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Everything posted by bongo

  1. That is a STEEL-friggin-HEAD bud, good work, that's a nice one
  2. bongo


    And yes to your first statement, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything
  3. bongo


    Did I say it was a secret buddy ??? No I didn't, but I don't advertise or say to people across Ontario, hey why don't you go down there and catch fish. I discovered it on my own, didn't need people to give me tips on it and I am from the big smoke. The Niagara is not a secret, just like the rest of the rivers aren't a secret. However, when you advertise the river like that, a lot of people will head down there and some of them will leave garbage there not caring about anything and greasing people out or disturbing others while they are fishing, I'm not making this up.
  4. bongo


    Great take more guys down there next time, bring more newbies down there and tell the whole GTA while you're at it, looks like that's what you wanna do by posting the same report on every single fishing forum. Anything to get a free ride down there so you can save gas money. Did you catch your own fish this time ???
  5. I think you mean this fish, I don't like it when people take pics of the fish I caught and then claim it was there's
  6. Thanks for the insight Aaron, didn't know that
  7. Yep you are totally right Wallacio, I've walked a whole lot of km's on that river, and it is a beautiful river, however there's seems to be garbage left by people which annoys me as well. The steel do fight damn hard, probably right about being the hardest fighting fish in the province. Fish On
  8. Hey Wallacio, bet you I've walked way past that jungle and around the bend, lol. The reason why I like that river over some of the other ones, is because of that cover and the fish seem to be smarter, as soon as you hook them they'll take off and go right for that cover
  9. I know which river that is and yes I've seen people carrying fish out of there as well after they posted signs everywhere that Rainbows are all catch and release. What can you do, can't do too much, just hope most people respect these rules and regulations.
  10. You can still find ways to get around the crowds, if you are not lazy and have a head for Geography, there is lots of river area to cover. And I'm not talking about fishing on private land or fish sanctuary's. Those people who like to park their car and walk 20 feet to their fishing spot, by all means fish alongside 100 clowns, leave the good fishing to me.
  11. Chancho I agree with Bill about the Angus area, float fishing is more effective there for sure. I am not saying bottom rigging or bottom bouncing is not effective, it's just kinda boring, if you place your rod in a makeshift rod holder and wait for a fish to come to your bait. Rather than bringing the bait to the fish and covering more water. The only situation where bottom bouncing is really more effective than float fishing is in extremely deep and fast current, where the weight of the bottom bouncing rig slows down the whole presentation for the fish, thereby giving the fish a chance to look at the bait and strike. For the love of God, lock this thread, ha ha, lol
  12. Twocoda, you got a point, but come on it wouldn't hurt too much if they close the shallow creeks and rivers for a month and half and yes of course (Dr. Salvelinus) some people will still break the law and fish a sanctuary and snag, but this will definitely be a benefit for both Salmon and Trout numbers, by keeping away most anglers for this time period. Again Salmon roe isn't the only bait out there that will catch you trout, so why kill a fish for it if you are not going to eat it. (And I love those idiots who slice a salmon's belly to check if it's a female, turns out it's a male oh well I just killed a fish who cares I'll just toss it aside)
  13. To be honest the MNR should just close fishing on small rivers and creeks between late August till October 1st so the Salmon can do their thing. The fishing for these Salmon is not very legit, when they reach shallow waters all they wanna do is spawn not feed, Ontario is not B.C. where they have deep wide rivers where chrome salmon will gladly take your bait. Open the rivers in October, so people can fish for trout and that way less snagging. And to be honest, you don't really need salmon roe that much, why kill a salmon for roe if you can use a variety of different flies and baits to take trout on. I know because I love using artificial baits and flies and they are very effective.
  14. I'm a float fisherman mainly, but it's true, You go to the Humber or Credit, most of the float fisherman are just too lazy and either floss or snag the salmon in the pools or in the riffles. It's retarded, if you are gonna do that, just stay home, you don't need a fancy setup to accomplish that and definitely not legitimate. Totally turns me off from fishing there in the early fall But for still fishing, both setups mentioned are good
  15. Can't you tell by his country like accent, he works with cows, lol
  16. Finally some justice. I was worried we had to call in Charles Bronson, lol
  17. I think I was there a week ago and walked all the way to the Dam, didn't see the signs that were there last year and years back. It would be better if it was 100 meters actually, its all skinny water, and people just snag fish.
  18. Just like Attila the Hun, a total Barbarian. Glad you sent those links to the MNR. They should really put up that sign back up saying no fishing within 50 feet of the dam, with big flashing lights
  19. passed by the old mill at the Humber today, just watched a few people snagging fish its a real show, lol. Loads of fish swimming up to the dam, lots of them jumping over, and I believe I saw a few rainbows jumping with them. So maybe the mouth of the credit won't have a whole lot of fish, but it should have some for sure
  20. I've been to those places in Banff/Jasper that you mentioned, just magical. Those are amazing shots of scenery and wildlife, good work. What kind of camera do you use ?
  21. Like I said, I've been catching them since mid August myself, just telling the guy what to look for in terms of runs
  22. Either wait for a strong NW or N wind for a day or 2, or a good heavy rain and fish it 2 or 3 days later, just because the water gets so brown, they should be in there. Other than that, if you want better numbers and bigger fish, Lake Ontario Tributaries Oh and best lure for casting to Salmon in the Notty would usually be a Fire Tiger pattern hard bait minnow, get something that rattles
  23. I would say you missed a good part of the early run. I was getting a few in the 2nd and 3rd week of August already. Last week I saw someone pull out a couple over 20lbs which looked like some Lake Ontario sized average Chinnies. But I don't think you have to worry there's probably a couple more runs coming till October, plus the Notty is a big river, not always easy to locate where they are.
  24. Wow you got some amazing fishing up there, I never got to go to the St Mary's river this summer for the Atlantic Salmon run, but maybe in the fall for the Steel. Anyway, great report, I've been to Banff and Jasper, those places are just heaven on earth
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