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Gun registry


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About 2 months ago,I found out that my POL,had expired.OH OH.


So I make the call,and it turns out there is an amnisty for those that have already had thier POL.Cool.


I talked about this before.


But, what impressed me about the whole thing was,the nice people on the other end.No problems.Many are also hunters and gun owners on the other end of that line.First what I was told is,I had to resend in my application(they sent it out to me,and had it in 3 weeks).After that, it was just 2 weeks to recieve the next step. A 1-800 #, call to varifiy my long guns with numbers.(ON A SATURDAY OF ALL THINGS ,and only took 10 minutes).Two weeks later,Im sitting here with my card in hand.


I know there are many that disaggree with this gun registry,hey, me too,but if you want to keep it,ya got to give a bit,to get alot.


Yeah it maybe squashed, in the near future,but heres a question for ya all.


How many gave in,gave up thier firearms?How many wished they didnt?



Anyhoo,Im back to legal and happy for it.



OK BLAST AWAY. :rolleyes:

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Oh.. the nonsense of it all. First when my POL was going to expire in 2007...I got a sticker sent to me for my POL to extend the expriy date to 2010. Now yesterday I get a letter from the RCMP (first thinking what did I do now...) to find it's an application for renewal for my POL. I have to get a passport style picture.. fill the thing all out and send it into them for a new one. The threats included with same state that if I don't renew, allowing minimum of 3 weeks before expiry, and my card expires I don't have a POL and am then in illegal possession of my firearms and they will come to the door and confiscat them. The really dumb part, on behalf of all the non-gun tote'n tax payers, is that the renewal is FREE... but what is this nonsense costing the tax payers!!??


My Step Father is one who got flustered with the whole Bull of the registry.. POL etc and walked into the police station with his 22 long rifle and surrendered it. Surprised Smiths Falls finest didn't shot him coming in the door! Something he wishes he'd never done... being down at the end of a long concession road on a 183 acre farm.. with cattle and the coyotes/ fishers that attack same..

Edited by irishfield
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The dirty part of the this whole thing is that they are looking up people who have bought hunting licenses in the past and havent registered any guns and searching their houses. They are spending millions still searching people when chances are the whole thing is going to be scrapped.


I know a couple people that gave up their guns when the whole registry came out and some of those guns had sentimental value.

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Exactly Richyb.. is why the requirement for a POL or PAL came into effect before the deadline for the gun registry. Why would anyone obtain a POL if they didn't have a gun in the first place!!! So you comply and get your POL.. but then no guns registered... equals a knock on the door... so you are stuck registering what you have (or a least one or two ! B) )

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The dirty part of the this whole thing is that they are looking up people who have bought hunting licenses in the past and havent registered any guns and searching their houses. They are spending millions still searching people when chances are the whole thing is going to be scrapped.


I know a couple people that gave up their guns when the whole registry came out and some of those guns had sentimental value.


As far as these people not registering there guns and giving them up, well there just plain lazy, I thought it was going to be a pain in the ass aswell, and its as easy as pie, the people that complain about this registry have nothing else better to do, I dont mind it at all.



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I like the paper sticker I got that im supposed to stick on my .22 because it didnt have a serial number. Also my papers for each gun were just on a sheet of computer paper and i had to cut them out myself and was told i couldnt laminate them. How much thinking went into it if they cant hand out something a little more permanent like a credit card type card for each gun? There hasnt been a year where i havent hunted in the pissin down rain. A sticker, peice of paper + rain = no good.

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As far as these people not registering there guns and giving them up, well there just plain lazy, I thought it was going to be a pain in the ass aswell, and its as easy as pie, the people that complain about this registry have nothing else better to do, I dont mind it at all.





You cant register a gun if you have never had a FAC ( now PAL) for an example..... lets say someones dad dies and they take his hunting rifle for a keep sake. They are not hunters just want the gun for sentimental value. Then it comes out they have to register the gun. Not many people are going to go and take the PAL course just so they can have an old gun of their fathers, so they give them up.

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Yer all missing my POINT.


They made it easy,and as for a sticker Richy.They sent me one that I put on my old 22 mos.Still on it.



As far as laminating,I have my papers in the original paper sent to me,plus also carry duplicates in my wallet that ARE,laminated.


Never had an issue when I was asked to show proof.


As far as these people not registering there guns and giving them up, well there just plain lazy, I thought it was going to be a pain in the ass aswell, and its as easy as pie, the people that complain about this registry have nothing else better to do, I dont mind it at all.


Well said Paul.


Dont let them bust you,think of it as getting your drivers lic renewal. Now theres a bunch of horse crappy.LOL

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Then it comes out they have to register the gun. Not many people are going to go and take the PAL course just so they can have an old gun of their fathers, so they give them up.


IMO,if you are given such a momento,you would be a hunter or shooter even a gun collector.If it means so much to you/them,why not take the course?

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I agree that its easy to get your pal , or pol renewed . Anyone I know has got their renewal papers a couple months before the expiry date so there shouldnt even be an excuse to have it expire.



Does anyone know when they are going to have the final voting on the whole thing ?

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I don't get all bent out of shape because I have to register my car, Jeep, quad, snow-machine, ice-hut, boat, etc with the government...I could never figure out why some gun owners think having to register a deadly weapon in the same way is such a big deal. Maybe doing so will increase safety, maybe it won't...but why not err on the side of caution? I understand it is an expense and inconvenience, but for the privileged of being able to own an inherently dangerous item, I don't think it is too much to ask.


I can't help but wonder if all the gun owner advocacy groups like the NRA would have advised its members to just register their rifles in a timely fashion when the registry began, instead of telling them to drag their feet and appose it at every turn, how much better the whole process would have gone and how much money would have been saved.

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Another non gun owner who doesn't care how the government pushes people around as long as it doesn't affect them. :rolleyes:



it would be nice though if other people knew what they were talking about

Edited by Dara
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About 2 months ago,I found out that my POL,had expired.OH OH.


So I make the call,and it turns out there is an amnisty for those that have already had thier POL.Cool.


I talked about this before.


But, what impressed me about the whole thing was,the nice people on the other end.No problems.Many are also hunters and gun owners on the other end of that line.First what I was told is,I had to resend in my application(they sent it out to me,and had it in 3 weeks).After that, it was just 2 weeks to recieve the next step. A 1-800 #, call to varifiy my long guns with numbers.(ON A SATURDAY OF ALL THINGS ,and only took 10 minutes).Two weeks later,Im sitting here with my card in hand.


I know there are many that disaggree with this gun registry,hey, me too,but if you want to keep it,ya got to give a bit,to get alot.


Yeah it maybe squashed, in the near future,but heres a question for ya all.


How many gave in,gave up thier firearms?How many wished they didnt?



Anyhoo,Im back to legal and happy for it.



OK BLAST AWAY. :rolleyes:



you got lucky on this one. Good thing the people handling it don't know what they are doing either. POL/PAL's have nothing to do with the gun registry. You were in extreme violation of the law by letting that expire

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Another non gun owner who doesn't care how the government pushes people around as long as it doesn't affect them. :rolleyes:



it would be nice though if other people knew what they were talking about



Having to register your guns is no more being "pushed around" than having to register your truck.


Admittedly, I often don't know "what I'm talking about" though, so I'll listen with an open mind to you explain to me how the above statement is wrong.

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Guest gbfisher
did they charge you with dangerous storage of a firearm ....LOL


If it didnt have a Gun lock on it. Yes, they would have charged me and they said so.

I didnt put the rifle in the truck as I didnt get out of the boat and went back out to get more stuff

from the cottage. My buddy... :rolleyes: left on the tailgate of the truck and of course didnt make it off Parry island. A good thing. :D

I never thought I'd see it again. Had to report it.. :rolleyes: ...Then I got reprimanded by the OPP in Parry Sound as they thought I hadn't reported it. :rolleyes: I did report it in toronto. :) The joke was that they wouldnt take the report over the phone and wanted to send someone out to the house to take the report so they didnt make a note that I had called. When the OPP from Parry Sound called I told them I had made a report. Of course they called Toronto and asked. Long story short, the lady on the phone who I talked to in the beginnig said she had talked to me.....SHEEESH..... :rolleyes: I would have been charged with failure to report a lost gun......if she hadnt spoken up.... :o

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I don't get all bent out of shape because I have to register my car, Jeep, quad, snow-machine, ice-hut, boat, etc with the government...I could never figure out why some gun owners think having to register a deadly weapon in the same way is such a big deal. Maybe doing so will increase safety, maybe it won't...but why not err on the side of caution? I understand it is an expense and inconvenience, but for the privileged of being able to own an inherently dangerous item, I don't think it is too much to ask.


I can't help but wonder if all the gun owner advocacy groups like the NRA would have advised its members to just register their rifles in a timely fashion when the registry began, instead of telling them to drag their feet and appose it at every turn, how much better the whole process would have gone and how much money would have been saved.


First off, a gun isn't inherently dangerous, any more than a car or a knife are. You don't need a license to operate a butcher knife, and you don't have to register each one you own.


Second, registering guns has nothing to do with licensing a person to own and handle a gun.


I believe in licensing, PAL/POL This does help keep the nuts from buying guns. if you are mentally unstable, you can't get a gun license. this is a good thing but not the be-all and end-all to safety.


Once you have a license, I can see no good in spending billions more on registering every gun and serial number on them. keep in mind that the registry was brought in well after licensing.

If the NRA etc would have advised everybody to register their guns the system would have been so swamped it would have crashed.


Nobody that does not have a PAL/POL is legally allowed to even pick up a gun. You can't even ask to look at one in a gun shop.

This brings me to another point. I have personally witnessed 2 MPP's shooting guns and I know darn well that neither of them has the proper licensing. If I would have had a camera at the time........

they were at a gun club and don't even know they were breaking the law. I wasn't sure at the time because i thought that maybe with instructors there it might make them legal. I have since found that even when taking the gun safety course all guns must be disabled to make it legal for students to handle them.

If a few people paid attention to this and laid the proper charges, we wouldn't need a registry


Having to register your guns is no more being "pushed around" than having to register your truck.


Admittedly, I often don't know "what I'm talking about" though, so I'll listen with an open mind to you explain to me how the above statement is wrong.


rescinding the registry also has nothing to do with licensing. You will still need to get a PAL/POL. You just won't have to tell them about every little 22 you own.

Edited by Dara
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As a non-hunter.... I don;t understand the beef with having a registry at all..


I have a friend that is a Police officer and he tells me that when they get a domestic disturbance call.. .the FIRST thing they do is check the registry for any registered guns in the house....

At least they are aware of those.



I don;t have any beefs with hunters.... but hey... if you are gonna own guns....lets get em registered too.


We can carp all we want about the feds messing up the registry... but what is the alternative? No registry ??


I think not.

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As a non-hunter.... I don;t understand the beef with having a registry at all..


I have a friend that is a Police officer and he tells me that when they get a domestic disturbance call.. .the FIRST thing they do is check the registry for any registered guns in the house....

At least they are aware of those.



I don;t have any beefs with hunters.... but hey... if you are gonna own guns....lets get em registered too.


We can carp all we want about the feds messing up the registry... but what is the alternative? No registry ??


I think not.



You people just don't pay attention do you.

Why can't the cop just look and see if the guy has a license. That will pretty much tell him if there are LEGAL guns in the house...why waste another billion to have him know there may be 2 guns in the house :rolleyes:



And what cop ever says..well the registry says he doesn't have guns so wer'e cool on this one.


Can you just tell me why, and a real why, not some cops answer, your answer...why is it a good idea to register them when you already have to have a license to even pick one up

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You people just don't pay attention do you.

Why can't the cop just look and see if the guy has a license. That will pretty much tell him if there are LEGAL guns in the house...why waste another billion to have him know there may be 2 guns in the house :rolleyes:



And what cop ever says..well the registry says he doesn't have guns so wer'e cool on this one


why the "you people" slander :asshat:


Your argument doesn't make sense to me....if I compare it to having a drivers license.... lots of people have a drivers license but don't own cars :P

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why the "you people" slander :asshat:


Your argument doesn't make sense to me....if I compare it to having a drivers license.... lots of people have a drivers license but don't own cars :P



so what...what does that have to do with guns?..we are talking guns..not cars


and the "you people" is the non gun owners that don't care how the government wastes money as long as it doesn't affect them

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so what...what does that have to do with guns?..we are talking guns..not cars


and the "you people" is the non gun owners that don't care how the government wastes money as long as it doesn't affect them




lets see now.... u don;t want to compare a licencing agency with another licenscing agency..... what's the problem with that?


As a devout "you people"....i certainly do care about how the gov burns thru cash...... but all i ever hear is how bad and bungled up it is.... but i never hear about a SOLUTION ....


Where I come from... we provide solutions.... and since I don;t own guns, but some of my family does,,, I obviously don;t have the experience to come up with a solution for a gun registry...


But i also don't call gun owner's red necks either..... because not all of them are ;)

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