enough beef for just McDonalds Restaraunts could feed the entire planet if it was used for alternative protein crops like beans and nuts. Wasteful ignorant self serving approach to an almost useless source of food and just one of tens of thousands of money driven operations with no positive give back to the human condition. That is taking on such a grand scale.


Try giving instead of taking.

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wow how is it that I have a chip on my shoulder just because I dont believe the crap their throwing around, its amazing how all the folks that are buying into their propaganda, are the first ones to resort to threats, and name calling, maybe you should do a little growing and realize that not all people on this earth feel we have to follow like a bunch of sheep and live in fear,I am pretty sure my education, gives me the right to know and believe the way I do, as a matter of fact I have more degrees than the so called GREAT FRIEND OF THE EARTH, and yes mine were earned his are honerary, but go ahead buy into his theorys, and dont forget to send him a little more of your hard earn money, that bus of his burns a lot of gas, and he needs to pay the good folks at home to mow the lawn and tend to his yard when he is out spreading his fear.



Wow. That's a long sentence.

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:lol: No need to pick on flip. He's self explanatory. Hey flip have you ever seen Denis Leary's video called the AH song? It sounds just like your first post. Now go buy an old cadillac and throw your garbage out the window while driving 80km in the fast lane :lol:


Hey thanks for the link. I've been absorbed by the GW theory and although this alternate theory makes sense, it is of no comfort to know why humans are doomed. Too many humans coupled with a regular cycle of depression in the economy will eventually trigger the lemming effect. Lets hope the survivors have fish and game to gather :Gonefishing:


The latest I've heard that tweeked my brain is there are ice caps on mars that are shrinking near the same rate of ours. That proves the solar theory. Buy the CFL's anyway. The smog is causing health problems and polluting the environment. If the heat doesn't kill us, the man made chemicals and fliptheslobs will ;)


Flip you pulled the trigger. Except the recoil dude. Reload and repeat. It's nothing personal.

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Yes you are right flip, the process in which a tree takes in C02 and then turns it into O2 is at a 1st grade level. Thats why you and anyone else with that much education should be able to see my point, if there are less tree's there is less photosynthesis happening. Here is the 1st grade definition



Photosynthesis (photo=light, synthesis=putting together), generally, is the synthesis of sugar from light, carbon dioxide and water, with oxygen as a waste product. It is arguably the most important biochemical pathway known; nearly all life depends on it. It is an extremely complex process, comprised of many coordinated biochemical reactions. It occurs in higher plants, algae, some bacteria, and some protists, organisms collectively referred to as photoautotrophs.


Not once did I insult you, I insulted your grammer and spelling apparently from someone with "degrees".


The unfortunate thing is your thought process in regards to being an jerk about the environment and towards other people is why your on the defense. You should want to do your part as a person for the world, help people, peace, love, respect you know? If your not part of the soulution, your part of the problem.


What I have said is very simple, if we keep going the way we are with clear cutting forests, we create a filtration problem for the atmosphere. Since it is 1st grade level stuff, how is it so hard to see each and every one of us should being doing our part for the environment.The thing about global warming isn't that we as humans are creating more C02 but in fact we are the reason that it is not being filtered properly, which in turn makes it human error that's causes the excess in C02.

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For as long as businesses, and I mean large businesses continue to run with minimal regulation from the so called 'state' , we will continue harming the earth , I don't mean HARMING it , I mean , making it less and less livable for our standards. Then , one day many years down the road, when there are few of us left, and all the ingenuity that has ever been created is destroyed , we will start from the beginning , as hunters and gatherers . Maybe we will have three legs , maybe three arms , but one thing's for sure , we can't destroy a planet , we can only alter it . Be glad knowing that you won't be around to experience all the long term effects .

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