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Hiatal Hernia

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Hey all,


Most of you know that for the last few weeks I was suffering from really bad heartburn and recently chest pains. I honestly thought that I was having a heart attack or at least a heart related matter. After going to the doctor, I was told that there was a really good chance that I have a hiatal hernia. Although very common I know nothing about it. I know its pretty common for the obese (which I'm not). So basically my diaphram is wake and my stomach is trying to push its way into my esophagus. I've got meds to get rid of the acid reflux and the damage it can cause, but I'm not sure the pressure on my chest is normal. It feels like I have someone sitting on it and I can't get a good deep breath. My doctor tells me this is caused by the pressure of the stomach on the lungs...has anyone ever had one?


And if so is there anything you'd recommend for the pressure?





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What he said..



but I'm not sure the pressure on my chest is normal. It feels like I have someone sitting on it and I can't get a good deep breath
sounds more like pleurisy to me.. but I'm not a Doctor, just live with someone that gets it twice a year..
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I also had one for awhile many years ago. It did feel very uncomfortable in my chest, enough so that I went do the doc thinking I was having a heart attack. They gave me meds and stuff for the acid reflux and it eventually went away and never came back.


Sorry, but I do not recall if the pain was that bad Dave. I do remember it being very uncomfortable right in the middle of my chest, under the breastbone.



Edited by Joey
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I looked briefly at the literature..


1 or more of 3 mechanisms may be involved:

widening of diaphragmatic hiatus (where esophagus passes thru), pulling up of stomach by esophageal shortening, pushing up of the stomach by increased intra-abdominal pressure.


90% ppl with hiatal hernias have sliding hiatal hernias, meaning they come and go. most will go on gastric reflux meds for symptoms and won't need any other treatments which is good. loss of appetite may be from the reflux. a change in diet like fisherman recommended might be a good idea as well.


did they do imaging or endoscopy?

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hiatal hernias can be medicall found from a scope or an upper gi test. unfortunatly the surgical cure only has a 50 per-cent sucess. medicine and DIET change you can turn the symptoms off. diet seems to be the largest factors due to all the crap society eats and actually calls food.

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I have struggled with this for a few quite a few years now. It really all started with these massive burps I would get....I would scare the heck out of some people. They now tell me that I sound like a mountain lion. But the worst bout I had was last Christmas. I ended up at Emergency thinking I was having a heart attack....the pressure in my chest was just as you said. I would be on all fours trying to relief the pressure. Turns out it was all due to acid reflux....but what can also irritate that is not only diet but STRESS.

Stress is what landed me in the hospital. When I follow doctor's orders I don't usually have too much of a problem at least nothing that rolaids or tums can't take care of.


I was told to not eat huge meals. To not drink too much alcohol. And to not eat past 6:00 p.m. Over the years I have been able to identify the foods that will cause me problems....the biggest ones being onions and garlic. Next, tomato stuff and some veggies such as cucumbers. But if something upsets me and causes me stress and I haven't been watching what I am eating...then I'm done - I will be in pain.

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I also suffered from this a few years back. A change in diet was all that was needed. The biggest factor was too much caffine. Doctor said take caffine out along with spicy and acidic foods ,I did and after a couple weeks it cleared up. I am not a smoker but he said smoking along with caffine will weaken the esophagus(bottom where it closes) allowing acid to flow up to the back of the throat. Lying down was the worst with it not closing properly.

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