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Hey Spiel!


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I meant to tell you that you're doing a hell of a job in the fishing news department. I guess it must be difficult to gauge the success or lack of without folks answering too much but as far as I'm concerned it's a goldmine of important news tailored to our passion for the outdoors.


Thank you sir!


ps. Kickingfrog (Rob) has been contributing too!

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There are many wonderful things on this great forum that the average user (me) isn't even aware of.

I like the "Get North!" section for day dreaming and looking up article in the old e-zines.

I am not sure of how the management structure works here on the board, but everyone deserves a pat on the back for the way that it runs.


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and the peoples choice award goes to ....( drummmmmmmm rollllllllllllllllll) TA DA!!!!!!!!! Spiel and Rob for their dedication and support of informative contributions to this forum...


Personal note....i would also like to thank the creators of spell check.....( keeping my "I" before "E" thing in line




Keep up the good work guys

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Ah shucks... I just post stuff to start fights. Spiel's the serious one :o



Seriously though, OFC is a great resource to funnel information. I also feel that the media does not always give some of these issues the coverage we think they deserve.

Edited by kickingfrog
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