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yes, all the linesmen can infact advise the ref as they are all connected to head sets but the ref makes the ultimate call, and the linesmen usually keep their pie holes shut in order to keep the game going.. giving them the ability to call a play down would put a stop to the dives and shameful plays of some of these guys. i think the reason they dont do it is cause then they would have to worry about the linesmen and the refs taking money to fix games lol.


Might cut into the refs' pocket money?



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lol pretty much.


i swear i've been watching soccer for a long time and i think this world cup is full of some of the worst officiating i have ever seen in my life. some plays they see with incredible accuracy that no one else does and they turn out to be correct, but the ones that everyone see's they dont seem to... ive stopped cheering and just been watching every game to see what bad call is gonna be made next. it's like watching the series A games in italy a few years ago when the refs got booked for taking bribes.

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lol pretty much.


i swear i've been watching soccer for a long time and i think this world cup is full of some of the worst officiating i have ever seen in my life. some plays they see with incredible accuracy that no one else does and they turn out to be correct, but the ones that everyone see's they dont seem to... ive stopped cheering and just been watching every game to see what bad call is gonna be made next. it's like watching the series A games in italy a few years ago when the refs got booked for taking bribes.


Do you suppose it has anything to do with all of us now watching on HD big screens. The holding and fakery is pretty obvious now. In the olden days of small lo-res screens mebbe we just didn't see it and assumed the refs were getting the call right.



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naw thats not it.. i used to have a 19" tube that calls were obvious on. i just think that the refs want some controversy lol damn drama queens. i used to play when i was younger and even then i swear some calls made were dumb. as a goalie i was thrown out of 5 games in my lifetime. why? well 4 times i dove for the ball, the guy tripped over me and the ref claimed it was an attack. lol the 5th one was deserving tho. i dove for the ball, i had it covered 5 seconds later some jerk runs into me on the ground and full force kicks me in the face, the ref claimed he saw nothing. so next time they get up to the net i payed no attention to the ball, and just went out and tossed a double leg drop kick straight to the face kicker then asked the ref if he saw that as i walked off the field lol.


ahh to be a teenager again..

Edited by alexcba
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Blah . . . second time I have to write this post as my last one got screwed up!




The refing here has only been bad in the sense that they've been handing out too many cards (which is bad enough) because it has been changing the outcome of games. This world cup is already "up there" for most red cards in any World Cup and we're only @ games 2/3 of the group stage. If we get a game like the Netherlands V Portugal at the last world cup, we're really really going to smash some records.




Diving is a huge issue and the federations know that diving is a huge issue. In the EPL diving WAS an issue, but the refs were informed that they'd need to start disciplining the "actors." Cards, both red and yellow, started getting handed out for diving and the diving slowly went away (as low as it will ever get anyways). The other leagues know diving is an issue and they'll deal with it in the same sense soon. I think there was already one card given at this world cup for a dive.


The dive last night by the Ivory Coast guy vs Kaka from Brazil was disgusting - one of the worst displays I've ever seen.


So, I guess we'll see about diving soon as we can Queue South American teams, Spain (not as bad as they used to be, but still dive lots), Italy (An Italian dive yesterday resulting in a penalty), and Portugal to be falling all over the place as soon as the elimination games start (which might be next game for some of them).

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there was one at the end of the chile vs swiss game close to the end.. cant remember the name of the chile offender but he dove in the box and the ref booked him.. lol he didnt even complain, he got the card and nodded.. looked like "yeahhhh you got me, i dove, good job.." lol

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The beauty of this post is that nobody acknowledged the Serbian win :whistling:. Were not as bad as people make us out to be :D


That's because I'm a Germany supporter first :whistling:


Anyways, EVERYONE was predicting Serbia to be the "dark horse" of this tournament so very few people thought you were bad.

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The dive last night by the Ivory Coast guy vs Kaka from Brazil was disgusting - one of the worst displays I've ever seen.


That was pretty blatant. If you say the later rounds will only get worse then it should be quite entertaining.



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there was one at the end of the chile vs swiss game close to the end.. cant remember the name of the chile offender but he dove in the box and the ref booked him.. lol he didnt even complain, he got the card and nodded.. looked like "yeahhhh you got me, i dove, good job.." lol


So that makes 2 now. That's good. I love when the player is kind of like "applauding" the ref for catching him.

Edited by BillsTheBassMan
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Nuff said. Although if there is one nation that deserves humiliation, its North Korea. Next after that is Serbia.


They deserve to be humiliated because they beat a team that could still win this tournament? You deserve to keep that trap shut.

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They deserve to be humiliated because they beat a team that could still win this tournament? You deserve to keep that trap shut.


They deserve humiliation because their nation supports ideologies that offend me (and the rest of the free world) morally. As a supporter of freedom and equality, their nation continues to show the rest of the world how socially "behind" they really are. Combine that with ignorance, and military radicalism and you have a big fun bundle of bias. Thats why they deserve international humiliation, and I stand by what I said. Don't take my opinion for fact, do the research for yourself, as I have done. When you have any international sporting event, prepare for peoples biases to show based on who they cheer for. Don't like it? Tough.


As for Serbia, my girlfriend is Bosnian, my best friend Croatian, and many close friends are Serbs. I don't get to tease my Serb friends much outside of soccer, so during international events we verbally battle it out pretty hard. When I saw this thread, I couldn't resist the opportunity to continue the fun. The best part about insulting Serbs, is that its all fun and games until you start insulting Serbs.


Although, with the dramatic facade that Italy continues to display, its hard to rag on a team like Serbia that has a fundamentally solid play style.

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i think Croats are worse than Serbs are. i remember the Croatia vs Serbia game in streetsville a while back. it was the biggest disappointment in my people i ever saw. They set the Serb flag on fire, and others painted the gay flag colors around the symbol.. All in all it doesn't matter what event it is, a single nation as a whole is not to blame, its usually a few bad apples that make everyone else look bad due to their ignorance. ctranter i could see its fun for you to give your friends gears about this, but on a public forum it will just start a battle. i hope no one does tho you are entitled to your opinion.

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A lot of upsets in the first round, it happens every time in the world cup, but everybody knows that Argentina will take it this year :), and I don't know what Germany was doing losing to Serbia, they are going to obliterate the next team, Germany is a really strong team

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They deserve humiliation because their nation supports ideologies that offend me (and the rest of the free world) morally. As a supporter of freedom and equality, their nation continues to show the rest of the world how socially "behind" they really are. Combine that with ignorance, and military radicalism and you have a big fun bundle of bias. Thats why they deserve international humiliation, and I stand by what I said. Don't take my opinion for fact, do the research for yourself, as I have done. When you have any international sporting event, prepare for peoples biases to show based on who they cheer for. Don't like it? Tough.


As for Serbia, my girlfriend is Bosnian, my best friend Croatian, and many close friends are Serbs. I don't get to tease my Serb friends much outside of soccer, so during international events we verbally battle it out pretty hard. When I saw this thread, I couldn't resist the opportunity to continue the fun. The best part about insulting Serbs, is that its all fun and games until you start insulting Serbs.


Although, with the dramatic facade that Italy continues to display, its hard to rag on a team like Serbia that has a fundamentally solid play style.


and what are these ideologies that offend you?

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For starters, this thread was started to be a fun one, supporting the Serbian football team. It was not meant to bring up political observations, why you decided to take it that way, i dunno :dunno: .


I have many Croatian friends, obv. Serbian friends, and even some Albanian friends, all of us rib each other, but never bring up the political aspect of our historical backgrounds.


The fact you have a Bosnian gf explains some of your hatred towards my fellow countrymen, so be it, I will not defend myself politically on a fishing site ( and hunting ). I think the one that needs to do some more research on the subject, is probably not me, as I have the firsthand knowledge of what transpired over the years, from ALL sides. All I can say is, if you think you know, you're sadly mistaken.


Let's just cool it, if you support another team, great, not that i've seen you say you support any team one way or the other. If you want to start a political discussion, cnn dot com is thataway ------->>>


anyway, lets go BELI ORLOVI against the SOCCEROOS on wed!!!!

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I have a Bosnian Girlfriend too and she doesn't hate the Serbs (despite the fact she had to flee her home because of the war), so I don't see why someone on here needs to hate them either.


This is a fun thread, a world cup thread, a Serbia epically beating my team (Germany) thread - not a political thread.

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A tad extreme, don't you think? To clarify, my gf is Canadian, who happened to leave her birth country of Bosnia. As for politics not mixing with athletics, if you think they are unrelated guess again. Read up on Jesse Ownens for an extreme example. Obviously this does not apply, but conceptually, what good is international competition if you ignore national characteristics and differences between nations? (including poltiics). Part of the reason international soccer is so globally dominant is because of this very reason. You are right though, this is a fishing/hunting forum, that routinely expands to include many sports, many political ideals, and many rants. If you prefer to debate Yugoslavian politics intellectually, I am always happy to oblige.


As for the previous post about N.Korean ideologies (which Im too lazy to go quote)... How about totalitarianism, Stalinism, and Propagandism? How about complete and utter denial of free speech? I'm just saying, I was much happier to see 7-0 from N. Korea, than a country that is neutral to me.


Sorry for enraging you, and... "hatred" Back to soccer.

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Although, with the dramatic facade that Italy continues to display, its hard to rag on a team like Serbia that has a fundamentally solid play style.


Facade - 2 : a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect


I'll let the logical insult imply itself.

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