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Swine Flu


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We all know what a Vaccine is,..a 'dead' strain of the same virus that kills you. Problem there is with mutation and entoro/retro viruses that evolve faster than we can keep up and can survive conditions we fail to understand.



Dude--- look at a company called BAXTER- it is run by Don Rumsfled. You know the guy that was on National TV on Sept 10/01 saying that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars missing from the Pentagons budget, then the very next day a plane smashes into the Accounting department of the "pentagon" -----uuummmmm


There are two types of vaccines-- those with and those without the live strain- this is of course so they can infect more thereby making more MONEY and then they can say -- "you see its justified"



And if you look hard enough you will even find that BAYER- actually sold the LIVE virus of --- wait for it----AIDS... thats right they sold the live strain to 3rd world countries so they did not have to throw it out-- they made money off of that.


Boy and girls-- we live in a time where money and profit RULES, and the psycho paths of today do not care about you or your family --they care about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Dont even get me started on what Rumsy has pushed through with his power,..there are MANY examples and many worse than this one, aspertame comes to mind...;) . As for the Aids things,..that goes back waaaaay back. Anyone that has studied Microbiology knows Retro-viruses are man made. If you want to talk conspiracy theories,..theres a good one that tells a long story of Pope John II and his roomie at oxford in the 40's,..I could post some references, but this is neither the place or forum. Not too mention,...I stopped following that stuff long ago...lol.

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"And if you look hard enough you will even find that BAYER- actually sold the LIVE virus of --- wait for it----AIDS... thats right they sold the live strain to 3rd world countries so they did not have to throw it out-- they made money off of that"


Is that the same Bayer that produces massive amounts of pesticides and then pharmaceuticals to help the eventual victims? Isnt that double dipping? lol

Edited by StoneFly
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Go ahead and make up the excuses!!!... a bigger bunch of chicken squats I've never seen!!! :rolleyes:


I give blood, I give blood... but I'm terrified of an injection!!! :w00t:



.. many years from now, you will grow older and wiser... and you will realize I speak the truth!!!


... until then, you can hide behind you extremely lame excuses for not getting the injection!



... maybe it has something to do with Canadas health care system??? :rolleyes:


I think they been puttn smthn else in your needles Dawgy,...are you for real? Cmon you must be kidding...

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Your definition hit the nail on the head!!!



... but as far as the almighty $$$ goes, isn't health care free in Canuckia???... I compare it to the "free" military health care I was subjected to for the first 17 yrs. of my life, ok... but nothing to brag aboot!... if the doc was really worth a squat, wouldn't he have a private practice instead of being a Major in the military???


A few years ago they came out with a bulletin "Military Health Care May Be Hazardous to Your Health"!!!.. Duh???... Really???


You Know what they say Coach in the Mil. There is always someone that is last in Medical School, Hes the guy in uniform with the stethoscope that you call SIR

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Same here Rick, though it is my lil girls. I take the Go Train to work, the less I can bring home, the better.


thats fantastic thinking for sure...no doubt,...but what ever happened to the simple things,..wash your hands,..dont touch things like poles and use the anit-bacterial squirt...i take the Go train also....but it doesnt make me want to potentially get sicker than i would have otherwise by getting a bad shot.....peeps,..use your brains,...think for yourselves,..please!!!


Someone mentioned posting evidence,..i would love to see some about any flu shot making people get less flu....i have seen the color coded GIS maps Bull they post before an election from a particular news source,..but the validity is the same as the research saying our salmon are 90% wild...

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I think the real problem is lack of critical thinking skills.


The idea that multinational pharmaceutical companies intentionally infect the world populace to create a market for their products is A GREAT IDEA!!!1!!1 ZOMG!!1!!!!!


Another example: If I remember correctly, the last time swine flu reared it's ugly head, (1976?) the vaccine killed way more people than the bug did. If you want anyone to believe anything you say, back that up.


Cite proof, or stop it. That's crap, and has no place here.


Do we have "PROOF" from the pharmaceutical companies? think about 'PROOF' before you respond, and if you know anything about science,..think one more time...;)

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Go ahead and make up the excuses!!!... a bigger bunch of chicken squats I've never seen!!! :rolleyes:


I give blood, I give blood... but I'm terrified of an injection!!! :w00t:



.. many years from now, you will grow older and wiser... and you will realize I speak the truth!!!


... until then, you can hide behind you extremely lame excuses for not getting the injection!



... maybe it has something to do with Canadas health care system??? :rolleyes:


you should get used to the Canadian healthcare model I would think....did you bring your Gun to the latest Obama rally? LOL

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That's one of the main things Rick "O"... if I get it, who am I going to give it to???... loved ones/family?... friends?... coworkers?


... maybe someone here has children that go to daycare or work in a daycare center, how would they feel if they gave it to their child and then it was spread amongst the other children in the daycare center?... or even worse, a daycare center worker exposing the children they are supposed to be taking care of to the disease!!!



Think about it!!!


Or what if the shot gave it to you and all those other people,..then what? think about that!!! but then again the providers made there money and more!!!!


Dawg, just cruious are you a formal military guy?

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I work in a casino...the meeting place of all viruses...lol

I have a very strong immune system, but that would not stop me from carrying the virus to someone else, like my mother, who does not.

So maybe y'all might want to think about your kids or parents or grandparents and wonder if they can survive influenza. It kills tens of thousands of people in North America every year.


Common cold kills more of the same old imuno-compromised people every year, closer to the millions range,..when do we get that needle? how about the sneezing needle,..or hiccup needle,..or itching needles,..how about a needle for a bad day,..or depression or ur tired or your sleepy....are you happy are ya sad does your arm hurt,...are ya lonely,...we got the needle? lol

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information. This should not be confused with being unintelligent, as one's level of intelligence and level of education or general awareness are not the same. The word "Ignorant" is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware.


I'm not claiming to be an expert on this subject as I'm definitely NOT. What I do know is several people that choose to study up on this subject unbiasly (if that's a word) and all tend to come to the same conclusion that Monsterman seems to have come to. It's ALL about the almighty $$$$$$ folks.


Most of the population thinks Igrnorant means rude or vulgur when it really means uninfomred,..how Ironic is that ?l ol. Lets all get our own works and just stuff whatever the GOV tells us to into our veins,..did anyone read Brave new world...lol

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Your definition hit the nail on the head!!!



... but as far as the almighty $$$ goes, isn't health care free in Canuckia???... I compare it to the "free" military health care I was subjected to for the first 17 yrs. of my life, ok... but nothing to brag aboot!... if the doc was really worth a squat, wouldn't he have a private practice instead of being a Major in the military???


A few years ago they came out with a bulletin "Military Health Care May Be Hazardous to Your Health"!!!.. Duh???... Really???


Our Docs up here in the Canuckia would be a slight bit better if they didnt strive to get down there to make 3-10x the $$$ for your rich and famous,...I know this intimately...Sorry Dawg,...your GOV takes care of your Agent Oranged ass,..but how about the rest? Ever been to Europe? tell me where the evolved peeps are? Canadian system is by no means perfect or even great,..but we take care of our peeps to a decent degree....we dont let people die of crap cuz they cant pay...they may not always get the primo,..but then again people can pay for that anywhere on this planet!!! I wonder what you might say if you got your lazy ass fruit filled pension taken away and had to actually earn a living :)

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Common cold kills more of the same old imuno-compromised people every year, closer to the millions range,..when do we get that needle? how about the sneezing needle,..or hiccup needle,..or itching needles,..how about a needle for a bad day,..or depression or ur tired or your sleepy....are you happy are ya sad does your arm hurt,...are ya lonely,...we got the needle? lol


Stonefly...learn to use the Multi-Quote button instead of polluting a thread with ten replies in a row.

Now, for the naysayers, use your heads and stop looking up crap on conspiracy theory websites.

The pharmaceutical companies make far more money off the people who DON'T get vaccinated.

If you think that saving lives is not worth a needle...shake your head again. Influenza is also extremely expensive to treat especially when secondary infections like pneumonia take hold.

You cannot get sick from a vaccination unless you are allergic to eggs. There is nothing in the shot to make you sick.

We wiped out polio in this country with vaccinations. They work.

The cold does not kill millions of people.

Influenza and other flu type viruses mutate (or evolve) every year with different strains coming about.

If you want to risk the lives of the young, old and susceptible in your family, that's up to you. But using hyperbole and nonsensical rhetoric does not make your point even remotely valid.

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Stonefly...learn to use the Multi-Quote button instead of polluting a thread with ten replies in a row.

Now, for the naysayers, use your heads and stop looking up crap on conspiracy theory websites.

The pharmaceutical companies make far more money off the people who DON'T get vaccinated.

If you think that saving lives is not worth a needle...shake your head again. Influenza is also extremely expensive to treat especially when secondary infections like pneumonia take hold.

You cannot get sick from a vaccination unless you are allergic to eggs. There is nothing in the shot to make you sick.

We wiped out polio in this country with vaccinations. They work.

The cold does not kill millions of people.

Influenza and other flu type viruses mutate (or evolve) every year with different strains coming about.

If you want to risk the lives of the young, old and susceptible in your family, that's up to you. But using hyperbole and nonsensical rhetoric does not make your point even remotely valid.


Stop using logic. You will hurt peoples brains.


I tend to rely on people who are educated in the field as opposed to those who first approach a scientific concern with a political opinion and conspiracy theory. My wife for instance, who has been a health care worker for 20 years in the ICU and infectious disease and has trained for first response duty and protocol many times to handle large scale disaster/pandemics, including HiN1 should it mutate into a more aggressive virus. According to her and the overwhelmingly vast majority of her colleagues H1N1 is real and you are foolish to not get a vaccine.


There are always large groups of people who oppose any time of government proposed mass inoculations. There are still many active groups who feel their children should not have to take any vaccinations at all including those that prevent polio and diphtheria. It is astoundingly foolish thinking.

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The pharmaceutical companies make far more money off the people who DON'T get vaccinated.

If you think that saving lives is not worth a needle...shake your head again. Influenza is also extremely expensive to treat especially when secondary infections like pneumonia take hold.

You cannot get sick from a vaccination unless you are allergic to eggs. There is nothing in the shot to make you sick.

We wiped out polio in this country with vaccinations. They work.


Influenza and other flu type viruses mutate (or evolve) every year with different strains coming about.

If you want to risk the lives of the young, old and susceptible in your family, that's up to you. But using hyperbole and nonsensical rhetoric does not make your point even remotely valid.



jughead Posted Today, 05:00 AM


I tend to rely on people who are educated in the field as opposed to those who first approach a scientific concern with a political opinion and conspiracy theory. My wife for instance, who has been a health care worker for 20 years in the ICU and infectious disease and has trained for first response duty and protocol many times to handle large scale disaster/pandemics, including HiN1 should it mutate into a more aggressive virus. According to her and the overwhelmingly vast majority of her colleagues H1N1 is real and you are foolish to not get a vaccine.


There are always large groups of people who oppose any time of government proposed mass inoculations. There are still many active groups who feel their children should not have to take any vaccinations at all including those that prevent polio and diphtheria. It is astoundingly foolish thinking.



Let's not forget that the highly infectious disease Smallpox that plagued mankind for centuries was wiped out from the face of the planet with vaccinations!


The vaccinations worked so well, that they stopped vaccinating for it in 1972 in the U.S.


So yes, the needle does work!... ask yourself... are you really that scared of a little pin prick???

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No needles for this guy. The one and only year my wife, daughter and I did get the flu vac was the worst year for flu sickness we have ever had. That same year I had the worst flu (lasted for over a week) that I have ever had in my life. Haven't had the flu vac since then and haven't had the flu since then. According to some, myself and others of my ilk are not very intelligent. I wasn't going to comment on anybody's intelligence level, but since that can of worms has been opened I'll just say that I wouldn't trust anybody associated with anyone in government. But apparently there are lots of suckers who do.


In regards to passing it on to the young and old.....my daughter is more likely to bring home a flu bug than me or my wife (I work out of my home office and my wife is a stay-at-home mom).


Have a nice day, hope nobody gets H1N1. :D

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No needles for this guy. The one and only year my wife, daughter and I did get the flu vac was the worst year for flu sickness we have ever had. That same year I had the worst flu (lasted for over a week) that I have ever had in my life. Haven't had the flu vac since then and haven't had the flu since then. According to some, myself and others of my ilk are not very intelligent. I wasn't going to comment on anybody's intelligence level, but since that can of worms has been opened I'll just say that I wouldn't trust anybody associated with anyone in government. But apparently there are lots of suckers who do.


In regards to passing it on to the young and old.....my daughter is more likely to bring home a flu bug than me or my wife (I work out of my home office and my wife is a stay-at-home mom).


Have a nice day, hope nobody gets H1N1. :D


That's part of the issue though. My wife and children all take the flu shot. I never have and don't plan on it. For whatever reason, seasonal flu's don't hit me very hard and never have. My son and one of my daughters are the same. My wife and my other daughter get floored by some of the flu bugs so for them it is a smart choice. The flu shot relies a good deal on guess work trying to predict the strain of flu that will be most active and impacting for a given flu season. There is no guarantee they get it right so despite getting a flu shot there is still a chance you will get a bad flu. The H1N1 vaccine is focused on a specific strain that they have isolated. The H1N1 flu is different more so if it continues to mutate. They are two different discussions but too often are lumped together.

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Thanxs alot everyone for your input. I really did not want this to turn into something out of hand. And I have been reading this iste for a long time only joining as a member recently. I have found ALL of you Great people and again Thank you very much for this information. Take care-- wash your hands and stay healthy-- and I hope to see all of you on the water soon.

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I don't like injecting something into my body which has been rushed and untested. I don't really trust Big Pharma who are making a killing off of this. Profits are the big driver for them, it is better for them to have people sick than the whole population healthy.


I'll take solid exercise, a healthy diet, and stress avoidance as the best immunization against getting sick. Common sense really, but not for some...


And it's not a little pin prick I'm afraid of, it's whats being injected into my body. If you read a list of what's in that flu shot you may have second thoughts, but that would probably burst your bubble.

Edited by Bass Killer
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In my line of work one is exposed to a lot of different people in a lot of different homes, so when the flu shots started to be offered i was at the front of the line. A little research assured me, despite the claims of folks that they contracted the flu from the shot, that the injection contains none of the nasty little bug, although what it does contain I have no idea. I do know that I don't catch the flu in the winter and that works for me.


As for this new swine flu thingy, if and when I'm assured that it won't expose me to the ailment I'll probably get it.



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