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1000 bucks from government.....when?

bow slayer

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I run a small business that provides mechanical design services mainly to the manufacturing industry. I currently do not collect any PST, only GST. I have been to the websites and read everything I can find but have not seen any way that the HST will benefit my business. Seeing as you have said that this tax will help small businesses, can you explain how? Thanks!


The only way it will help Chris.. if you lease or buy your vehicles under the business you'll be able to claim the PST portion now on your, I suspect quarterly, remittance form... instead of just losing it off your year end books profits. Same with other taxed items that are consumables (and not resale items that are tax exempt) under the old system.

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I run a small business that provides mechanical design services mainly to the manufacturing industry. I currently do not collect any PST, only GST. I have been to the websites and read everything I can find but have not seen any way that the HST will benefit my business. Seeing as you have said that this tax will help small businesses, can you explain how? Thanks!


I wasn't serious about it, but Anything that you buy and pay PST on, you will not be paying it any more..you get it all back same as GST.


Lets face it, Dalton is taxing us to death and screwing up big time with his stupid save the planet windmills and solar power. He is doing nothing for the natural resources industry. Mining and logging is dieing and all he cares about is his golden triangle

Edited by Dara
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I've attended presentations by John Wilkinson (he's a local guy) and spoken by phone at length with one of his department people and I remain convinced that it will be detrimental to my business (real estate). The average home buyer/seller is going to get nicked pretty good. I appreciate there are potentially some benefits for certain businesses but my jury is still out as to whether or not the net effect will be good for Ontarians generally.


There was initially some talk about it being imposed by the feds with a threat that provincial transfer payments would be adversely affected but that talk suddenly died off. I suspect the difference in partisan power between the federal govt and the Ontario govt came into play there somewhere. I'd really be interested in seeing how this would play out if there was no partisan in politics.



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Actually Dalton is doing a very good job of this. The HST will help small business and manufacturing.

Mike harris is the guy that sold off all our power generation capabilities and left us with the debt and high power bills.



ummmm...are you sure "dalton" and "good job" belong in the same sentence? :P:D




more taxes dont help any of us normal joe's. its really that simple.


i'll be buying even more stuff out of province and country after this Bull hst comes into effect. the ontario government can stick it where the sun doesnt shine and im going to avoid paying taxes any way possible. im sure others will follow suit.


i know that isnt the way i should think and quite honestly i dont like it. i wouldnt have a problem with paying more taxes if the money stayed in our country and helped our own or they actually spent it wisely...


-immigrants getting financial assistance while our own are homeless

-donating money to other countries when we could use it for healthcare, education, and fixing roads

-people abusing the welfare and child support systems when that money could be used for getting children into sports

-handouts in the millions to specific groups sure makes me smile too :rolleyes:

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I'm no economist. In fact I'm not very prudent when it comes to money in the first place. Thats what my better half is for :D . But all things considered, the GST was ripped on because it taxed everything. Guess what? That, economically, is sound thinking and gets peoples goat because they can't escape it. I believe the GST is a major reason why Canada is still treading water while many of the worlds economies stumble. Instead of cutting the GST, I think Harper/Flaherty should have cut some personal income tax.


The HST is just another one of these taxes that hits eveyone. End of the line. Pay tax. You can't escape it. I'm really not looking forward to paying extra at each corner. Who would? But I think it may be a stepping stone to a resurgent Ontario, and as a tradesman, I can only hope the province starts pushing work pronto. Dalton could have at least made it a more palateable 10% and the fact that he pushed it through as fast as he did doesn't sit well. But end of use taxes get everyone and for a gov't thats an ideal scenario. I'd also be interested in some substantial tax cuts here in ON as well.


I really do hope it benefits you guys and gals who are owner operators.


Again, I'm no economist and Feel free to steer me in the right direction if I'm offbase. ;)

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There was initially some talk about it being imposed by the feds with a threat that provincial transfer payments would be adversely affected but that talk suddenly died off. I suspect the difference in partisan power between the federal govt and the Ontario govt came into play there somewhere. I'd really be interested in seeing how this would play out if there was no partisan in politics.


The fact that not all provinces are adopting HST puts a pretty big hole in any claims that the federal goverment is forcing Ontario to do this. Saskatawan and Manitoba will still have their own PST seperate from GST or HST after July.

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The HST is just another one of these taxes that hits eveyone. End of the line. Pay tax. You can't escape it...


Here's a Tax Freedom Day calculator. It let's you know how many days you work just to ensure all the appointed chuckleheads get their bottles of Petrus.


BTW -- Tax Freedom Day in the US is in April.




Now all of you, get to work. Hundreds of thousands of unionized Swivel Servants need your money to feed their families!

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