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Our Last Ice Session...

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We managed to sneak out for a couple hours yesterday, for a whopping 3 times fishing in 4 months, but that's the way it goes sometimes! They're calling for warm temps and rain this coming week, and in my area that means we'll be fishing out of our boats come easter long weekend! :thumbsup_anim: We got off to a slow start as is usually the case when getting ready to ice fish with a 3 year old, but finally made it out to blue sky's and +7 Degree weather! Hard to beat a day of ice fishing when you can strip down to your T-shirt!


We were marking fish all morning but couldn't coax any into bitting. So after unsuccessfully trying to catch panfish for a couple of hours, all the while listening to Averie say "Let's go catch gobies at the rocks Daddy" over and over and over, we caved in and did just that. I have to admit, culling those greasy little things sure beat's catching nothing at all.


So by noon we caught enough Gobies to satisfy the itch and went home for lunch!


Heading down to Deer Creek reservoir....




The waiting game..



Averie learning how to read the Humminbird - mounted to a cooler in true OFC style.



And our first catch of the day



This picture was inspired by Fishin 24/7's Pike shot from a couple days ago! lol



I think this was a personal best for averie...



Fishin' in my t-shirt...awesome



Another fine catch! haha



Always have a bucket to keep the kids happy!



And what better way to end an awesome couple of hours out with the kid? mmmmmm Spring is knocking at our doorsteps!



A first attempt a embedding a video



Hope you enjoyed our little report. Next time you hear from us it will be from the boat, and won't involve catching gobies!



Ryan & Averie

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Nice report Ryan, the kid is the Gobi master it seems!


Thanks for sharing,



She might be the panfish master if her old man was any good at catching them through the ice in that lake! :wallbash: I don't want her to lose interest in fishing so I always take time to make sure she catches something...and boy do we have the gobies dialed in through the ice! :lol:

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Nice report, Averie is a sweetie, and a trooper.


Hmmmmmm.............does that Labbat's Blue taste better after being barbequed??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I got's to get me a pink rod and reel methinks, they seems to attract fish of any species. I can use all the help I can get.

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Great report, pics and video Ryan :thumbsup_anim:

A gobie report with Averie YESSSSSSS :) I love it B)B)

High five to the best fisherman..... and a big congrats :clapping: :clapping: :worthy::thumbsup_anim:

That's what fishing is all about.... quality time spent with the kids :)


Again great job Averie & Ryan and thanks for sharing


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Nice report, Averie is a sweetie, and a trooper.


Hmmmmmm.............does that Labbat's Blue taste better after being barbequed???


I got's to get me a pink rod and reel methinks, they seems to attract fish of any species. I can use all the help I can get.


haha the Blue being on the Q was for creative reasons only...I like my beer near freezing cold... And as for the pink rod, don't kid yourself, I use it myself when Averie isn't with me! :lol:


Nice Report Ryan!


Went out on the bay yesterday and came back in after I drilled a hole and found out how thick the ice was :o Only a few more weeks before I'm out on the boat!


Thanks Dano - I heard the ice out on the bay is sketchy at best. DC still had a good 12 inches of ice, with some crusty stuff on top and some skinny ice around old holes.... but by the time I get to go out fishing again the bay should be wide open, so ice fishing will take a back seat to open water fishing t'il next december!


her reactions in the video are as sweet as she is ....nice job....!!!!!!!!! ....i actually laughed out loud.... :lol:


where else but in canada can you fish in a t shirt and warm your beer up on the BBQ


Thanks Twocoda - She is a rockin' kid when it comes to fishing, but she sure can be rotten at times just like any other 3 year old! Again... Though I'll drink whatever beer is available to me, that blue was only on the Q for the picture...


Great report, pics and video Ryan

A gobie report with Averie YESSSSSSS I love it

High five to the best fisherman..... and a big congrats

That's what fishing is all about.... quality time spent with the kids

Again great job Averie & Ryan and thanks for sharing



Thanks Again Jacques! You're comments are always to nice! By the way, take a guess what we used for bait? Them Gobies can't get enough of that gulp Fish Fry! :thumbsup_anim: I'll take Gobies with Averie over Big fish without her any day!




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Nice job on the gobie cull .went by DC today and it looked pretty sketchy aswell as LPB went to old cut to see how many crazies were out and my buddy was just getting out of his soaking wet coveralls after going through in the channel up to his waist .the way Big creek is cutting a path out into the bay it will be open soon.we will get out with our kids for some sucker fishing when the river calms down from the rain thats forecasted .

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Nice job on the gobie cull .went by DC today and it looked pretty sketchy aswell as LPB went to old cut to see how many crazies were out and my buddy was just getting out of his soaking wet coveralls after going through in the channel up to his waist .the way Big creek is cutting a path out into the bay it will be open soon.we will get out with our kids for some sucker fishing when the river calms down from the rain thats forecasted .


Hey bud - Just let me know when the suckers are runnin and if I can Averie and I will be glad to come down and hammer them with you guys!

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Great report Ryan...Love it! That's what fishing's all about.


Averie is and a goby catching phenom! :thumbsup_anim: Next she'll be wanting to stalk the rivers for steelhead with a custom float rod and a centrepin :D

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