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Lakes access restricted for tourism only?


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I've been researching a route into an unnamed lake up north (chapleau area) and came across someone saying that only those that payed to go on a fly in trip there can fish the lake. It is on crown land how can that be ? if i put the effort to portage to this i should be allowed to fish there i feel. I have heard of the mnr plowing up old logging roads to restrict access, but is it actually illegal if i make it to this lake and fish? I've always thought that crown land was available to be used by all residents of this country not just for those rich enough to pay for it.

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Welcome to the fight that the people of the North have been fighting for a while. You can be allowed in there...just read the signs! Lots of them will actually say not motorized vehicle access allowed, or for a lack of better words... use of vehichular (sp) traffic is prohibitted to access such and such lakes. Its a way to "protect the resources" in the area. If you do make it to the lakes....be ware of the people that paid to be there...not all but some will rip you a new one for accessing the lake, as well as the lodge owners will too.

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What gets me is the no motorized access.

How do these planes run...pedals?


We have been fishing lakes for years, and all of a sudden we can't. I remember one outfitter used to cut trees down and block the canoe route into one lake. Now they take the easy way and pay the politicians to make it illegal.

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they did the same thing to a lake that I was going to each year and it is by motorized vehicle


a logging company was making a road and got too close to a lake so they had to move the road and signs were put up no motorized travel for 10 years


it is just too far to walk, so my favorite lake is gone.............fly-in only

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it is just too far to walk, so my favorite lake is gone.............fly-in only


So where is this lake you speak of Terry??? Maybe Lloyd and I will hit it next week! LOL


This issue has been a serious fight for the last 5 years or so. Public access has been gated to appease high paying tourism dollars. Write you MP's because if something smells like crap.. it usually is !

Edited by irishfield
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So where is this lake you speak of Terry??? Maybe Lloyd and I will hit it next week! LOL


This issue has been a serious fight for the last 5 years or so. Public access has been gated to appease high paying tourism dollars. Write you MP's because if something smells like crap.. it usually is !



Hey .. what about me ... I'll split the gas :)



But seriously, there is nothing to stop the govt from putting restrictions like no motorized vehicles on Crown land ... its their prerogative .... but I would think you have no issues if you can get there without breaking their rules ... remember its crown land .. not our land :)

Edited by camillj
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Hey .. what about me ... I'll split the gas :)



But seriously, there is nothing to stop the govt from putting restrictions like no motorized vehicles on Crown land ... its their prerogative .... but I would think you have no issues if you can get there without breaking their rules ... remember its crown land .. not our land :)



Their perogative?

Isn't this OUR country. They just work for US

Its their way of settling the tourist operators for screwing up the bear hunt.


And crown land is OUR land.


The thing is, unless there is money involved, people don't stick together.

Money for tourist operators, so they stick together and government listens.


Hey, how bout that Mcguinty and his lottery guys :D

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This is an interesting thread. I can say that coming from the states we usually stay at Perrault and will take a "fly out" one of our days to a remote crown owned lake. Zizania I believe. Flight and all is a 200 dollar bill, and the day goes fast. We are not allowed to keep any fish, no shore lunch, and leave nothing behind. The fishing is excellent as you would imagine. I've never seen anyone there that has not flown in and the only way may be a canoe but the small river or creek really is choked with everything imaginable. I can say this, if someone made it in theres a decent shot that no one flew that day. Theres really nobody to stop you as the pilot's on a very tight schedual and won't be leaving the plane for anything. Just sayin

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In the Chapleau Remote Tourism Zones it is not only illegal to access with a motorized vehicle, it is also illegal to fish the zone unless brought in by an outfitter. You can't walk in and fish a little creek for specks, for example, even if the creek is miles away from a lake that houses an outpost camp.

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In the Chapleau Remote Tourism Zones it is not only illegal to access with a motorized vehicle, it is also illegal to fish the zone unless brought in by an outfitter. You can't walk in and fish a little creek for specks, for example, even if the creek is miles away from a lake that houses an outpost camp.



What wer'e dealing with here is not a tourism zone. Its just "road closed" and you can't drive it. It is specifically to keep people from accesing fly in lakes. Problem is, many people have been fishing these lakes for years, the loggers come and make a road down the old trail, and now you can't go there any more.

It used to be that any where you had the gumption to go, you were allowed to. Now a company can say, I want to fly there and make a few bucks so I want the government to keep everybody else out.

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The entire road closure by the government is out of control! An example of this was 2 yrs ago, we were north of Dubreuilville hunting between Oba Lake and Esnagi Lake...both managed by outfitters and the govt. As we were driving down the road that between the two lakes we headed right and towards Oba...on the sign that was on this side road (barely an atv road), there was a sign that said no access by motorized vehicles and it listed the lakes...and on the lakes....was Esnagi....the road was headed in the opposite direction, and on the other side of the major logging road?????????? IF the governement can explain that....im all ears! This all has to do with money, and unless you want to pay the government for "our rights" we aint going to see a change in a long time! Thanks Donna Cansfield!!

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A chick from Toronto deciding where we can go fishing


Wait a second here. I know they are avoiding saying these road closures are to protect the fly in operators. To do this they say no motorized access. I already have a beef with planes having motors, but, Esanagi is also accessed by train for the tourist operators there.

Have they stopped train travel there as well? Or is a train not considered motorized either.

Edited by Dara
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

The gov't is presently looking at minimizing access to the Goulais Headwaters Signature Site, and idea I actually like! This move was actually done to preserve the landscape. When minimizing access just to maintain the "illusion" of remote access, you are denying access to our land while allowing those who can afford use it. Nature is not for those who can afford it!


That said, some of the towns these issues are going on around (White River), are ALSO dependent upon the millions of dollars injected into the local economy by guests of these outfitters, and the outfitters equipment/supplies.


Another issue in the north is to do with leased land. A few years ago, and investment firm or something purchased up large tracts of land from the Algoma Central Railway. Upon this land is many small bushcamps built on land leased for years through ACR. The first thing these suits from Toronto did was jack the land leases WAYYYYY up, making leasing this impossible for the working class folk who built them!


All of this comes down to our electoral power. Vote responsibly.

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That said, some of the towns these issues are going on around (White River), are ALSO dependent upon the millions of dollars injected into the local economy by guests of these outfitters, and the outfitters equipment/supplies.


Not as much as one would think, or be led to believe

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I didn't read all the posts in this item but you have to remember, politicians and political parties that govern the province change from time to time,BUT the beauracrtats that actually make the policy STAY until retirement.


The politicians don not have the knowledge to make all the right decisions and rely too much on their ministry officials and their recommendations before they table the required legislation or regulations that affect our access.


We would be better off if we could elect our ministry people.

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I don't mind this.


Though I agree, that closure of a lake/area should not occur to protect an outfitter. I am all for the restriction of access and closure of roads to motorized vehicle traffic. I believe those willing to put the work in to get to a wilderness lake should be rewarded with a wilderness experience. People are just looking to have remote fishing/hunting handed to them on a 4x4 platter. Don’t like it? Don’t want to put the effort in? This is why the MNR provides pressure deflecting and easy access fishing with stocking.


Now I understand that some people are less able than others and should be given the opportunity to enjoy the great resources available. Perhaps an application for exemption....I get this is wishful thinking and would otherwise encumber an MNR short enough on resources without dealing with human rights issues.


Personally I am tired of the road warrior mentality that leaves beer cans and Tim Horton cups as souvenirs on our back roads. There are nothing but benefits to getting out of the truck or off the atv. Seeing, hearing more animals, reduced carbon footprint, exercise.


Maybe this would breed some more respect into users of these remote areas. So instead of having a garbage dump at an access point to a lake it would be clean. Not many people want to portage cases of beer several kms to go camping. Using these areas should be thought of as a privilege offered to those who respect the land and its bounty. Respect is earned and grows when you must put forth blood and sweat to get to great fishing or hunting.


If you don’t want to put the effort in, there are more accessible areas to frequent or save up and pay an outfitter to take you.


These are my ramblings on the subject. Myself and some buddies work our butts off to get to these places, why can't other folks?

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