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lets talk conservation areas private properties


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I will make a trek down to a place I enjoy to fish soon for a hike.Its closed for fishing as of dec31.When the lower lot is full then we park under the tree by the bridge or long the road side.Now my dilemma is that a few were fined,me myself never.Now this area is mapped and posted as a conservation area.where the issue lies is where some people park under the tree at the lower bridge in vittoria on ryerse creek.I have never seen a no trespassing sign there,or a red dot,hunted on ocassion on the north end of the property all the way to 24.No red dots etc.Apparently a land owner this year as a problem with people down there.Its probably the same guy from below 24(both with longguns in hand to ward off evil fisherman) or the guy that bought the property where the old little bakery shop(general store) was in ryerse.No matter, to those gents in question, put your guns away seriously.We all respect the area and clean up after others.Its a great place to get away for fishin and some hunting.Seriously put you fn guns in the house.I want my kids to enjoy the area and not worry about some gun totting landowner shooting it off in mid air.I havent had the pleasure to bring my girls down there due to this reason.another gun swingin landowner.Went threw that last year with poachers up in dorset area.I told her it was a holiday and it was fireworks going off in town.Ya right.Just my 2 cents,if anyone else has an opinion on this ,esp good i would love to hear it.thanks V

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Man you need to call the cops


Seriously I don't think the landowner is a member here reading your concerns.


Been a legal gun owner for 33 years and I'm real sure no where is it legal in Canada to address trespassing--gun in hand --or any reason for that matter.



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As far as I know, around here anyway, there is no law preventing someone from carrying a firearm on their own property at anytime.

And if a trespasser happens to be around at the same time..... Who is breaking the law?

Not advocating confrontation here, just that people should have respect for those that do not want trespassers.

It is a landowners right, chances are the landowner has worked hard to acquire the property.

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I don't understand the question.


You should talk to the conservation authority who owns the property, and go from there. If your tresspassing on private property that isn't posted, your still tresspassing. If the landowner is there with a gun, all the more reason to stay the heck off his land!! You've admitted you know its private......



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It was late,and I was tired.This still bugs me to this day.I had to break a promise to me girls for safety reasons.


thats the only excuse you SHOULD break a promise to your kids...take them somewhere else Vinni ....no one needs the hassle...even if you do find that you are able to be legally there...you still wont enjoy yourself because of the thought that could possibly happen...can ya really enjoy yourself if your looking over your shoulder every minute?


or ...if this is a pissing contest between you and the gun toting fool ...then knock on his door and settle it verbally so you are both aware of each others point of view...take a timmies for him and have a sit down...youll be surprised how far a 1.50 coffee goes


Good Luck

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That landowner is a DICK!!! I know its still tresspassing, even if its not posted, but If youre gonna go about calling the OPP, then why not post signs to warn fisherman? What makes it even worse is that LPRCA owns both sides of this dicks' property, with a trail going right through.... And nowhere can you tell where Long Points property ends, and this guys property begins...


One thing if you catch me on your property multiple times, but I'm like 4 feet tall and a light weight, you see me on your property, ask me to leave, and I will... not call the OPP, luckily they couldnt find me.


I know other people who have had nasty run-ins with this guy, and the Long Point guy I talked to said there are quite a few people who have been fined.

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That landowner is a DICK!!! I know its still tresspassing, even if its not posted, but If youre gonna go about calling the OPP, then why not post signs to warn fisherman? What makes it even worse is that LPRCA owns both sides of this dicks' property, with a trail going right through.... And nowhere can you tell where Long Points property ends, and this guys property begins...


One thing if you catch me on your property multiple times, but I'm like 4 feet tall and a light weight, you see me on your property, ask me to leave, and I will... not call the OPP, luckily they couldnt find me.


I know other people who have had nasty run-ins with this guy, and the Long Point guy I talked to said there are quite a few people who have been fined.

Sure got your attention on this one eh steelie hunter.I talk to a few while out fishing and the same issues have come up.What really drove me to add this topic is that I broke a promise to my daughters.And I really wanted to take them there as I promised them before season closer. Now that spot at the bridge aparently is an access to his property.From what I understand Its owned by lpca,and no signs or red dots are posted by the fence at his property.What to do,do I chance a walk and fishing with my two and hope hes not there or not go at all?I do on occasions hunt there,knowing where people are fishing of course.But where I hunt is close to the two property lines and facing the landowners(there is a steep hill between the two properties).The creek and trails always behind me for sure.As for this land owner,he should be glad for some of us to be there.We clean up and respect the area and clean up after some that dont.Apack I made with some other regs way back when.
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Has anyone approached the landowner and asked permission to fish on his property? What about talking to the LPCA to get a definite answer on the property rights?


I did this on a very popular river and now have access to some GREAT fishing spots without worrying about if I'm trespassing or not...

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thats the only excuse you SHOULD break a promise to your kids...take them somewhere else Vinni ....no one needs the hassle...even if you do find that you are able to be legally there...you still wont enjoy yourself because of the thought that could possibly happen...can ya really enjoy yourself if your looking over your shoulder every minute?


or ...if this is a pissing contest between you and the gun toting fool ...then knock on his door and settle it verbally so you are both aware of each others point of view...take a timmies for him and have a sit down...youll be surprised how far a 1.50 coffee goes


Good Luck

Everyone is allowed there legally.Its a coservation area.I personally have not come across this guy or had any issues.Its were some park on lpca property that blocks access to the back end of his property.Its from friends and people I chat and fish with.This place is great,quite,a nice walk,you name it.It will settle your mind(very tranquil),nd I want my girls to enjoy it like I do.Except for this year.Theyve never been and I promised.That didnt happen.A few years back the same issue arose below hwy 24.Then the red dots were posted leaving enough room to access shoreline.All dots posted at 6 feet in clear view.No issues after that I know of.
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Has anyone approached the landowner and asked permission to fish on his property? What about talking to the LPCA to get a definite answer on the property rights?


I did this on a very popular river and now have access to some GREAT fishing spots without worrying about if I'm trespassing or not...

Its not his property,it belongs to lpca.Its where people are parking on the lpca property blocking a rear fenced off access to his property.A little grassy area by a bridge.Just a grassy area and a fence 6 feet high or so from what I recall last year.
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The long point worker said he owned both side of the creek in that spot, and therefore also owned the creek bed.


I always wonder about asking the guy for permission, but I dont think I could suck up to him, and be nice to him, after all the trouble he has almost caused me, and the crap he has put a buddy through...


I know people who fish that stretch multiple times, and have never had the cops called on them. I guess it depends on your luck.

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I don't think this landowner would let anyone on his property. He's a peice of work tried to ask him where his property started and ended and got screamed at by his wife who seemed to have some serious mental issues possibly caused from using cheap drugs like paint or glue :o she was screaming at me at the top of her lungs :blahblah1: when I was a couple feet away from her in my car.I have been keeping an eye on his ever growing junk piles and when they get to large I will return the favour by calling the MOE cuase I'm sure he's not properly disposeing of the fluids from the junk vehicles back there. Vinn that spot is nice but the fishing isn't that good any more and it's not worth the hassle

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I don't think this landowner would let anyone on his property. He's a peice of work tried to ask him where his property started and ended and got screamed at by his wife who seemed to have some serious mental issues possibly caused from using cheap drugs like paint or glue :o she was screaming at me at the top of her lungs :blahblah1: when I was a couple feet away from her in my car.I have been keeping an eye on his ever growing junk piles and when they get to large I will return the favour by calling the MOE cuase I'm sure he's not properly disposeing of the fluids from the junk vehicles back there. Vinn that spot is nice but the fishing isn't that good any more and it's not worth the hassle
your right ,its not as good as it was a few years back.
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